
Can I Be a Cultivator with Only Luck?

What is Cultivation? Why do people Cultivate? What is a Cultivator? The answer depends on the person who has reached the peak of CULTIVATION. To reach the peak of Cultivation there can be infinite factors that can either help or destroy the person who is trying to defy the natural orders of things. Luck is one of the most powerful and overlook factors. Destiny? Doesn't mean shit in front of heaven defying Luck. Technique? Doesn't matter, with Luck there is no need to worry. A person might not be able to reach the peak of Cultivation with pure power, with unending effort or even with a heaven defying destiny. But with Luck a person can blast through any obstacle as easy as snapping a finger. Just depends on when your Luck runs out. Ha Ha Haaa.

BlueSalmon · Oriental
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26 Chs

Rabbit Hunting Season

"Mnm~ Ouch don't bite my nipple so hard darling, we have plenty of time~"

"Ahhh Ahhh~"

"It's so Biggggg~"

The sound of meat slapping each other could be heard across the entire inn. All the female servants were blushing and all the male servants were grinding their teeth in jealousy.

"Ah Roro you are the best, I'm about to burst" Fang Yun grabbed both of Roro's butt cheeks while pounding her tiny pink cave. Since his Shlong has gotten a bit thicker and longer. Roro's entire world view had changed.

She no longer had clear eyes when they were interacting intimately. Instead after her quivering and trembling sessions begin, her pink cave will tighten to an abnormal degree. The softness in the walls increases. Her state of mind seems to be somewhere in between intense ecstasy and world shaking pleasure.

Every thrust by Fang Yun causes her to leak my love juice and make her closer to heaven. The bed was shaken intensely, if there was no friction on the floor the bed could have traveled more than 1000 miles.

"Take my cum Roro"

"Ah~ Good Good Let's cum together Darling~"

*Creak Creak Creak Creak Pah*

White liquids enter the small pink tunnel. Roro's stomach felt warm and energized. That feeling made her state of mind go blank. Her body stopped moving except for her lower part which was shaking uncontrollably. After Fang Yun pulled out, white liquid gushes out of Roro's pink cave.

"Ah, truly a demoness"

With that being done, Fang Yun picked up a towel and wiped the sweat and juices that filled the walls and the floor around the rooms. Once he was done cleaning he picked Roro up and put her on his lap and gave her a hug. "I'm going to go to the rabbit cave today, do you want to come with me, Roro" Fang Yun said with the most caring and gentle voice he could say.

Roro's eyes turn back from a pink luster to the same purple color. She hugged Fang Yun back and said "Mm, okay but after we hunt the rabbit I have to go back, so we might need to- Wu Wu sep-seperate"

After saying that she began to cry.

"Don't cry, you are already mine so we will definitely meet again. In my heart you are my wife and I am your husband. Our body may separate, but our hearts will always be linked together"

Fang Yun rubbed Roro's hair lovingly. Roro smiled "Then you better come and visit this princess, if you don't come I'll bite you to death, Gaa"

Fang Yun laughed then said "By the way do you have any weapons I can use, something like a sword would be nice. Oh and some clothes too, mine got burnt"

"I can give you a normal sword, for the clothes I can give you some of my robes but as for shirts or pants well you have to find them yourself" While saying that Roro began to blush lightly.

After eating Lunch in the inn, they took around an hour to prepare and left the inn going to the rabbit cave.

Fang Yun focuses his energy on the point between his eyebrows urging it to show his current information.


[Display User Information]

[User: Fang Yun]

[Age: 16/???]

[Cultivation: Second Level of Qi Condensate]

[Fortune Points: 1]

[Mana Pool: 0]

[Essence extract: 2]

[Partners: 2]

[Lucky Draw: 1]

[Fortune Sutra: 2]

"hmph, with how strong I am feeling now I bet I can, fuck that rabbit up with just a single hit hahaha, I even got a trump card"

The afternoon sun was shining down onto the dark and eerie woods. Small rustling could be heard from the trees when it was battered by random wind flow.

The further the couple walk, the darker their surroundings become. Fang Yun realized that last time he ran it was dark because of the withered tree branch that seems to pile endlessly above his head.

After walking for an hour, they finally arrive at the tree with the corpse. Walking past it they went into the bleak forest, looking for a path to the cave that is on the small mountain.

At the entrance of the cave Roro pulled Fang Yun back. Then she took out her whip and struck at the tree entrance.


A transparent barrier was struck by a whip, a few seconds later it collapsed like broken glass.

"That is the barrier set up by the village, normally they will enter to hunt minor rabbits using a badge, but we're going to hunt the boss so it will not trouble the village anymore" Roro said with a stern and solemn face.

"Gotcha, Let's go rabbit hunting girl hahaha" With that Fang Yun swings his sword up and down while walking. Sometimes rabbits with dark blue furs would jump out of random bushes around them.

All the rabbits around them were all the size of an adult cat. They are not too powerful but they are fast. Occasionally some would get close to Fang Yun but Roro was also a step quicker, snapping her whip at them in an instant.

After wondering the first for sometime, the little light that was shining from the sky before was now completely gone. The forest seems to be completely silent.

"Roro I think we are almost there, get ready and prepare yourself, I'll be the vanguard and you'll be the support" Fang Yun turns around and smiles at Roro.

"hmph, worry about yourself pervert, who the hell wears only a robe without any clothes under?" Roro was causing Fang Yun, every time the wind blew past him, she could see a certain thing under his abdomen. That certain thing made her face blush and her pink hole moist.

"Hey Hey it can't be helped, I don't want to wear those weird ass shorts, by the way do you have any torch or something that can light the way? It's getting pretty dark now"

Roro nodded and took out a small orange color stone. She held on to it while closing her eyes, a minute later their surroundings became visible again. The stone in Roro's hand was shining with orange light.

"Holy shit, what is that stone. Looks so fucking convenient, I want one" Fang Yun look at the stone with excitement.

"This is a fire dust stone, their main purpose is lighting up the way. They required an input of energy to operate, depending on how much energy you pour in, ours should last about an hour before it needs refilling"

After walking for an extra 15 minutes, they arrived in front of the cave on top of the mountain. Surrounding the cave were broken burial stones, pieces of bones and a stench so bad it could make even the most bravest people grimace.


[Transmigrated Creature Detected]

[Dark Fiend Rabbit Demon]

[Status: Injured]

[Creature energy level: Forth level of qi condensation]

[Threat Level: medium]

"Hahahaha the threat is now medium, before it was high. This is going to be an easy hunt hahahahaah. Give me your body you beautiful demon rabbit"

Deep inside the cave, even deeper than where the Dark Fiend Rabbit was residing. A man who looks like a withered corpse was sitting crossed leg on top of a blood red colored altar.

When the roar of the Dark Fiend Rabbit rang out, the corpse opened its eyes, its pupil reflected bloodthirst and killing intent. It looked in the direction of Zi Xuero.

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