
Zone out

Watch out


ooops orange juice on my dress but hell why...

The day which gonna be my favourite day become my nightmare because of my beautiful face it's not my fault that I am beautiful ahhhhhhhh I am so done....

Run Run Run

Stop Ella!!!!!!!!!

I stopped and hope for some hope

you forgot your beg here.....

ohhhhhhh (awkward)

I rush and grab that stupid beg

Run Run Run


you forgot your jacket

I came back again, pick up that jacket


This time I walk.....

(1 min)

you guys must be thinking why I considered myself beautiful because I follow Loa those who don't know Law of attraction so I become what I believe but I didn't attract orange juice on my dress I just want a k k ki kisssss (shy shy shy)...from Simon.

This Rebecca ruined everything I can't go back now my aura field got dirty in her presence.

she is such a narcissistic, dumb, crazy, psycho, but why I am crying..... I know this will come one day as I fall for a bad boy

sob sob

it's okay I just want to go home do some meditation clean my aura and increase my vibration.

You guys must be thinking this stupid writer

Excuse me?

should have atleast explain the whole situation but no her typing is so slow.

wait wait don't go

I am very responsible person.I will tell you but before that let me clean my aura hehehe.....