
Deep thinking

So when I was 13, I always believed in true love.

I know it's not age of love you half matured may be no matured person...

but it's a quality I am born with when your life path is Venus. You obviously gonna be the best lover, but I forgot I can be the good human, good person, but expecting the same from other people is totally foolish.

I expected the same from Simon when he was helping a man on the street. I feel like this kind of humanity I want in my soul mate, so I keep an eye on him wherever he goes, not stalking obviously just admiring and observing.

And he was so nice to me when we both had the same class in business studies we were project partners.

But I am the one doing all the stuff as usual.

He is the king, in my world( king of lovers), which I though, but soon my bubble exploded when I saw the real face of him.

Trying to be nice in front of his family to get the new car as he was always watched by his family's bodyguards.

I thought he was a real gem, but no, he was real trash. The one and only stinky stinky.

When reality hits you so hard and you find yourself only dumb.

Now I realize everything when I calm my mind by doing meditation and asking the universe to give me my answers.

One word that comes to mind "career"


I repeat career and yes, I need to focus my brain, my heart in my career, not other stuff.

I know there is someone made for me but he is not coming today, tomorrow, this month, this year or upcoming years, as long as I don't focus on myself and not start the path of self-love and self-discovery.