
Chapter 181: Rescue operation part 6

And now, we see how Alfin, Aqua, Angeline, Lisa and Kisa are doing. Having received the information that the villagers are being used as a sacrificial material to open up an ancient temple that store powerful artifact, the four of them decide to rescue them. Plus, they also received information that children from various races were kidnapped and brought as a slave for the same purpose, and knowing the existence of ADA group, Alfin and Aqua start to act extra cautious

"Princess Alfin, do you think the mysterious person that Teacher Azumi in report will be there?" [Lisa]

"Well, for our safety purpose, let just hope he wasn't there, but..." [Alfin]

"But?" [Kisa]

"If he is there, there are few questions that I would like to ask him" [Alfin]

"If he is there, the four of you should prioritize saving yourself first, from what Azumi told, he isn't someone that is good in a direct combat situation, but again, from Albert and Angeline report regarding the attack at Mesembryanthemum castle, he seem to have number of artifact in his possession, not to mention he might as well have few fake raja in his disposal right now" [Aqua]

"And what will you do?" [Kisa]

"Well it's obvious, I'm the one that will be confronting him" [Aqua]

"But what if he overpowered you with all the artifact and fake raja?" [Angeline]

"If that happens, I will simply retreat, that after making sure all four of you are safe" [Aqua]

"He seem dangerous, let just hope Lady Hinata will send someone reliable to help us" [Lisa]

"Same here" [Alfin]

Their talk just now raised some anxious feeling as they pace through the forest to reach the ancient temple. With Aqua acting constantly using search magic (by using the water molecules in the air to tell the presence of enemy surrounding the group) and Lisa and Kisa, the half human half elf twins using their wood magic to ease their travel in the forest, they managed to avoid being detected while also moving at good pace. Whenever Aqua detect any monster, she will either slay it down instantly, not even giving the monster enough time to react much less making any noises or she will ask the twin to divert the monster path by using their wood magic

"Still, I can't believe little Angeline here can move quite well inside this dark forest" [Lisa]

"Yeah, she is better than Princess Alfin" [Kisa]

"Kisa!" [Lisa]

"It's alright, I don't mind" [Alfin]

"Well, before Big brother Azumi rescue me, I had to lived inside an abandoned wooden shack at the forest depth, and my family member still help me a lot during that time, so I guess that's why I get used to it" [Angeline]

"Sorry..." [Lisa]

"Now I feel like crying" [Kisa]

"Same here" [Aqua]

"You don't have to worried much about it, I mean now I have a great big brother as well as great big sister with me, so I'm happy" [Angeline]

"Can I join you guys to cry as well" [Alfin]

"Big sis Alfin..." [Angeline]

Using a dim light magic to look at the map given to her by Salim, Alfin ask the twins to confirm their position inside the forest and the twin simultaneously answer, pointing at the same spot without any hesitation

"I see, we are halfway through the forest" [Alfin]

"If we keep up with our current pace, we can reach there before midnight" [Aqua]

"Hmmph!" [Angeline]

"Yeah, I guess it better for us to keep our current pace, if we rush we might exhaust ourselves and it will be bad if something happens and we can't react to that" [Kisa]

"Agree" [Alfin]

The five of them keep on transversing the forest at their current pace, and once they are almost there

"I can feel it!" [Aqua]

Aqua told the group

"How many?" [Alfin]

"Well, let just said a lot, but I'm not sure which one is the villagers and which one is from the country below the wind" [Aqua]

"Do you want us to take a look?" [Lisa]

"No need to, the four of you stay here, I'll be the one to scout" [Aqua]

"Be careful" [Angeline]

"I will" [Aqua]