
Chapter Title: (87) You're The Bermuda Triangle Of The Group Chat-02

"Not by a long shot but that doesn't mean you're allowed to leave school whenever you want to. And I kept my grades up. An over ninety average all through high school," he retorted calmly. Marley probably would've jumped into Ian's defence but she was in no place to start battling with Aiden. Ian would have to handle this himself while she got her agency back because right now it was in smithereens so bad it's embarrassing. Ian threw his hands up, "I get A's!...Sometimes."

"Point proven. Stay in school."

Marley let out a sigh and slumped in her seat, jumping when she felt Aiden's lips at her ear, speaking so his brother couldn't hear him. "Oh, and consider that my response to you telling me I help you advertise yourself to other guys."