

A man of youth declares the ruining of humanity for the sake of creating God.

CieloCoffin · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
14 Chs


The sea kept a stagnant resolve, flowing with a quiet rhythm. Down below a large bank, rose a small hill that plateaued to the grounds of soft-colored sand.

A willful breeze blew down below from the hill, looking over, one could see a blue speck runnin' back and forth across the beach's white sands. Each step he took a deep pocket would form making him slide and stumble. The instant he fell, was the same instant he would get back up.

"Jinu! What the hell are you doing!"

"Ah! Jimi. Jimi! is that you?"

"Damn, his ears are shitty as always. Come on Lull, let's go see what this little blue 'dwarf' is doing."

Down the two boys came, landing down into the pillowy sand, creating a small bowl beneath their feet.

"Jinu what are you doing?"

"Haa... Haa," taking a couple more breaths, Jinu finally said, "Ah, I'm just runnin' ya see."

His pants slowly dwindled as he stopped from leaning on his knees to then placing his hands on his hips. Jinu then pulled out a crooked grin as Jimi stared at him in disbelief.

"Why are you running," Lull interjected with a calm monotonous tone.

"Ah, ya know to be the first human to go to the G.B.A."

Once hearing what JInu had said, a small chuckle slipped from Jimi's lips as he looked in shock as to how stupid the statement Jinu had provided.

"Go ahead laugh. Plenty have done so already, I have no shame of it."

"Well, that's good to hear." Wiping a tear from his face, Jimi continued. "Well even so, don't you think you're heading a little too far, I mean you do know where we live right? Even with all my family's wealth, we would need to sell almost everything just to afford a single nosebleed seat. And you want to be drafted to an organization like that. Not a single human has ever stepped into a secondary team tryout. Personally speaking, even humanity's greatest athletes would falter against those freaks out in space."

"I'm glad you were able to blow out some of that empty air left up inside your head. But I care not for your opinionated or factual basis as to why I won't succeed, that isn't something for you to decide."

"Man, you sound like my new neighbor, when did you get so girly."

"Oh shut it! Lull, are you just gonna let this guy talk till the sun comes full circle?"

"Mm, I guess not, so Jimi shut up. Ah, but Jinu, didn't you want to show us something."

Jimi looked stunned, he slowly accepted Lull's current coldness, but that doesn't mean the words don't hurt.

"Oh ya, I lost track of time cuz I couldn't find the twos of you. Well, it doesn't seem to be here right now. But yesterday when I was doing the same thing as today. The water, well, it may sound stupid, but it was as clear as glass."

"Well, no shit..."

Cutting him off, "Jimi, let him finish," Lull gave in a stern expression.

"Anyway, the water wasn't really the problem, it's just when it was seeable, I was able to glimpse at a giant upside-down castle beneath the water."


"Ya, it was incredible, but that wasn't the entire issue. It's what rose on the water above the castle that made me think it was a great idea to show you guys." Jinu's eyes glimmered, and a sense of bewildered suspense filled the two boys as they stared at the blue-haired shrimp.

"A giant boat, unlike anything I've ever seen or read, at the tip of it was this guy. My eyes are quite good, so even though it was far away, I good get a good telling of what the man looked like."

"Okay and?" Jimi seemed to have begun losing interest as he stared at Jinu expecting there to be a reason for this 'pointles' miandering.

"Well, I don't know if I'm allowed to say this but, on his chest seemed to be a tattoo. And I'm not well versed in what most of the signs are, but to me, it looked like one of the 'Western Zodiac' symbols."

Lull and Jimi froze completely, their eyes wide open as if thrown a hundred bullets to the gut. Jimi's battered face began to trickle blood out once again, turning him paler than before. The two stood, feeling as if death would pop around any second to take them.

"J-jin-Jinu, if what you said is even close to true, zip your mouth now and forget everything, don't say this to anyone." Jimi was sweating profusely, his hands shaking as he held onto Jinu's shoulders.

"Even if you're wrong, you know what he'll do if he heard of it."

"I-I... Just thought that telling you guys would be the..."

"Shut it, damn idiot, what are you thinking... Just forget everything, no, no one of them was ever near this coast, never. Lull takes Jinu with you back to the orphanage."

After their little whisper convo, Jimi shoved Jinu over to Lull. Catching Jinu, Lull's face grimaced, a cold sharp point ran through his eyes. And with it, he silently said, "Okay."

The two began walking down the street, crossing by a small pavilion, as they did it seemed as if night had caught them by surprise, for it was already dark.

"Uhh, Lull, ya know I'm... So what happened to Jimi's face," JInu said meekly.

"He got punched... Punched. In the face."

A blank silence filled the air as both of them said nothing till the entry door to the orphanage was in eyesight.


"Uh, ya."

"You... Can... do it."

The last part he muffled under his breath, understanding yet not hearing, Jinu nodded as the two entered the facility.