
Chapter 8-P1

She had to hand it to him. Marley had asked Aiden for everything to go back to the way it was, and in a roundabout way, he listened. He sat beside her, looked her square in the eyes,

"Have we met before?"

After she sputtered and choked briefly, he shrugged carelessly and looked away from her again. The only nick in his nearly flawless mask of indifference was the small tilt of the right side of his lips. He knew exactly what he was doing.

"There is no such thing as starting over, as turning back the clock."

Mr. Richardson is a gentle, sort of jolly man. He paced around the front of the room, dictating the syllabus and giving his students a brief rundown of what to expect for the next three months. He brought out a list of the assigned lab partners for this month ten minutes before their first break.