
Camp Celestial Chronicles

A Percy Jackson Fanfic where all the pantheons have banded together under 1 camp to defeat the great evils (Mythologies in this include: Greek, Roman, Aztec, Mayan, Norse, Egyptian, Oneowan (My own Mythology) Japanese, Slavic And More :3)

Connor_Owen_2299 · Livres et littérature
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1 Chs

Stay Awake!

Regi's POV:

You've all heard stories of Demigods, stories of mighty heroes who defend the world and stuff... even I have read Percy Jackson. Now to most of you Percy Jackson is just fantasy, not real. But to me... it is real, reading his story reminded me of my life here at Camp Celestial... Anyways, My name is Regi Carter. Not too long ago I was a normal kid like all of you, never had much trouble growing up. Oh, except I am always tired but can never sleep because of my Hyperinsomnia. As you can guess, I am a Demigod. Son of Somnus to be specific, the Roman God of sleep. Which i find Ironic since I rarely sleep.

I currently live at a camp of Demigods from multiple mythologies. At first it was just Greek and Roman but then Norse Demigods joined. And after Norse the Egyptians joined. And so on and so forth, but we'll get to camp in a bit. I'll start off with how I found out I was a child of Somnus.

I was on a camping trip with my family. Well by family I mean my step-dad, Aaron, and his 2 daughters. My mom died a few years ago after being put into a coma. I was up in the middle of the night as always, but my hyperinsomnia wasn't acting up. For the first time in years I could finally sleep peacefully! I laid down and got comfortable, smiling softly drifting off to sleep.

'stay awake' I heard a faint Whisper say. I opened my eyes and looked around and saw... no one. I laid back down and closed my eyes.

'Stay awake.' The voice said again, louder this time. I tried to ignore it and sleep.

'STAY AWAKE!' The voice was now yelling, I jumped up and looked around. There really was no one in here. I opened my tent to see if it was my step-dad messing with me... but no one was around. I walked over to my sisters' tent. It was unzipped. I looked into see if knew of them had left or something, but what I saw was much worse... Their vocal chords had been ripped out, their guts spewed out on the floor and they were smiling... it was a very uncanny sight.

'RUN!' I heard the voice say again. I looked around and saw glowing red eyes staring at me. My heart jumped, I turned and sprinted as fast as I could, I could hear the footsteps of the mysterious creature behind me. I knew I couldn't out run it, I have always been a slow runner... I had to outsmart it. I looked around to see if I could hide... when I saw a man. Tall with white hair, silver-ish eyes... and what looked like Silver and black wings sprouting from his back. I don't know what made me do it... but I ran to him. He put me behind him and spread his wings, saying something in greek... I could understand it but my ears were ringing from fear. The only word I remembered was "Lycan" Before I passed out.

When I wake up I was in the hospital with my step-father. He looked like he had been crying... I mean his daughters are dead... I put my arms out in a hugging motion and he hugged me.

"I'm so glad you're alive!" He said. Me and Aaron never got along... so hearing those words come out his mouth made me emotional. I teared up and hugged him tighter.

"I'm sorry about Trina and Stephanie..." I said sympathetically. He nods.

"I am too."

We sat in that room for a couple hours calming down and stuff, but of course Aaron was still upset. We left the hospital and he drove me home, I thought about telling him about what I saw but I didn't want to trouble him more than he already is. So when we got home I hugged him again and went to my room.

A few hours pass and I thought about the figure a lot. The wings, the eyes, his clothes... It kept bugging me. So I did what any normal person would do and searched it up.

~~~~~~~~~~{The Next Day}~~~~~~~

"...No it can't be." I said. I had finally found something fitting the description... but it can't be true, Gods don't exist. I read the page in my head and it said:

**Somnus was the Roman Protogenei god of sleep. Not much is known about him other than his interesting family ties and place of residence. The Roman equivalent of the Greek Hypnos, the gods of sleep in the Greco-Roman tradition are not as flashy and conspicuous as some of the other gods. They had the ability to induce sleep in mortals as well as other gods. Appearing as a tall male with white hair, silver eyes and angel like wings sprouting black, some people say his wings are purple and yellow and others say they are black and silver.**

He matches the description perfectly... this is a coincidence right?

Aaron walked in and I shut down my computer.

"What we're you doing on there?" Aaron asked. I smiled awkwardly before saying,


"Uh huh..." Aaron walked up to my computer and turned it on... his face went pale.

"Why are you searching up Somnus?" He asked, he sounded like he knew something I didn't. "Do you know?" He asked, "Oh my gods you know." He rubbed his face.

"What? What do you mean? Know what?" I replied.

"... It has started so I might as well tell you." He sat down and looked at me. "So your mother never talked about your father as you know." He started, I nodded in reply. "Your father was a very powerful man, your mother knew him as many names... Almos... Hypnos... And more notably-"

"Somnus-" I cut him off, Hypnos is Somnus' Greek name... "You're saying I'm a Demigod?!" I asked. He nodded.

"But you're 18 now, you're no longer safe with me here..." His face looked sad. "I am going to take you to Camp Celestial, you'll be safe there, pack your stuff and be downstairs in 10 minutes." He stood up and left before I could even talk... I didn't think I could've talked even if he stayed... I was too shocked. After a few minutes I packed and walked downstairs shaking... Is what he said true? Am I really a demigod?


Stay Awake...