
Chapter eight

Lena's POV:

Well... i should admit, i like this family, i like Diego, Sarah, Their daughter or son, and i dont suspect Diego anymore, he has evidence that he was with Sarah in paris the time Alyssa went missing.. Me and Kara were staying here for 2 days now, we went swimming, in the pool behind the house. We played family games, monopoly (where me and Diego were playing like our life depended on it, Kara and Sarah gave up and watched us), we played Find Clue, scramble, Jenga, Normal Cards, Uno and guess the celebrity, in the last game we added more options and stuff. It was very fun, i started to feel like i belonged there, that i liked being around Kara, Diego, Sarah. It was like my family that i never had. we watched movies, Kara made huge amount of popcorn, we choose films like The notebook, Definitely maybe, terminator, lord of the rings marathon (Diego and Kara insisted) and many others. I didn't have fun like this for a long time. Me and Kara had our rooms upstairs. But of course, all the good things has their endings... it was time to check Ms Blakes family history. Winn was working on that, and he sent us mother's address. Apparently, her parents were divorced. Had a husband. No children, no siblings.

"Hey you ready to go?" Kara interrupted my thoughts. I cleared my throat and got up

"Of course! Where do we have to go?" _____________________________________________"When you said that we were going to London, i thought you were kidding!" I can't believe we are in London! In the freaking London!

"Well... apparently she isn't fully from America, her mother is english, her father is American." Oh okay. We were now walking on the street I didn't have time and mind to remember. "It should be right... right here!" We found a door, old oak door, with beautiful decorations. "So, here goes nothing" and Kara knocked. After some time, the old woman, with kind brown eyes opened door, she was surprised to see us.

"Oh um? Who are you?" She tried her best to stay polite

"I am so sorry for disturbing you miss...

"Blake Mary Blake"

"Miss Blake, We are here to investigate your daughters Alyssa Blake's case, she went missing" Miss Blakes eyes were wide, she looked scared, shocked.

"Oh my god! Please come in come in!" And she led us inside. House was small, but comfortable. Old furniture, oak tables and chairs. Antique things on shelves. Me and Kara sat on sofa Miss Blake showed us. She brought Tea and asked us if we wanted some, Kara said she'd like too, me? Well i am more coffee person. When everything was right, the woman asked us"So what do you need to know about my daughter?"

"Anything! Everything will help..." Kara answered "i am so sorry for your daughter miss, But we will need to know every detail to search for her" kara placed comforting hand on her hand. Woman smiled sadly. And she started, showing a little tear in her eyes.

"My daughter, Alyssa Blake. She took last name from me, she doesn't have a good relationship with her father. Neither do i. We raised her till 5, then we divorced. I won the court and Alyssa stayed with me. She always was ambitious and adventurous. She married Will Benson at age of 25. They really loved each other. And they planned a future, but then, Will got invited to a war in Afghanistan, we still haven't heard from him. After 5 years, Alyssa lost hope. She got cold and distant. She left London and went to America, i heard she had money problems, but i found out that late, some gentleman helped her find a job and apartment" my brain went to Diego, I couldn't believe I suspected this smiling ray of sunshine as known as Kara number 2. "She started her work in daily planet. She always texted me and called once a day. We had a good relationship" woman flashed a smile "so when she stopped calling me i was worried... But i thought it was because she was traveling and didn't have signal or time. If i had known... my poor baby" Miss Blake was crying a little, Kara got up and hugged her. Really.. how on the earth i was mad at this kindhearted puppy?

"Don't worry Ms Blake, we will find her" i heard myself say. Woman flashed a smile

"Thank you"____________________________________________"So I thought...." Kara started, she seemed hopeful and her eyes beamed. "We are in London... so we could go see city's eyesights? Or go to amusement park?" AHAH crap.. I really think this is bad idea... i know that Gala is in 4 days, and we have plenty of time... it's just, Kara and Me, having fun, in London...alone.

"I don't know Kara..." i could swear Kara was starting to pout

"pleaseee? Pretty pleaaseee? We deserved one day at amusement park! And i can win you fluffy bear!" I laughed, maybe it wasn't really bad idea

"Fine" Kara squealed with excitement, jumped up and down her eyes beaming with happiness and joy. "IF..." she stopped "you will really win me a fluffy bear" she laughed and smiled so brightly, sun would be jealous.

"YAY! Let's go then! Let's win a bear" oh.. how could i say no to this puppy?____________________________________________"THERE'S NO WAY IN HELL I AM GOING TO SIT THERE" is this woman crazy?! I can't sit on that wheel! it's bigger than building with 40 floors! FORTY FLOORS! Kara was standing there, again pouting. In one hand she had ice cream, the other she was holding a fluffy bear. Yeah, she actually won it. Dork. But hey back to London eye. "I AM AFRAID OF HEIGHTS IF YOU REMEMBER" she was pouting

"But pleeease? For me? One time? Just onee?" Ahh why is she gonna be so cute! Ah- i meant adorable! AH NO i meant...crap

"Okay! Fine! Just because i was being an asshole and was mad at you" she beamed and hugged me.

"First. Don't call yourself asshole Lena! It was my fault too and second. It's gonna be fun!" She kissed my cheek. And then ran to eye. I was blushing so hard. My cheek was burning. I felt my hand on it. Now i have to be with Kara. On London eye. Brilliant.

While i was blushing mess, who froze on one place, Kara brought tickets. No one was in our capsule. It was kinda relaxing knowing there would not be any sweaty people in capsule. Kara took my hand and we got in. I should admit. It was beautiful, But of course, some shit should happen always. And on top of the wheel, we got stuck. I panicked, Kara took my hand.

"Shhh. It's gonna be okay. We will come down soon"

"But if we will not?"

"Then ill break it" i sniffed a laugh

Kara smiled with very bright and self-satisfying smile. And she pumped her fist in the air

"What are you doing?" It was too funny to watch

"I made you laugh" she pumped her fist again. Dork.