
Calliope | Book 1 |The Golden Aethereya

As a witch created only to do her master’s evil biddings, Calliope knew no other life. But when she finds herself feeling remorseful to the kingdom she has attacked, she decides to escape and start a new life for herself. Little does she know that she is being hunted; hunted by the master she betrayed, and hunted by a kingdom seeking revenge.

Kaylynx · Fantaisie
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57 Chs


Calliope brushed a lock of hair out of Mido's face and smiled.

"Well, Sir Addinell," she said.

"Not yet," he reminded her.

"In a few minutes."

"Yeah," he said, quiet. Ian entered the room, clearing his throat as he did so.

"Well, well," he said, grinning. "Today's the big day." He handed Mido his sword.

Mido took it with caution; he could no longer ignore the inevitable. "Yeah," he said simply.

"Calliope, can you give us a minute?" Ian asked, turning to her. She nodded at him cheerfully and let herself out of the room. Ian turned to Mido, waiting.

"What?" Mido asked, avoiding his gaze.

"What's going on, Mido?"

Mido sighed and pretended to be busy with his sword and sheath. "Asmar knows about Calliope," he said.

Ian's expression changed to concern. "What do you mean?"

"King Rowan's spies saw her here. He's... not happy."


Mido sucked in a breath. "And they've declared war. And I'm to lead the army, per King Sloan's wishes." He adjusted his sword on his hips and turned to meet Ian's gaze. "They want Calli dead."

Ian looked past Mido and nodded in understanding. "Well."

Mido nodded in return. "Mhm."

A knock broke the silence and Calliope stuck her head in. "King Sloan is ready," she said with a proud smile.

Mido and Ian exchanged one last look, forced a smile, and followed Calliope into the throne room where King Sloan waited to begin the knighting ceremony.

Mido tried to focus as King Sloan talked to the watching kingdom, anxious to witness the knighting. King Sloan smiled, proud of the soldier that had worked his way up through the ranks, but Mido couldn't help but to feel sick again. He knelt on one knee and bowed his head as the sword touched his shoulders. He stood when the knighting was complete and looked upon the cheering crowd. He found Calliope and Ian standing together. Ian forced a crooked smile at his friend. Mido met Calliope's gaze, a large grin across her face, but Mido did not return her smile. His thoughts blurred together as he watched Calliope. Her smile softened and disappeared when she saw the worry on his face.

The ceremony came to an end and Mido found himself amongst soldiers and citizens as congratulations were extended. King Sloan looked on for a moment. Mido watched as he turned and left the throne room. He nodded and forced a smile at those around him, walking amidst the crowd until they left the castle's grounds. Citizens laughed and chatted amongst each other, drinks in hand, happy for an excuse to celebrate once more, unaware of the fate that lay ahead.


Ian found Mido sitting alone in the corner of a pub, drink in hand. He sat beside his friend and placed two coins on the counter, signaling his wish for a drink. The two of them drank together in silence for a while. Mido threw two coins on the counter for another drink. Ian pushed his empty cup away.

"You can't drink this one away," Ian said.

Mido stared ahead of him at nothing in particular and took another swig. He nodded.

"You have work to do in the morning."

Mido nodded again. He felt his stomach churn once more.

"Guess you'll need a new babysitter for Calliope."

Mido let his cup slam against the counter and rubbed his face in his calloused hands.

"Have you told her yet?" Ian asked.

Mido shook his head.

"She's going to find out."

"I know," Mido finally said, his voice hoarse. He emptied his cup and pushed himself away from the counter stumbling slightly.

The night air was cool on his face as he made his way towards the castle. He ignored the citizens who called to him and offered him drinks. He left them to their naive celebrations and found himself inside the empty throne room where the ceremony took place just hours earlier.

"Mido?" Calliope's voice echoed through the room. He didn't even hear her approach. She walked to his side and studied him.

"Please talk to me," she whispered. "You've been avoiding me."

Mido turned to her. The orange glow of the flickering lights on the throne room's walls reflected in her ebony hair. He pulled her into his arms and buried his head against her shoulder. He felt her arms wrap around him and grab at his shirt.

"I won't let anything happen to you," he whispered. He pushed her away suddenly and turned away from her.

"Mido," she whispered. "What are you talking about?"

"Asmar's king has declared war," he said.

"What? Why?"

"A spy found out you were here, living in the kingdom. King Rowan is not happy. King Sloan betrayed him."

Mido turned to Calliope. "They're on their way here, right now, to kill you."

Calliope's heart thudded in her chest. She searched Mido's face for assurance but found none.

Mido turned away again. "King Sloan wants me to lead the army while you escape."


Mido approached Calliope and took her hands in his. "You will take Lily and leave the kingdom."


Mido searched her eyes. His face softened. "Please, Calliope," he whispered. "I can't lose you. Don't put me through that."

Calliope shook her head, her eyes locked on his. "Come with me."

He seemed to consider this for a moment before shaking his head. Calliope watched him, feeling defeated. She pushed herself up onto her toes, just close enough to his face, and pressed her lips against his. She felt Mido's arms wrap around her and pull her closer. She pulled away for a moment and her breath caught in her throat. She searched his eyes, waiting. Her heart ached for him.

Mido's head spun. He couldn't let her leave. He couldn't stand the idea of being away from her, unsure of her safety. He was the only one who could keep her safe. Mido pulled her to him and kissed her lips once more. He clung to her, wishing she didn't have to leave. His heart fluttered in his chest as Calliope wrapped her arms around his neck. No, he couldn't let her risk her life again. He would do anything to protect her. He pulled away from Calliope.

"No," he said. "No. You have to go. There's not much time left."

"Let me stay and help."

"Calliope," Mido barked at her, his face suddenly stern. "That is an order."

Calliope backed away from him, hesitant. "Mido, I can help."

"Get out," Mido yelled. "Now."

"Mido." Her knees felt week. She felt as if she had been stabbed in the chest. The pain was too much. She just wanted it all to go away.

Mido turned away from her. "Maria will meet you in the stables," he muttered before leaving her alone in the throne room.

Calliope watched him leave. Her heart ached in her chest, demanding to get out and follow him. She swallowed back her tears. She could not let Mido do this. She would not let this kingdom fight for her or risk their lives for her. She had to find a solution. Samus must have known something, anything.

She turned on her heels and hurried out of the throne room and out of the castle. Just as Mido had said, Maria was outside, waiting, as if she knew Calliope would not obey the knight.

"Calliope, Hunnie, wait," Maria called to her, grabbing her arm as she ran past.

"No! You know he's wrong. You know I can help."

"Calliope, he's only tryin' ta protect ya. He knows what he's doin'."

"No he doesn't. This is a war that cannot be won without me."

"Calliope, trust me. Trust Mido. If ya do this, it will not end well."

"If I just sit and hide and hope for the best it won't end well for anyone."

"If you're there Mido will die for ya. Is that what ya want?"

Calliope grew quiet. Maria released her grip on her arm.

"You cannot be a part of this war this time. Do not let this all be in vain."

Calliope shook her head and let the tears fall from her eyes.


"No, Maria. No." She backed away, feeling lost. She searched the sky as if an answer would fall upon her.

"Calliope, please come with me. We will take care of everythin'."

"I'm sorry, Maria." She spotted Lily waiting in the stables and hurried towards her, ignoring Maria's calls behind her. She climbed onto the mare and kicked her forward, galloping off the castle grounds and out of Alryn.

Maria turned and hurried to the stables where she found Ian.

"Where's Calliope?" he asked her as he began to tack his horse.

"She took off," Maria mumbled.

"Where'd she go?"

"I dunno. She wants ta help."

Ian shook his head. "She can't be a part of this. Mido can't be distracted by her."

Maria nodded. "I'll find her."

Ian grabbed her hand. "You're not going out there alone," he said to her.


"Don't argue with me, you stubborn woman," he growled at her, planting a kiss on her lips. "You will take soldiers with you and find Calliope. Make sure you both stay out of sight."

Maria smiled. "Yes, sir."