
Chapter 177: Rescue operation part 2

"Oh wind, from around the world, gather around me and make another world around me, wind terrain" [Slyph]

In silence, Slyph chant those spell, encasing the unaware troop of soldiers that keep on marching without a care. They might be too tired at this point of time, who not? After being tasked to enter the enemy country, even witnessing the terror of the rampaging spirit, and now asked to continue to god know where in the middle of the night without even a rest, surely they have hit their limit, both physically and mentally, maybe even emotionally, but all of this factor combined do bring the advantage towards the four adventure

Slyph Wind terrain, couple with the fact that the second month having abundance of wind mana in the air, cover a large area, so large that it's basically overkill, but she doesn't want to take nay risk, as failure might mean her master will be taken away from her forever. Khamishah and Kucin, knowing that Mrs Kirthiga having the same spell, wind terrain under her arsenal, are still impressed by the sheer size of the wind terrain that Slyph demonstrate, but that's only the beginning

"Will you do the heavy breathing spell?" [Kucin]

"Oh, Kirthiga must have used it in front of you" [Khamishah]

"Opposite, I'll do the breath stealing spell" [Slyph]

"It sound brutal" [Salim]

"Because it does" [Slyph]

Under Slyph chant

"Oh air, inside the living organism, by my command, escape! Breath stealing spell!" [Slyph]

She directed the magic toward the group of soldiers, who in a second, started to choke, gasping for air but alas, Slyph have already taken an extra step to steal their breath away

"Vacuum spell huh... you are one terrifying ethos" [Kronbir]

"Talk later, strike now" [Khamishah]

"Understood" [Other]

With the signal from Khamishah, Kronbir asked Kucin for a boost so that he can leap higher into the air

"Don't get any perverting thought afterward you shorty!" [Kucin]

As Kronbir leap into the air, Kucin uses mini explosion magic to propel Kronbir even further, and once the desired height were achieved, Kronbir dive straight into the ground, with his earth hammer imbued with magic, he strike the ground, creating a crater, making the already suffering soldiers losses their footsteps.

(That's Karonlir the Earthquake's son alright!) [Khamishah]

Kucin, with her 4 basic elements, begin firing all the elements that she can use

"Why don't you use the mirage magic as well?" [Salim]

"That stealth mode magic you see just now required me using a mirage magic stone, so no" [Kucin]

"I see" [Salim]

Salim on the other hand, just slice his way through the now almost lifeless soldier, they are tough without a doubt, but having their oxygen taken away are no joke. Still, this spell can be used only for a short while, maximum of one minute have been told to them, but a minute is all that they need

Khamishah, with all her ten strings in place, imbued it with wind magic, all ten of them, and now the amount of wind magic in her string are nothing to laugh at.

As if dancing to a rhythm, she swing her weapon gracefully, to the outsider, it looks astounding (minus the blood that is), but for those soldiers, they are experiencing hell, as those sharp strings further sharpen by wind magic, in wind rich mana month, inside the wind terrain erect by wind spirit, overkill without a doubt

Seeing as how all the enemy had been suppressed, Slyph stopped her breath stealing magic

"Not even 20 second have passed and looked at the damage done" [Slyph]

"This is the very definition of overkill" [Sister Miriam]

"Agree" [Sister Anessa]

But it have to be done, they quickly tied all the soldiers and drag them towards a secluded spot in the forest, so that other soldier can't detect them. Kronbir even go as far as repairing the road with his earth magic just to further hide the evidence of a battle happening in this area.

Once their mouth are gagged with whatever material that can be found, mostly thick leaves, and tied to the trees, The lich begin to use her memory dive magic onto her target, as well as some important looking soldier

"I found the route that they had taken to transport Garuda!" [Aunty Miriam]

"Good, let us move in haste" [Khamishah]