
Chapter 17: Dungeon exploring part 2

9th floor, it is still consider an easy part of the dungeon

Having Kucin who is a regular "visitors" in this dungeon and her keen senses make navigating the dungeon easier as she discovered most of the trap and she also know the shortest route to the next floor

"here are the rest area before we fight the first mini boss, its usually the fire horse, but sometimes they will spawn other like fire tiger or even giant zombie" [Kucin]

"So Alfin, do you need help to fight the boss room?" [Azumi]

"It depends, but if possible I want to fight it all alone" [Alfin]

"Alright, but both of us will intervene if things go south" [Azumi]

"sure" [Alfin]

They rest for a while in the rest area, there are no other adventure in this area. Rest area or also call safe area is an area where the dungeon magical influence are at it's weakest, therefore there is no monster or trap that will be found here, of course that also applied to any treasure or valuable ore

They then proceed to the 10th floor where Alfin will fight the boss, once she enter, she found 2 large fire horses waiting, mini boss are spawn randomly, Alfin said that there seem to be some calculations done by the dungeon to decide the number and type of mini boss but she couldn't figure it out, yet...

"ouh, Alfin, i think you should leave one of it to us" [Azumi]

"Yes, this fire horse is larger than usual, and i can tell it is also stronger than usual" [Kucin]

"Alright, Kucin, can you help me with one of it" [Alfin]

"leave it to me Sis!" [Kucin]

Kucin and Alfin then prepare their weapon, Kucin uses a claw like weapon and imbude it with water magic, and with some fauna magic she use it to enhance her reflex

She first dash toward the fire horse and slash the fire horse, but the fire horse were also quick to react as it surround itself with fire wall, so Kucin jump upward and shoot water arrow toward the horse and hit it splendidly

The fire horse react by breathing large fire ball and shoot it toward her, which she quickly dodge with help of wind magic

The horse only reacting to Kucin thus forgot about Alfin, and due to this fatal mistake Alfin shoot a light arrow and it pierce the neck of the horse, the horse try to dodge the arrow at the last second so that it will avoid it vital spot, but this light arrow magic have also a chain attach to it so that the horse could not run away, and once again Alfin shoot multiple light arrow with chain attach to it and hold the horse by attaching the end of the chain to the ground

Taking advantage of this situation, Kucin quickly aim at the carotid area of the horse with her claw and in one smooth movement, she slice that area, causing the horse to bleed profusely, and as the horse struggling to escape she launch multiple water ball to damage the horse, finally, the horse were taken down

"Nicely done Kucin" [Alfin]

"your support are really good sis" [Kucin]

"That because I have every confidence in my little sister" [Alfin]

"you both did really well" [Azumi]

"you really love those ice shark missile aren't you" [Alfin]

"well it easier to defeat it that way" [Azumi]

As for Azumi, he straight away launch the same technique he use against Guz's party and once the fire horse is struggling, he cut the horse neck with his keris, ending the battle instantly

"Alfin, you better process the magic core right now, we will help" [Azumi]

"right" [Alfin]

Azumi and Kucin dismantle the fire horse and put away any worthy material into the item box, as for the magic core they give it to Alfin

Using Fire stone that was prepared beforehand, she draw a magic circle of enhancement and proceed to ask Azumi to activate the magic circle with a strong fire mana, with the magic core in the centre, it become enchanted and thus become more powerful, once done, she put the core into item box

"well, there are rest area on 11th floor, so let go there first" [Kucin]

"well, it is night outside, so we should end our 1st day exploring there" [Azumi]

"yes, i am also tired and a good night rest will be much appreciated" [Alfin]

They then proceed to the 11th floor