
chapter 1

This story starts at a camp.

The bus drives away.

A few minutes later, the camp counselor welcomes new campers and old campers.

"To start this wonderful day of camp, we will gather around and have a campfire tonight, so until then join a club that we created at camp", said The camp counselor.

All the campers split up into different groups and have fun.

Tonight, all the campers are gathered around with the camp counselor.

The campers whispers among each other talking about their hobbies.

Some of the campers talk to the camp counselor.

Among the counselors, there was two unique boys.

One boy that has a guitar and the other boy has a canvas and a paint brush.

The boys were doing their own things and didn't talk to each other, but then the boys smile at each other.

This made the other kids stop whispering.

Jeff has a guitar, short, spiky blond hair, wearing a red shirt, white shorts.

Jake has short black hair, wearing a blue/white shirts, and pants that has red spots on it and has paintbrush in his hand.

Jeff shows off his guitar skills, which made the kids clap and even the camp counselors..

As Jeff is performing, Jake shows him his painting, which is a portrait of Jeff playing his guitar.

This made Jeff's eyes glow.

After that, the kids had smores, Jeff sits by Jake.

"How old are you?" asked Jeff.

"Seven, you?" mumbled Jake.

"I'm seven-years-old too", said Jeff, with a smile.

"Cool", replied Jake.

Jeff shakes Jake's hand.

"Friends?" asked Jeff, with a warm smile.

"Friends", answered Jake.

From a distance, there is a girl who has red hair, wearing a pink shirt, shorts, and sandals.

"What's wrong?" asked the girl's twin.

"Nothing. Just noticed a friend of mine", said the girl.

"Ella, I know you better than anyone, what's going on?" asked the twin.

"Trish, I like somebody", said Ella.

"Who?" asked Trish.

"Jake", sighed Ella.

"Wait, the artist, who's like seven-years-old?" Trish pointed out.

"I know, but I can't help it, it happened before summer started when I worked on an art project with him, and any time he gave me a compliment I blushed", Ella admitted.

"Wait, you blush?" Trish joked with a serious face.

"Of course I do", said Ella, furious.

"So, you're a girl after all", said Trish, pitching Ella's cheek.

"Hey, cut it out", said Ella, embarrassed.

The screen shows Jake and Jeff meet at their cabins.

So, you're a part of the art club", Jeff figured out.

"And you're a part of the music club", Jake assumed.

"Yup, so what do we do now?" asked Jeff.

"Want to spend the night in the cabin with me?" asked Jake.

"Sure, but isn't it against the rules", Jeff wondered.

"Yeah, but no one needs to know", said Jake, and takes Jeff inside the cabin.

Inside the cabin, Jeff and Jake along with other campers start to play truth or dare.

"Jane, I dare you show me the book you were reading", said Jeff, with a devilish smile.

Jane has long blue hair, wearing a pink shirt, blue shorts, and pink socks.

Jane blushes, then gets her bag under the bed, and hugs it tightly.

"You don't have to if you don't want to", Jake insisted.

"No, I shouldn't have said dare", Jane decided.

Jane shows some manga with pictures of two boys.

"No way!" exclaimed Jeff.

"Is that what I think it is?" asked Ryouma: A boy who has purple hair, wearing a white shirt and blue shorts.

"Yup. BL manga. I saw my sister reading those", said Arata: A boy who has long red hair, wearing a white shirt, pink shorts,

"So, is it good?" asked Ayano: a girl with long dark brown hair, wearing a green shirt, and shorts, hanging upside down.

"Yeah. It's a sweet, lovable story with comedy, and action", smiled Jane.

"Enough of that, back to truth or dare", Atsushi reminds the campers: A boy who has platinum hair, wearing a black shirt and shorts, leaning against the wall in the shadow.

"Fine, Ryouma, truth or dare", said Ayano.

"Truth", said Ryo.

"What do you want to be?" asked Ayano.

"An actor!" answered Ryo with a smile.

"Oh yeah, I saw you in that wedding commercial with that little girl", remembered a girl with short blond hair, wearing a dark purple shirt and shorts.

"Does she go to camp here?" asked Arata.

"Unfortunately no", answered Ryo.

Inside the cabin, Ayano challenged Jake and Jeff to kiss.

Jake pulls Jeff in for a kiss, she takes a picture, just as another camera flashes.

In the cabin.

"What was that?" asked Ayano.

"Probably some fireworks", Ryouma guessed.

"There aren't any celebrations going on", said Jake.

"Forget that, let me see the photos, so I sketch it", Arata asks Jane.

After this night, they become friends.