

I could hear the din from the bar as I exited my SUV and I was still almost a block away. What a shame! I knew from long experience that would change as soon as my foot crossed the threshold. I tend to have that effect on people. I’m six feet six inches tall and I weigh an even 250 pounds—all of it broad shouldered muscle. My Body Mass Index at my last physical was less than four percent. My light brown hair is styled exactly the way it’s been for the past fifteen years—ever since I first joined the Navy. Sure enough, no sooner had I taken my first step into the bar than the noise died. When I turned left and stepped up to the bar the people there couldn’t back away fast enough. I took a stool in the middle of the empty space and sat down, waiting for the bartender to approach. “I’m not looking for any trouble.” “Good…neither am I. Give me a ginger ale.” He reached under the bar for a glass and some ice. Twenty seconds later he slid the glass in my direction. I pulled a fiver from my pocket and dropped it on the bar. He ignored it and walked away to draw a few beers and pour some wine. It looked to me like this was a pretty cheap crowd. Checking up and down the bar all I could see were longnecks and drafts. I reached into the lower left pocket of my cargo pants. Like almost everything else I was wearing they were a true deep navy blue. My heavy shoes were black as was my wide belt. My belt said as much about me as the bold white lettering across my chest. Just below the American flag over my heart were the letters that were my life—U. S. MARSHAL. On my right hip was my nickel plated .44 Magnum Colt Python, just behind two speed loaders in addition to the twenty-four rounds on the belt. On my left hip was my ASP Talon baton—every bit as deadly a weapon in my hands as the revolver. A pouch at the back of my right hip held my stainless steel handcuffs and its partner on the opposite side held my radio—my link to my backup team. I placed the photo flat on the bar as the bartender returned to me. “I’ll have another,” I said in a loud voice, continuing so I wouldn’t be overheard. “Don’t pick it up and don’t make a production of looking at it. I’ve been told that he comes here a lot. Is he here tonight? If he is and he escapes because you’ve given me away I’ll see to it that you’re arrested for obstruction of justice.” He gulped a few times but did as he was told, nodding slightly in response. I continued almost at a whisper. “If my nose is pointing to twelve o’clock, my right ear to three, the back of my head to six, and my left ear to nine, tell me where he is. Again, don’t point or do anything obvious and we’ll be fine.” He pretended to wipe the bar as he whispered, “About 4:30 with his back to you.” I picked up the reflection in the mirror then asked, “Red shirt with black and white stripes, looking away from me?” He nodded again. Now, in my normal tone of voice I asked, “Where’s the men’s room?”

Fredrick_Udele · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
69 Chs


We moved together, tentatively at first, but building speed and intensity as our passion grew. Before long we were chugging like a team of locomotives, Lucy's clit digging a deep furrow into my abdominals as she twisted my organ through her rapid movements. We made the most heated and sweaty love every day—sometimes more than once. Okay…usually more than once, so great was our need for each other. Yet, despite our frequency, we always came explosively and tonight's experience was no different. I knew that some couples never experienced simultaneous orgasms, but for Lucy and me it was the norm. Tonight I beat her to the mark, but she was only seconds behind me.

We lay exhausted in post-coital bliss as our breathing slowly returned to normal. Lucy's head was on my shoulder and I knew she was ready for sleep when I spoke. "Lucy, honey—I noticed that Jasmine and Daryl seem to be getting along really well."

She laughed and after a few seconds moved up to kiss me. "For a smart observant man you sure can be oblivious. They are so into each other it's scary…almost as scary as you and me. They're not living together yet, but 'YET' is the operative word. Jasmine spent the entire weekend at Daryl's house so I'm sure they'll be together pretty soon."

"That's great; they're wonderful people and they deserve the best. Okay, thanks for the update. Let's get to sleep. I have to get up early."

"We're both getting up early. For one thing—you're going to need a decent breakfast. And, I have a surprise for you. You'll know what it is when you see it." I tried to wheedle it out of her, but Lucy just kissed me then snuggled really close and pulled the blanket over us. The next thing I knew the alarm was ringing.


True to her word, Lucy was up and in the shower with me then she dressed while I shaved. I stepped into my uniform pants, noticing immediately the razor-sharp crease in the front and back. My shirt had also been pressed between the time we had come home and whenever Ingrid left for the day. I had to use a different pistol belt—one with a holster for my CZ 9mm. It was much narrower than my Python so it flopped around from side to side and that could be a problem if I needed it quickly. I checked that it was loaded and that the spare magazines on the belt were full. I transferred my handcuffs and baton then walked down to the kitchen with Max in tow.

Lucy had made me a breakfast of scrambled eggs, sausage patties, orange juice and black coffee. She joined me at the table and we ate quickly. I phoned Daryl and he told me that he was already on the way. I told him to wait for me at the gateway to the restricted parking lot.

After a long passionate kiss good-bye, I left Lucy with a wave and drove the short distance to City Hall, driving straight to the parking lot restricted for police, magistrates, and the city government's officials and employees, stopping at the gatehouse. "Sorry, sir, but this lot is reserved for employees. There's a public lot on Fifth Street just around the corner."

"I am an employee. I'm Matt Cahill, the new Chief of Police and the car behind me holds the new Lieutenant."

"I don't know. Nobody told me nothing."

Suddenly, there was a shadow from behind the SUV and I turned to see my future father-in-law. "Let them in, Nick. They're both starting today. You'll get official notice a bit later on from the mayor."

"Okay, Mr. Bascomb…if you say so." The bar was raised and we drove through, Jonathan joining us once we had parked in spots reserved for the chief and a lieutenant. He even reached down to pet Max who was obviously excited to start a new adventure.

"Hi, Jonathan, Lucy promised me a surprise, but I never guessed it would be you. Surely you have better things to do than be here at this hour."

He laughed and I joined him a second later. "Nonsense, Matt—I can hardly wait to introduce you and turn Joe Wilson out to pasture. It's only about four years too late." We walked together into the building where we were stopped by building security until Jonathan assured them that we would have official ID later in the day. Once again we walked into police headquarters, stopping at the sergeant's desk en route to the briefing room. He took one look at Max and moved back, away from Max's huge jaws.

"Hi, Ed, we're going into the room for the introductions now. Anyone missing?"

"No, Sir…Mr. Bascomb. They're all here, but they're not too happy about the inspection." Then pointing at Max, "What the hell is that thing…a wolf?" I just nodded and smiled, and we strode through the door. Inside were another sergeant and the sixty officers who would be on patrol for this shift.

"Gentlemen, I'd like to introduce the new Chief of Police, Matt Cahill, former U.S. Marshal and former Chief Petty Officer with the Navy's military police. With him is Lieutenant Daryl Evans who has the same background as Chief Cahill. You'll also get to know Chief Cahill's police dog, Max." He stepped aside so I could speak.

"Unfortunately, many of the citizens of this beautiful city refer to their police force as 'the Keystone Kops.' That perception ends today. Lieutenant Evans will distribute my first memo to all of you regarding performance standards that have been adopted by many of the nation's police forces as well as the U.S. Marshals Service. Please read them carefully and note the dates for your testing. You will be paid overtime for your time on those days. Note that I have scheduled the mile run for a month from today so you will have time to practice. Everyone will run that day, including Lt. Evans and me, and those who fail to make it in six minutes or less will be on probation for a minimum of sixty days or until you meet the standard. After running each of us will pick up a 150-pound dummy and carry it at a run for fifty yards. That will be done in thirty seconds or less. All of this is in the memo.

"I'd like to know how many of you have been to the Sheriff's Firing Range within the last six months." I wasn't surprised to see that less than one third had raised their hands. "How many of you have never fired your weapon?" Again, I wasn't surprised that almost half raised their hands. "That is going to change. There was a time in this country when a police officer could expect to go through his or her entire career without ever needing his service weapon. Unfortunately, those days are well in the past. You need to have confidence in your ability to use your handgun if needed, plus you need to know that you'll hit your target and not somebody out walking the dog."

I paused then because I had seen Haynes crumple his memo and toss it onto the floor. "Is there a problem, Officer Haynes?"

"I ain't doing no running and I ain't never going to take orders from no fucking nigger. I should be a lieutenant. I've been here the longest."

"I don't know of any police department that promotes officers based on longevity and this one is not going to be the first. What training do you have?"

"The best kind—on the job training. Plus, I'm a native here. I've lived here all my life."

"That and five dollars will get you into a matinee at the movies. Lt. Evans has extensive formal training from the Navy. I know about that because I had the same training. He, like me, has a Bachelor's Degree in Criminology from the University of North Carolina and we're both almost finished with Master's Degrees from the same university. I'll finish mine within the next three months and Lt. Evans within the next year. We also have completed the training provided to all U.S. Marshals."

"Yeah, well…when my father finds out about this you'll be toast and so will your spade."

"I understand that you live with your parents so I'm a bit surprised you don't know that he opposed my appointment, the adoption of these standards, and Lt. Evans' appointment. Yet, here we are because this was the only dissenting vote. If I understand you correctly, you are refusing to follow orders given to you by Lt. Evans. Is that correct?"

"You bet your ass. All I got to do is hang out and kick this nigger's ass and he'll be gone, but I'm never going to follow his orders and I ain't following yours either."

"Okay, you've made your position abundantly clear. How about you, Parsons? I just want to know whether to add insubordination to the charges of dereliction of duty already hanging over your heads. Not only did I see you while Ms. Bascomb was being kidnapped yesterday, but you were also seen by more than a dozen citizens. You sat in your patrol car and did nothing while she was being kidnapped by an armed assailant. Your intervention might well have convinced Craig to give up. Instead, I had to shoot him in the shoulder to disarm him. Well, how about it, Parsons?"

He glanced quickly at Haynes standing just off to his left before replying, "Um…I guess so; I mean I'll follow." Max had been sitting to my left side until the exchange with Haynes. Then he jumped up ready to act in response to the changes in the tone of my voice. Once my voice showed that I was calm again, he returned to sitting, but had his eyes squarely on Haynes in anticipation of some foolhardy act.

"Very well, let's stand for inspection then we'll have a briefing. There will be a note taken of any problems, but there will be no penalties for problems this morning as this is new to you." They formed what amounted to two lines and I started at the left end and moved toward the right, noting deficiencies as we walked before turning around for the back row. Mostly, there were problems associated with dirty shoes and unkempt uniforms although two officers had omitted their vests, a potentially life threatening omission.

I listened to the briefing then told Haynes and Parsons to meet with me in the Chief's office. There I laid out the charges against them and advised them of their rights to a hearing. "Who's going to conduct the hearing," Haynes asked.

"I plan to ask three of the City Council, but not your father and not Ms. Bascomb."

"What about the suspension?"

"Thirty days without pay."

"Fuck that! I don't give that much of a shit about this stupid fucking job. I fucking quit."