
Chapter 13-1. a deal

"THURSDAYS are the best days in the entire world! No morning classes. No five am squad workouts. I could marry a day of the week right now. I could suck the dick of a day of the week right now-"

"Ellie!" Marley and Ayla scolded at the same time as Marley's cheerleader roommate shoved beside her in the booth at one of the campus breakfast diners that Thursday morning. Ellie glanced between them. While Ayla had a black hood half over her messy bedhead, nearly falling asleep on the giant textbook in front of her, Marley was nursing a coffee as if it was her lifeblood. "What's with you two?" She frowned.

"My classes are killing me already," Ayla sighed.

"And I didn't fall asleep until after one in the morning," Marley added, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, her laptop in front of her with an upcoming lab almost finished. "You were up later than I was."

"Oh and speaking of last night," Ayla turned to Marley. "How'd the plan go with Aiden?"