
Chapter 125: Ancient device vs Artifact

"What invention will you come up with Brother, Sis Alfin?" [Kucin]

"First off, just how did you manage to read us just by those three lines, and secondly, we are thinking of making the same ancient device that Sharafudin imitating right now" [Azumi]

"Ancient device huh..." [Aqua]

"Did you know something about it, Aqua" [Alfin]

"Not much, the god and the spirit might know much more about it, even Titania might know it considering her position" [Aqua]

"I have zero knowledge about such thing" [Fizumi]

"Still, are you talking about the device they called television?" [Queen Zanariah]

"If I am not mistaken, there have been multiple attempts on making back and reviving such devices, but so far none have succeeded" [Emma]

"True, as far as I knew, the ancient device that the Church keep also not functioning, but the artifact on the other hand are fully functional, though they themselves still haven't decipher any of those artifact technology yet" [Mother Theresia]

"Guz, What is the difference between artifact and ancient device again?" [Lydia]

"Lydia! Have you been studying properly!" [Mother Theresia]

"I am, it just that I forgot about it" [Lydia]

"Haha, I can vouch for her, we did study together" [Emma]

"Emma..." [Lydia]

"Well, answering your questions, ancient device and the artifact are basically an old age technology, one having been enhanced by the magic and still functioning till this day called as artifact and another one is those without any magic in it called ancient device." [Guz]

"Ahh! Now I remember" [Lydia]

"Really? Then tell me about it properties" [Azumi]

"That's easy, ancient device is the one where technology of that current time is integrated with magic core and magic stone to help bypass it limit by combining science and magic whereas artifact is the other way around" [Lydia]

"To make those confident face when answering and yet the answer given is wrong" [Kucin]

"Huh?" [Lydia]

"You have it in reverse order" [Emma]

"Lydia!" [Mother Theresia]

"I'm sorry Mother" [Lydia]

"Emma, make sure she study properly this night" [Mother Theresia]

"Sure, leave it to me" [Emma]

"Still, are the both of you thinking of making the television? For what purpose?" [Queen Zanariah]

"Well, When we take a stroll to come here, Alfin and I here some talk from the citizen regarding the recent event" [Azumi]

"With how they talk about the event, I just thought of broadcasting my thoughts whenever and wherever I want as to influence them to change into a better person" [Alfin]

"I see, but be careful, while I can see the goodness in those technology, I can also see the darker side" [Queen Zanariah]

"Why is that?" [Lydia]

"Well, if Alfin can send a positive message through this method, what made you think Kniaz and the other baddies can't do the same?" [Azumi]

"Plus, those with impure intention can use it to deliberately give a false news to confuse the masses" [Alfin]

"Basically it's a double edged sword, use it right and everything will be fine, but give it to a wrong hand and I can't imagine what will happen" [Queen Zanariah]

"Still, we can't be sure yet right? I mean can't we just wait and see what will happen?" [Lydia]

"While I do agree with you on that one, us in the royal research must always think of benefits and risk of each of our invention, those that do something to only harm the other are definitely dangerous, but those that only think of inventing something without even thinking of the pros and cons are way more dangerous" [Alfin]

"Still, making a television, how I wish I can join making it together with both of you" [Emma]

"I think Blade will be delighted as well" [Guz]

"As for Guz, Blanc and I, I don't think we have half the brain as those two for this kind of activities" [Lydia]

"You can count me in for that also" [Kucin]

"Well, the concept are nice, but all talks and no action amount to nothing" [Queen Zanariah]

"True, if both of you wanted to make or imitate the ancient device, it will require a lot of time and effort, if anything arise do tell us, we will help in anyway possible" [Mother Theresia]

"Well, we can always hit the library whenever we want, but I appreciate the thought. And I will ask for help if anything arise" [Alfin]

"True, but we have to enhance the magic core first, and as for me I have to enhance my Keris as well" [Azumi]

"Well, we will have a lot of shopping to do!" [Alfin]

"Oh dear..." [Azumi]

"Good luck on that one Brother" [Kucin]

"Thanks, oh by the way, just give me your new weapon later, All six of you, and if there is any added features that you guys want just write it down. We will add some magic stone and magic core to it" [Azumi]

"Is that alright?" [Kucin]

" Sure, we are going to need a lot of magic core and magic stone, and by a lot I really meant a lot of it, so rather than wasting some magic core here and there, I believe we can just enhance back the failed magic core and put it in your weapon, that way it won't be wasted" [Alfin]

"If you said so, thank you brother, Sis Alfin!" [Kucin]

""You are welcome"" [Alfin, Azumi]

I finally did it, a full chapter only consisting of dialogue

muhammad_azmeecreators' thoughts