
Chapter 18-1. still hurt


Over the last three hours of rotting in the drunk tank, Marley and Jamie had been deteriorating slowly. Marley looked to him in her exhausted haze. His short-cropped dark blonde hair was matted and damp, his eyelids fluttering as he napped, and his jeans covered in dirt and dust. Marley's senses were too traumatized by the scent of vomit - her own and others - to be able to pick up on much else, but she can imagine he smells as pleasant as she does. Looking down at her legs alone, Marley winced at what her boyfriend would have to see. Her bare skin was covered in brown patches of where the dirt clung to the places where she had cold sweats. Her converse were likely garbage after this given how disgusting they looked, and Jamie's shirt she was wearing was as good as ruined. Marley didn't even want to know the state of her makeup of hair, and she probably would've sold her first-born child for a toothbrush if someone offered.