

In "Caius" Caius's life becomes a mosaic of sorrow, entwined with the destinies of several women, each bearing the weight of their own unique, heart-wrenching tales of love and loss.

lunaeverheart · Politique et sciences sociales
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14 Chs


Promised love fades in memories.


In the heart of a quaint little village, nestled amidst rolling hills and blossoming wildflowers, Caius and Elara were the embodiment of a love story that transcended time. Their love was as sweet as the honey that adorned their cottage's entrance, a love that poets penned verses about and bards sang songs of beneath the shimmering moon. 

Caius, with his rugged charm and eyes that held secrets of a thousand lifetimes, was a simple blacksmith who forged more than just iron and steel. Elara, on the other hand, was a vision of ethereal beauty, her laughter a melody that could melt even the coldest hearts. They were inseparable, their love a flame that burned brightly, warming the hearts of all who knew them. 

Their days were filled with stolen glances, shared dreams, and whispered promises. They watched sunsets hand in hand, each evening more beautiful than the last, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, mirroring the colors of their love. They had built a life together, and it was a life filled with happiness and contentment. 

But as the years passed, a shadow began to loom over their idyllic love story. Elara's health began to deteriorate, and there was little that could be done to halt the relentless advance of her illness. Caius watched helplessly as the love of his life withered away before his eyes, her laughter turning into fragile whispers, and her vibrant spirit fading like a waning moon. 

One fateful night, as they lay together beneath a sky adorned with countless stars, Elara spoke softly, her voice barely a sigh in the cool breeze. "Caius, my love, promise me something." 

Caius turned to her, his heart heavy with the weight of impending sorrow. "Anything, Elara. You know I would move mountains for you." 

"Promise me," she whispered, tears glistening in her eyes, "that you will remember the me you fell in love with, not the me this illness has created. Promise me that you will find happiness again." 

Caius, his voice choked with emotion, made the promise he never wanted to make. "I promise, my love." 

As the days turned into weeks, and Elara's condition worsened, Caius clung to their memories, cherishing the moments when her laughter had filled their home with joy. But one fateful morning, he awoke from a dream of Elara, her radiant smile and lively eyes filling his mind. He reached out to hold her, but his arms met only empty air. 

Reality crashed down upon him, the weight of the tragedy that had befallen them too much to bear. The love that had once burned so brightly had dimmed to a mere flicker, a distant memory of what had been. Caius knew he had kept his promise, but it had come at a cost, for the me she had created was now gone forever, leaving him with aching emptiness in its wake. 

And so, in that quiet village nestled among rolling hills and blooming wildflowers, the sweetest love story ever told had become the most tragic, leaving Caius to carry the burden of a love lost but never forgotten, a love that would forever haunt his dreams.