
Calling Myself

l stories of characters in the same universe

StingRaymond · Fantaisie
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19 Chs


Gold Wine was called by his dwarf Father, Jaethal Millene, who was lying sick in bed with a high fever.

Gold Wine was summoned from his study and rushed to his father's bedside, who was unwell and in need of his help. He has never seen his father in such condition, and it is clear that Jaethal Millene needs Gold Wine's help now more than ever.

Gold Wine is determined to do everything he can to help his father recover from the illness and get back on his feet, and he will do whatever it takes to see him through this difficult time.

Jaethal Millene says at that moment that Gold Wine would rule his kingdom the Mountains of Quickmark, and Gold Wine listens to his father's final request. Gold Wine mounts his father and begins to strangle him, a shocking act of betrayal.

This is a terrible crime and a ruthless and selfish act. It is a betrayal of both his own father and his entire people, and there is no excuse for it. This will lead to a lot of pain and suffering, and it will take the XZP world a long time to heal from this injustice.

After Gold Wine killed his father Jaethol Millene, Gold Wine tells others that the king is dead.

It's a shocking and cruel deed, and Gold Wine clearly has no regrets. His actions will have a devastating impact on the XZP world and the balance of power within it. It's a dark day for the XZP world, and the people are left without a king. It's a betrayal that will take years to overcome and heal from.

After his death, the funeral of Jaethol Mollene took place. There were many guests who came to pay their respects, including Tonjen Lane, who was a close ally of the late King.

It's a sad day for the XZP world, and many people are left grieving the loss of such an important and influential figure. The funeral is a fitting tribute to a great man and king, and the XZP world will remember Jaethol Mollene fondly.

After the burial of Jaethol Mollene, Gold Wine was named King of the Mountains of Quyckemark.

Gold Wine has taken his place as the new King of the Mountains of Quickmark, and all has eyes are now on him as he takes up the mantle of leadership. He has a tremendous task ahead of him, and he knows that he must prove himself worthy of the throne in order to win the trust of the people of the XZP world.

With the support and guidance of his allies and fellow rulers, Gold Wine will lead his people into a new era of peace and prosperity.