
Can't fall for you

Sana, an ambitious girl, ready to face the world. She gets into the scandal with a famous Actor Andrew, who is also her friend and teenage crush. She gets a very handsome but arrogant billionaire boss, and working with him seems impossible. Does things get different in her life after the entry of her self-claimed boyfriend, is this the leading to the romantic path of her life? Read to explore Have an amazing day! -AlienMonster

AlienMonster · Urbain
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4 Chs

Broken Heart Scandal

All I could hear was Alex yelling "stop Sana stop", but am I afraid, NO! not at all.

I struggled to climb up on the chair with that red frock, one leg on the table and another on the chair, slightly leaned, I was feeling like the Queen of the world and then I started my speech "let me raise the toast to my friend Farzeen and Andrew who just proposed her. I am happy for you guys I am so happy that" I raise the whole champagne bottle and drunk in one go and here Alex comes to handle me but I climbed on the table on which I was keeping my legs but it was a lot slippery to stand on this glass table with my heels. But I continued "what was I saying?" crowd started laughing, "Andrew, how can you just do this, I mean how? so guys, my crush from past 7 years just proposed his gir…" I moved but I slipped and fell on the flour bumping my butts and then I exclaimed "oh no, my butts hurt now…"

This night was one of the worst nightmares come true for me, let me explain I am Sana Achar, 24 years old, unemplyed. I got a text from Dia in the evening that she would be late for the party, before I could call dia, I could hear the bell ringing, I opened to see it that it was Alex who was yelling at me "it's already 7:30 P.M do you girls even understand the traffic in Bangalore and where is she?" I dragged him out of the house explaining that Dia will be late for the party and she would reach there directly, he was mad but I didn't had any alternative option but to tell him. Then we took the cab.

Dia and Alex were my friends and roommates and we all were invited for Andrew's party who is my high school friend and my crush from past 7 years. He has become an actor now and he is famous. I met Andrew in my high school and we became friends very quickly. We used to share a lot of things and I even talked to his parents that he wanted to join acting school instead of law school. I really envy those days but then we went to different colleges which created distance between us but we used to be in touch.

With all these thoughts going on in my mind I was meeting my high school friends and then suddenly I could feel someone tapping my shoulders, and whispered in my ears "would you mind talking to me, Sana?" I could feel the current throughout my body, it was Andrew. I turned to him and I was all nervous "how are you? Long-time no see" he replied "Yep, long time no see. Are you dating someone these days?" this was enough to get back all those feelings for him, I hesitantly replied "no, I am not" and to change the topic I asked him "you have become a very good actor now I really proud of you and before anything else congrats for your first filmfare" this lit him up "thank you so much dear, this is something that I really wanted to hear from you for a long time, I am really satisfied, especially that coming from the topper Sana" he started laughing, he always used to tease me for being a nerd. Then he continued "so what are you doing these days?" this is something that I really didn't wanted to be asked, I wasn't understanding what to say but Farzeen came calling for him "oh Andrew I had been searching for you everywhere and Sana, My darling how are you?" that was really lifesaving "I am good how are you farzeen" she smiled at me and continued " I am really sorry that I have to take him away for a while" I was a bit sad but I tried to be calm and smiled "he is all yours" just then Alex came to me and started smirking "talking to your crush han" he started teasing and then we started gossiping with few friends.

I heard someone clearing throat on mic "hello everyone, I just want all of your attention for few minutes, I am really happy that all of you came here tonight to celebrate my first filmfare, hopefully a lot to come in the future its all because of you guys but I am not here to give my winning speech here huh… I wanted to say something to someone very special to me" he ran from the stage, I really felt unreal and as if he will come to me and hold my hand but he went to Farzeen and kneeled, I couldn't believe my eyes I knew that they were dating but still unknowingly my tears started falling and Alex held my hand. Andrew continued "Farzeen! let's grow old together, Will you marry me?" and then she said yes the whole crowd was cheering and few were posting live videos.

I could not stand there I went to bar counter and I started drinking, alex came following me he was trying to console me but I was not listening to anything. Alex was snatching alcohol away but I wasn't letting it go, I got so hammered that I had to bump my butts at the end of the day.

'Sana wakeup, you sleeping like this after this whole disaster' dia was yelling at me and I could hear some drunk women talking nuts. I was so angry that I threw a pillow at her 'who is that drunk women tell her to sto…' I was cut by my words and dia just pulled me out of my bed and then handed me her phone, it was me who was drunk and saying all those things. Alex explained me everything that happened last night, Dia was shouting "how bad you are at handling yourself after getting drunk, I was just late by an hour you done this whole thing and that this video has got 12million views in one night". I could not believe my senses that I got myself into a scandal right now. I opened my phone just to see thousands of messages on my social media and hundreds of calls from literally everyone I would ever know and from my grandma, on top of that Dia and Alex were continuously yelling at me. I was having hundreds of questions in my mind right now like how am I gonna get a job now, what will I say to my grandma what will all of those people feeling about me more than anyone what will Andrew feel about me and I was getting Farzeen with a sword in her hand is she gonna kill me? I literally ruined everything in one night, I literally wanted to disappear at this moment.

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Join the journey with sana to explore if she can get out of this scandel, would she make a place in Andrew's heart or will she get a new turning?

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