

After a month of intensive training Tajida is among the finalist and has to take the final exam, facing the commander of the band of knights training them the top brass will watch and evaluate his skill the competition would be a first blood match Tajida had faith and was confident in his ability to pass this test the commander steps forth revealing the status of a 2nd appeal wind magister, Tajida attacks using his art Power Drive to increase the intensity of his attacks and his physical speed engaging his opponent in close combat applauding his intensity the commander replies with his own attacks exchanging blows the commander uses Changing Everest, a technique manifesting wind with the ability to change size, shape and form upon attack throwing his dagger at the attack Tajida eventually splits the track into smaller sizes which all come at him with incredible speed using his Redundance to counter but only by a millimeter of safety still staying strong Tajida regroups but the commander caught his blind spot throwing a ferocious blow missing Tajida and he averts the danger by moving away and attacking him from distance throwing six daggers infusing them with his energy and Power Drive buying himself time to prepare the commander defends the attack then Tajida uses that second to activate Orbital Imitation blasting at the commander who jumps up to avoid the charge into, while changing direction building up momentum as well Tajida has him where he wants him but his opponent was ready for this using his Hekarial Imperium covering himself in armour in the split second of Tajida's attack rush he spaces back but before the dust settles the commander jumps out at Tajida to his disbelief but with one last trick up his sleeve he had to make it count the commander attacks him but then he uses Rapid: Wormhole Movement to repel the attacks on the brinking if losing he amplifies the effects of his attacks, the commander swings his sword at him dodging and feigning a fall he throws a dagger at an open part of his armour and in the same moment the commander instantly changes the direction of his blade to follow his fall Tajida imbues it with Power Drive successfully hitting the commander and then using Reaction:Pulse Burst to increase the damage done via increase in bodily injuries and decides to fall to avoid the attack causing the blade to miss and create a huge slash in the air concluding this test Tajida is victorious only by a slim chance and now it was time to begin the tournament itself.

The tournament that would take place in two days when the gateway would open the gateway, the Guardian Gate leading to the a different realm, a realm meant to kill, a supernatural realm known as the Guardian Realm; a realm where they will battle to collect cards with which they can summon their Guardians and gain immense power, Guardians are powerful spirits that onced lived in the world long before the whole world experienced The Great Change bringing humans into the world and pushes out the guardians and keeping them docile and they are called upon and used to redecide the supreme authority of the realm of man.