

DarkNight2010 · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

Call from the dark forest.

At 11 o clock.

After have a dinner with him. We go to bed for sleep but I could not sleep. I got out from the bed to see Ariyaan is he slept or not I go to his room he sleeps .oh God what can I do now I can't sleep why??? Thats not good then I see here and there i got i diary I was about to open the diary but he held my hand. He say what happened if you feel uncomfortable I will drop you at your home queen . No need you can say me Angela my all college friends call me Angela you can also call me Angela it's fine I say this very politely . He smile and say Angela can I ask what are you doing here. Yes you can I came here to see you are slept or not . I can't sleep I don't know why but can't .


He see the moon from his room window and come close to me and grab my waist tightly then he say it's full moon . Don't scared today' s night is special for you he left my waist and close the curtains I don't know why he do this but then he close all curtains of all windows it's too confusing when he done then I ask what are doing he ignored and grab my hand and take to his room back suddenly he took off his coat .