
Buying skills with real money. Improving my life in the real world.

When life decided to grant him a blessing in the form of a gamer system Evan was happy. But that happiness didn't last. He slowly lost his family, his loved ones, and those he needed in his life until he felt like he couldn't sink any lower. But he finally gave in and used his real money to pay his system for the chance to improve his life. A chance to finally be more. And man he is going to love it. If only things were cheaper!

Silverfang · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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23 Chs

Time to Break some Limits

Over the course of the next week Evan got to spend time with the 4 people who mean a lot to him.

Thomas and Derrick visited him to train and spar with him as promised.

Evan got to know more of the regular team fighters for the upcoming tournament.

And he grew closer with not only Zara, but also Miu. Getting to know about their families, their training habits, their hobbies, and their interests and likes. Soon he was enjoying spending so much time with them that he could see a potential polyamorous relationship working out between them if they were both still interested in dating him.

He even found a way around the lotto ticket situation. He asked Thomas and Derrick to take turns turning in a small pile of winners every 2 days. Each day he raked in about 8k per pile. So by the end of the week he gained 56k total plus his 3k from before and his savings that remained meant he had 60k total for his skills.

Today he was getting ready for his first official spar against Zara to be recognized by the fighter group to prove he deserves to be in the main line up and not a reserve member.

He bought a few things for himself such as the first 2 levels of the physiques turning himself super human. And his learning potential up another three ranks boosting his learning speed further. He even splurged and increased his other rank I skills by one each. And all the sparing combined with tbe learning prodigy has helped him get many of his martial arts up a full rank.

He even checked his stat growths from the last week from when he still had the x4 training rank. He saw his stars grow fast thanks to the help of his friend group.

*Stat growth from last weeks training report as requested by user.

+12 strength

+18 agility

+13 endurance

+9 intelligence

+11 sense*

He wasn't sure if he could grow his already high intelligence stat but he was proved right in that it could still grow. He reviewed all kinds of textbooks on martial arts, training methods, muscle science, health, first aid, and even texts on gym science and health science.

His intelligence absorbed all that information and he felt like he wouldn't be forgetting it any time soon with all the new information he was learning.

He was sad that it had been only that amount of stat gains in the last week. But it makes sense his stats were all approaching the half way limit point of most humans and as such it was getting harder to gain them through training and studying. But with his new training boost he should gain them better and should reach the levels of an enhanced human by the time the tournament came about to sweep the local competition.

Name: Evan McLean

Race: Super Human

Level: 16

HP: 320/320

MP: Locked

Ki: 64/64

Str: 37 (+26)

Agi: 40 (+20)

End: 40 (+36)

Int: 49 (+12)

Sense: 40 (+18)


Uncanny luck: Boosted luck that makes you seem like the luckiest guy in the world

Martial Prodigy: For each martial art you learn you gain bonuses to your stats based on each style and their rank. And you have the skill to match. Each rank in the martial art is equal to 1 year of training in them.

Karate III: +6 to str and end

Muay Thai III: +6 to str and end

Kick Boxing III: +6 to str and end

Tiger fist rank II: +4 to str and end

Jujitsu rank II: +4 to agi and sense

Dragon fist rank IV: +4 to all stats

Tae Kwon do rank II: +4 to agi and str

Jeet Kune Do Rank II: +2 to all stats

Ki Initiate (Rank II ki user): Gain ability to empower yourself with ki. 1 ki point add +1 to strength or endurance. Any amount of ki used only stays for 2 minutes at a time until more ki mastery is gained

Tough stuff II: Your body grows healthier and is now tougher +8 to end, +10to HP per level

Healing factor II: Regenerate 4 HP per minute, recover from exhaustion 20% faster

Learning Prodigy V: You are now able to learn things both body and mind related much faster! Your body is now at the super human level of adaptation! X10 learning speed.

Gymnast II: Your body is way more flexible now! And you are more aware of your space, +4 agi and sense

Strategist II: +6 to int from thinking fast and better now!

Enhanced Reflexes II: React faster! +4 agi and sense

Enhanced Human Physique: Stat limit of all stats has risen from 100 to 200!

Super Human physique: Stat limit of all stats has rise from 200 to 400!

Evan grinned at all the gains and looked at his remaining funds. He had just around 3k left now. He made sure to save the rest away for now so he could ask Zara and Miu out on a date to make sure they knew his intentions with them and his desire to make a shared relationship work.

He wanted to treat them somewhere they would all enjoy and he remembers that both girls had a shared love of dim sum style food. So he made reservations for a restaurant to treat them at tomorrow after he asks them today.

With his plan in mind he got up and prepared for the upcoming fighters exam to see who makes the cut for the tournament in three weeks.

Many were betting against him but he had shocked many of the fighters in the regular team with his growth.

Gone was the scrawny weak looking thin amateur they saw Zara bring in. Now he was filled out and actually strong looking. For one thing he seemed to gain an inch to his height with each physique he bought. He was 6 foot 2 inches shocking his friends at his growth and making Thomas grin at Derrick for being the true short guy in their trio.

Derrick wrestled with Thomas for a bit for that one.

Zara and Miu didn't seem to mind the growth and even welcomed it with predatory gazes and blushes on their faces fron his other improvements.

For one thing his body had tones up deliciously. He was sporting the beginnings of a 6 pack. Not there yet but his previously flat stomach was now showing some true definition as if he did an abs only circuit for 10 minutes every day for the last 3 months. But the real kicker was his arms and legs, Evan believed that the system heard his mental wish to gain the Pink muscle body of his dreams and was organizing his body to reflect that. His arms looked toned like a swimmer or track and field athlete. But he could bench press over 180lbs. And he was able to squat press over 250lbs. Granted not many reps of each weight limit. But that was his current ability. He was deceptively powerful despite having such a lean physique and muscles.

He was embarrassed to admit his newfound growth hadn't stopped there. Each physique gave him an added inch... elsewhere. He wasn't complaining, infact he was happy. But he hoped he didn't get too large. After all he read most lengths after 8 to 9 inches was too painful for most women to handle without proper lube, experience, and preparation. Porn stars had a secret they weren't sharing.

He looked at his full nude body admiring it from every angle and then glanced down at his currently flaccid cock. Even flaccid it was a respectable 2.5 inches. And when blood was flowing he was a solid 7. He used to be five. But... as mentioned before... the physiques had done more than increase his stat limit.

He was sure to make Zara and Miu very happy women once he got them into the bedroom. But that was a plan for another time. Once they actually reached that level of their relationship.

He walked into the gym after stretching and found the fighters group meeting for the selection tournament they were holding to make their main line up of 5 top fighters for the local round. Once they had their line up of main fighters they would then go on to fight three other gyms for a winning spot as the local winners.

After that came regional. Next the state ranked. Then national. And finally the international tournament scene.

Evan was looking forward to the cash rewards they will receive with each rank they achieve in the fights to come. He was also looking forward to the mountains of experience points. As real fights gave him a lot more than he thought.

Zara explained that since they had somewhere around 20 people in their group. Or rather 19 now after Naoki was banned from their group they would use this chance to get to the nitty gritty of choosing their other 4 fighters.

She was one of their top contenders so she was looking to fill out the team of 5 from the remaining 18 fighters.

Everyone looked ready to prove their worth and they broke up into different pairs.

There were quite a few good fighters in their group but soon the more skilled, the stronger, or the more experienced ones showed their worth as many people were wiped out of the selection.

Soon it was Evans turn to fight and he was fighting another of the 5 eternal reserve members. Not that he knew that. Zara did though and she was concerned by this. Naoki was friends with this group so they all had bad personalities. She hoped Evan could handle this one as it was one of the female members who loved to torment her opponents.

Zara couldn't interfere directly since this was a selection exam. But she could use her authority as both team captain and examiner to control how badly the fighters actually hurt each other.

She didn't mind Evan getting bruised up. But she hoped to stop him from getting any broken bones or dislocations due to having a plan in her mind to ask him out for a celebratory date with Miu together so they can get an official relationship started together.

Both women obviously liked the man. And they were more than willing to take the first step. And the fact that Evan has been nothing but a gentleman and has been filling out deliciously in the muscle department has been a nice added factor as well.

She watched Evan enter the right with his tight fitting exercise shirt showing off his now wonderfully defined 6 pack. And the short sleeves of his shirt hugged his well toned biceps and triceps very nicely. She was biting her lower lip unconsciously while checking out Evans rapidly developing physique. It was like he wasn't a normal man!

(If only she knew about his super human physique)

She shook it off as one of her friends from the fighter group was noticing her lip biting and slight blush that was beginning to show through her complexion. The friend was wiggling his eyebrows at her showing he knew what she was staring at.

With a heavier blush for being caught she looked a this opponent as she stepped into the ring.

She was a small fighter of 5 foot 3 inches but she was well defined. It was like she was an amazonian warrior. She even did the watermelon test and crushed it. Zara shuddered in fear of Evans head being the next victim as this girl named Zoey loved her Wrestling, Judo, and Jujitsu techniques. With her dark brown hair tied back in a valkyrie braid and her Nordic tattoos all around her body she painted an intimidating picture to all her foes. He deep blue eyes with a storm cloud gray added to the feeling of her Scandinavian heritage.

Evan was skilled but he hadn't fought anyone who was a pure submission type before. And unlike Naoki and his weakness of not pushing himself in training. Zoey was more than happy to break her skin and her bones during training. She had trained herself to feel only a fraction of the pain and to keep fighting until she was literally on the floor with three of her limbs broken or dislocated.

She knew personally thanks to the last fight she had with the battle maniac. It was one of the reasons Zoey was permanently in the reserve team. Her personality and her love of breaking her opponents made her a bad fit for the tournaments early rounds and late rounds.

She hoped to ban Zoey too from the gym but she was a good fighter and had a more grounded view of the other fighters and was more respectful of the men and women of the gym than Naoki was. In public at least. Zara had spoken to more than one of Zoey's ex's and was shuddering at how much of an inner sadist the woman was. Her tormenting personality came out in the ring and in the bedroom apparently. leaving many of her partners with mental and physical scars.

Zara just hoped that Evan would be able to fight through that and grow from this match. As some opponents will be as stubborn and durable as Zoey.

Zoey noticed Zaras looks towards Evan as they both stretched and warmed up for the match. She got a seductive and sadistic grin on her face from that, 'So you have the hots for the new guy eh? Hehehe! I guess I should have fun breaking your new affection target eh? Let's see how good he is Zara! I will beat you with your tallness, your power, your skill, and having all those males worship you! I am the queen of the ring! I should be worshipped!'

Let it not be said that Zoey... miiiiight have a slight inferiority complex with taller and muscular women who command the attention of men everywhere.

She might of burnt an entire collection of sports illustrated magazine out of jealousy but she would deny that to the day she died.

Zara prepared to ring the bell as Zoey goes into her Judo stance with that usual predatory grin on her face. Evan was a bit put off from that grin but shrugged it off as his foe being excited for their match up and prepared his tiger fist stance once he saw the Judo stance.

With both fighters prepared Zara rings the bell and they both leap at each other to initiate the first blow of this examination fight.