

DarkNight2010 · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

Call from the dark forest.



Oh so this is your house it's look amazing . Thanks then he park his car take me to his basement. what is this ? This my old drawings when I am 5 years old I like drawing I always sleep with my drawing file. and one night i fell asleep while drawing suddenly I saw one dream I make this while sleeping he give a drawing which is so mysterious I ask what is this he tell that this drawing based on our mission ohh I smile and see here and there and then he tap on my back I turn around he point on top one last drawing when I see this my tears come out. Ariyaan where did you see this ? in my dreams I saw that your mother and our pure queen give this holy ring to you so means what you were seeing was actually happening to me oh God we both were connected to each other for a long time . I know every single thing about your life .

I looked at him with loving eyes .

AT 11: CLOCK .