

"I know you hate it but there is nothing you can do about it", I told him. He raised an eyebrow at me I was instantly suspicious.

"Is there something you want to tell me?", I asked him.

"What about your land lord is he cool with it?", he asked me.

"Yes. As long as we pays the rent on time he is OK with what ever we do", I told him. I have met him a few times he was nice man retired living with his husband. He had no qualms about renting house to young people. On the other hand other land lords wanted us to get married because they won't give it to single people. Another lady I met was suspicious that we were lesbians so outright denied her house to us. But we are happy with our current land lord.

"You may have to double check that because I'm sure he is going to have strong opinion about three people living there instead of two like you said", he told me coldly.

"How do you know that?", I asked him.

"Because I'm your land lord", he said.