
Chapter 36: Mesembryanthemum

After a brief period of mourning, the group depart toward their destination. Before doing so, Azumi uses his bird wind golem and send a letter from Aurora to the duke himself regarding the event that happen.

Due to the sheer size of the group, it is inevitable that the group have to move slowly and yet no one complaint anything. The group also doesn't have to worry about any food supply since Alfin's and Azumi's item box is filled with them. Still, they exercise caution in case of any other Emergency

Along the way, the cage that the merchants were placed shake here and there, at first they protest asking to be treated more nicely (and also demand more food). Annoyed by the whining

"Cold water" [Azumi]

"You bastard" [Scum B]

"Icy wind" [Azumi]

"Please stop it! I don't say anything, just do it to my friend that protest" [Scum A]

"hey you!" [Scum C]

"gust" [Azumi]

"Hoi stop it" [Scum C]

"heat withdrawal" [Azumi]

"Please stop, we beg you" [Scum A]

After a series of magic aim to make them cold, they finally stop whining. Azumi on top of having to use his magical energy to pull this cage also have to use wide area of search, so when hearing their whine, he can't help but to feel annoyed

"Teacher, how about you leave carrying the carriage to us, you can just focus on using search" [Guz]

"Are you sure about it?" [Azumi]

"Yes, there are five of us, so we can alternate, plus we just have to use either earth or neutral mana onto this cage golem, it is also a good practice don't you guys think so" [Guz]

"""'Definitely"""" [Blanc, Blade, Lydia, Emma]

"If you insist, thanks for the help" [Azumi]

"Alright, Guz you go first show us how weak you are" [Blanc]

"As if, I am going to push it the longest" [Guz]

"Emma will win though" [Blade]

"Oh, that's rare for you to said something Blade" [Lydia]

"Just stating the obvious" [Blade]

With that, Azumi stop supplying his own magic to cage golem and give the authority to the five students

Golem only move by supplying the mana of those who created it or by those the creator give permission to. While this rule hold true to man made magic golem, a natural golem doesn't work by this rule, it as if the owner of those golem is nature itself

Guz begin to supply neutral mana to the golem since he doesn't have any affinity toward earth magic. Eventhough it is cold, it is obvious that he is sweating

"This, this is harder than i thought" [Guz]

"Such weakling" [Blanc]

"Come on Guz, be a man, don't give up!' [Lydia]

"I am trying my best here" [Guz]

"Don't worry, take your time, to move a golem like your teacher did require a great amount of mana, the same can be said true for your mana control" [Aurora]

"Think of this as a next step training from using search magic though, you not only apply mana continuously but also control it at the same time over a period of time" [Alfin]

"Now that the Captain and princess said it that way" [Guz]

With that, they continue their training. Like Blade's have said, Emma with using a neutral mana push the carriage the longest while Blanc with good earth affinity came second

After some time have passed and almost three quarter of distance covered, they meet a group of soldier

"Sir Aurora"

Knowing it is the army under his father command, Aurora step up and greet them

"Seeing you guys, I suppose father had received the letter" [Aurora]

"Yes and he command us to help my lord" [Soldier]

"Thank you" [Aurora]

With the help of the army, their travel speed increases back and travel become more smoother. The army also bring food and water supply with then to be distributed to the group

At the morning of 21st day, 3 days from the expected arrival date, they arrive at Mesembryanthemum, famous for its cold weather and Valley. The town is smaller as compared to the capital but it is still buzzling with life

With Aurora and the armies help, they passed the waiting line and enter the city wall. A sigh of relief can be heard from everyone as they have finally arrive while the armies transport the merchant to the prison. There seem to be zero resistance as they are clearly exhausted, well Azumi only give them a minimum amount of food and water and prohibited the other from giving it to them, so even if there are resistance, the armies can handle it without any difficulty.

after they pass through the gate

"Well then everyone, welcome to Mesembryanthemum" [Aurora]

happy eid mubarak (or as the Malaysian said selamat hari Raya aidilfitri)

muhammad_azmeecreators' thoughts