
Chapter Title: (146) The Same Guy Who Made A Booger Scrapbook-03

"I'm assuming you're the guy I spoke to on Skype?" Gavin asked from the backseat. Gabby was sat in the middle per Aiden's very polite request.

Aiden shot Gavin a hard look in the mirror, "Yes. And Marley's my girl now, which means if you make a move on her you'll find yourself on the side of the highway."

Marley pinched the bridge of her nose with a sigh, "Caveman, meet Gavin. Gavin, meet Caveman."

Aiden shrugged, "I've been called worse."

"Mostly by me," Leo shot back, "You're too easy to one-up."

"Because I don't need to insult you when you insult yourself with the shit that comes out of your mouth every day."

"Marley!" Leo whined girlishly, "Aiden's being mean to me! Tell him to stoooop."

"How about the both of you stop?" Marley suggested, "Where's the aux chord? Silence in a car with you two is deadly."

"Mine's on Bluetooth," Aiden replied, passing his phone back to her while keeping his eyes on the road.