
Camelot's Dame

She might not be the Queen, but she rules them.

Ckhaos · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Prologue: Nolen of Weldon

The darkness has now started to coat the last rays coming from the bright, yellow sun. Everyone from Camelot are now starting to get inside the castle for the weekly feast.

"Faster!" the palace guards demanded, not wanting to be late themselves.

When all the people have come inside, the guards immediately secured the gates and let the dragons guard from the outside while the feast is on.

"Lady Nolen," a voice rasped on the redhead's ear.

"Shush up, Marie." Nolen said back with her forefinger on her lips.

"But, we'll get in big trouble if we continue this." the older girl said.

Marie was only 3 years older than Nolen, but the way they act, it is sometimes mistaken as the other way around. Nolen was wearing a beautiful princess-puffed gown. It was red which went along with her fierce-red hair and heterochoromatic silver-blue eyes.

"And you're fired if you still insist on stopping me," Nolen reminded Marie.

The girl just groaned and tried to smile as the party went on. Nolen, who has planned something to make the party-goers interested beyond their imagination, is now preparing the last thing she needs to start everything.

"Back up," she pushed Marie away from the table.

3, she counted on her mind

2, her excitement was boiling

1, There's no backing out now Nolen.

A loud boom then crash came after Nolen counted down. The 13 men sitting comfortably on the chairs of a round table now stood up to see what the commotion was all about.

"What is the meaning of this?" one of the 13 asked, but they were pushed away by their own personal guards.

Nolen ran up to the unoccupied round table and garnered the attention of everybody by grabbing the wine goblets and clanging them to one another.

"Attention!" she yelled. All the palace guards now pointed their weapons at her, but she wasn't scared.

"Listen," she said and everybody fell silent, although most of them are on guard. "I, Nolen of Weldon, challenge the 12 knights of the Round Table in Swords and Jousting." she announced and everybody's undivided attention and amusement went to her.