
Can't fall for you

Sana, an ambitious girl, ready to face the world. She gets into the scandal with a famous Actor Andrew, who is also her friend and teenage crush. She gets a very handsome but arrogant billionaire boss, and working with him seems impossible. Does things get different in her life after the entry of her self-claimed boyfriend, is this the leading to the romantic path of her life? Read to explore Have an amazing day! -AlienMonster

AlienMonster · Urbain
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4 Chs

I have a Boyfriend!?

I was standing on stage and all lights on me, I was wearing a black split bodycon dress, hairs open, light makeup. Someone pulled be back holding my waist, I could feel his bare chest against my back and took my hands, music started playing "can we dance?" it was Andrew, "yes" we started dancing.

Andrew stopped and the drums rolling which increased my heart beat, now it was beating like crazy "Sana" I raised my head, I couldn't understand his expression. He started coming closer, I closed my eyes and started pouting unknowingly…

Was he going to kiss me? I don't know but he started pulling my legs "Aiyee… wakeup , you dumb girl, till what time do you sleeping" why was he talking like my grandma. Just then someone pulled me very hard that I had to wake up, it was alex , I was is in my same old night dress, Was it all a dream? I was sad but the reality, that he wants to meet me after all the mess is brutal. "oh Alex it was you I don't know why I was hearing my grandma's voice maybe cz I have been hiding…" my grandma came out of restroom "what have you been hiding" I was panicked at this moment "who..what..hiding...what hiding" but then Alex saved me "she got a job, dadi, she was just hiding because she wanted to surprise you with a gift" we all call my grandma as dadi. "oh is it? Okay that was good I want some gift from all of you" this came out of blue. "What gift dadi?" alex asked, "I was thinking to open online bakery, so I want all of your help at night and also with the online thing". Alex looked the most exited "dadi! Don't worry about that, I am there for you". I grew up with my dadi and I have no one as my family except her right now and she knows Alex and Dia from my teenage, it really feels like a family. She continued, "One more thing, I am shifting here and no more drinking in this house" again this was shocking. There were only three rooms but still we decided to adjust but the drinking part was not good but we didn't even have other choice.

I looked at my watch it was already 9:25 A.M, I was 25 minutes late, so I rushed into the company while taking hangover tablets but Ethan was there explaining something to someone, his husky voice was echoing in the corridor. I tried to walk past him without getting noticed but ofcourse it didn't happen "Miss. Sana Achar, you are late by 25 min.." "I am sorry sir, I could expl.." "you might have been mistaken, in my office" I was walking towards his office and a guy signed "you are dead" my heart started racing. He entered the room and closed the door "didn't Raheem explain you? I give my first priority to discipline" " I am sorry, this won't repeat" "I hate listening sorry, I don't know what Raheem explain you but listen carefully, you should be five minutes before me to office, you will have to memorise all my schedule and you have to be around me at all the work times, you have driving licence?" "han..?..yes" "okay then you pick me up at morning and drive me home at night, apart from this I think raheem has explained you everything, and be disciplined and responsible, its not easy as getting drunk at night and coming late the next day, so you can't drink from today, and its doesn't even take me a bit of effort to fire you so be careful, bring me today's schedule and tea without sugar". Until I could take him schedule and tea, he kept hundreds of files on the desk and told me to memorise few and approve few designs, literally it three people to move these files to my desk. He was really an arrogant brat, but I don't know why people are crazy behind him everywhere. I was lost in my thought that a girl was standing Infront of me "how could you come alive out of the fucking Ethan Agarwal's Den" "I know right!" I sighed, "I am Raha, I work in the PR department, I know you from the video, Sana and also you look like a good girl, wanna grab a tea" I laughed at her introduction, we went for a tea and she gossiped a lot about Ethan, that how everyone is afraid of him and how arrogant he is. She even told me that one of his ex-secretaries got fired because someone spread rumours that they were dating, all I could drive is that he was really scary but I decided to stick to my work.

The next three days spent in memorising the files and approving the designs and all the designs I had approved got rejected for some or the other reason. Neither did he specify what kinda designs he wanted nor did he approved, but he definitely made me over work I was already done with this job.

It was Sunday and I didn't have to see arrogant Aggarwal's face today but I had to meet Andrew I was having mixed emotions and I didn't want to prepare this time. I was rather happier for not seeing Ethan. I went to the hotel Andrew called me, it was a very luxurious hotel rather than the normal hotels I have went with him. He was sitting there looking at his phone, he looks so handsome even from distance. I wondered if I was dressed enough to meet him at this hotel, just then Neha Kapoor passed by me, she was my favourite actor, I wanted to go behind and talk to her but maybe that would be inappropriate so I went straight to Andrew. He already ordered for me too, I took the seat. Now I was all nervous I didn't know how to start and I didn't wanted to let him speak first because I didn't know what he would say, I was already a lot embarrassed " I have a boyfriend" out of confusion, I just said it. He had a lot of question mark on his face, "I mean, I am really embarrassed by my act that day, I was drunk.. and.. I don't know what and all I said... I am really sorry and I am really happy for you guys, don't get me wrong, I was drunk that day" I said this all-in-one go. "you have a boyfriend?" my anxiety was at peak so I took the glass of wine to drink but just then someone held my hands and said "yes" from behind.

who is this guy? is he Sana's boyfriend? how will this affect her relationship with Andrew, stay tuned to know...

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