
Calliope | Book 1 |The Golden Aethereya

As a witch created only to do her master’s evil biddings, Calliope knew no other life. But when she finds herself feeling remorseful to the kingdom she has attacked, she decides to escape and start a new life for herself. Little does she know that she is being hunted; hunted by the master she betrayed, and hunted by a kingdom seeking revenge.

Kaylynx · Fantaisie
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57 Chs


Calliope listened to the rain against the castle's walls just outside of the dungeon. A steady stream of rainwater leaked in through a crack in the cell, pooling at her side in a strangely soothing pattern.

Drip... Drip... Drip...

Calliope sat on the cold, stone floor, helpless as she watched each drop fall to the little puddle. The ripples raced to the edge of the puddle where they promptly disappeared until the next drop brought them back to life. Her body felt numb and sore, and her mind was quiet. Sleep eluded her all night as she stared at the puddle; she had might as well already be dead. The minutes turned to hours and she grew more and more hopeless. Her will was gone the moment they tossed her into that cell. Her faith in humanity trickled away with each kick to her gut. King Rowan watched with a smile on his face and evil in his eyes as the witch lay crumpled and helpless at his feet.

Calliope ached for Mido. She clung to the idea that Mido may realize she was gone before it was too late. But he was in the midst of a war; maybe he wouldn't notice at all until she was already dead and the war was lost. She hoped that her death would at least bring peace to their world once more.

She should have died long ago. No one should have gone through this for her. No lives should have been lost for her. Her stomach twisted and she felt nauseous. She let her head rest against the hard wall. She begged for dawn to come quick so it could all be over with. Her tears stained the stone floor as she sobbed to herself quietly. She wished she could see Mido one last time and kiss his lips. She saw him there, sitting beside her as the fire warmed their faces in that familiar forest. She listened as she explained to her what emotions were like. She wished she could have told him that she knew what love was, now. She knew because of him.

She didn't move an inch, too numb to care any longer. She didn't move when the gray dawn lit the dungeon or when footsteps echoed from down the hallway. Two men rounded the corner, but still she did not budge. She heard the keys jingle together as one unlocked the bars that contained her. The men walked to her and unlocked her from her chains on the wall. Without a word, they pulled her to her feet and pushed her out of the cell. Calliope could feel the tips of their swords sharp on her back as they nudged her on. Their blades pressed painfully into her back as she staggered through the dungeon. She followed the first man through the dungeon, aware of the second man close behind, ready to attack her at any sign.

The rain had ceased to fall from the gray sky when they left the castle's walls, but the sun was still lost behind the dark clouds. Thunder continued to roll angrily in the sky like a drum that accompanied the march to her death. The men led her through the city; citizens crowded around, yelling and spitting at her. Calliope didn't dare to make eye contact. She walked on, staring at the cobblestone road, wincing at every crude remark and cheer for he inevitable death. She held her breath and forced back tears, her gaze locked on her feet as the endless walk finally came to a close.

The man that lead the procession stopped and stepped aside. Calliope looked up at her fate. There, up high for all to see, and with dry straw at it's base, was the stake that waited for her body. The young king stood beside the stake, waiting. His face was hard when he saw her, but his lips curved in a slight smile as he was about to have his revenge. The two men pushed her forward and she made her way shakily up the creaky steps. The men pushed her towards the stake and tied her arms behind her. They bowed to the young king and joined the crowd below.

The man approached her, but Calliope did not look up. His hands grasped at her chin, pulling her face towards him. "It is so good to see you here, witch," he said to her. "I never thought I'd see the day where I could finally make Librona pay for what they've done to me and my kingdom. It's such a shame they can't be here to see their beloved witch die in the flames."

He threw her chin down and addressed his citizens. Calliope clenched her fists and squeezed her eyes shut in an attempt to block out everything around her. She couldn't bear to hear his voice, praising his kingdom and readying them for the show that was about to take place. Her chest heaved as she attempted to hold back sobs. She just hoped that after this, Librona would be at peace.

The young man turned his back to the crowd, a wicked grin on his face. It was time. He nodded to a man who approached Calliope, a lit torch in hand. He lowered the torch and the dry straw immediately caught. Calliope held her breath and watched as the fire raced across the straw and towards her feet. The smoke billowed around her and into her lungs. Her breathing grew short and forced as the smoke penetrated deep within her lungs. The fire reached her feet; she could feel the heat increase rapidly. She pulled her feet back as far as she could, but the fire chased at her ankles, eager to make their way up her body. The fire burned at her feet; the pain was unlike anything she had felt before. She bit her lip until it bled in an attempt to hold back her cries. She tried to shut her mind off, tried to ignore the pain, but the pain grew immensely and quickly around her legs.

Amongst the crackling of the flames, she could hear screams. The citizens who watched below were panicked. She dared to open her eyes and looked up. She had to have been dead, she thought. It was the only explanation to why she saw Mido and Lily, just yards away. She tried to call to him, but her voice seemed lost. Her head grew light and she felt her world slipping away. She yelled again, louder and louder, clinging desperately to the daylight, but it was gone.