
Buying skills with real money. Improving my life in the real world.

When life decided to grant him a blessing in the form of a gamer system Evan was happy. But that happiness didn't last. He slowly lost his family, his loved ones, and those he needed in his life until he felt like he couldn't sink any lower. But he finally gave in and used his real money to pay his system for the chance to improve his life. A chance to finally be more. And man he is going to love it. If only things were cheaper!

Silverfang · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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23 Chs

The Underground Ring of Death (Part 3)

Zoey and Alicia both enter the ring. Zoey in her usual flair of grinning like a mad woman, while Alicia actually cartwheels and flips into the arena.

Zoey clicks her tongue in annoyance as she remembers that Alicia was on the reserves because she was more focused on her gymnastics training versus her capoeira training. But in the end she made a deadly mixture of the two for flexibility, speed, and power. She never got to use it in an official match due to her missing required training hours in the ring setting. But Zoey knew that based on the feeling of Alicia, that the gymnast had used it many times in training in this under ground gang.

Zoey readied herself as she heard, "Take her out Zoey!" From Zara, "Bring her down!" From Thomas. "You can win!" From Hyo.

And finally, "You can do this, we all believe in you, and never doubt that you are beautiful and wonderful inside and out." From Ryan.

Zoey grins widely at all the support while Alicia is showboating and flaunting her curves and hips for all the gangsters as they wolf whistle and cat call her. She just giggles and shoots a wink at Zoey remembering the times when she was insecure in her looks whenever they sparred in the ring.

Zoey shoots her back a wink in return and smirks at how that old trick won't work any more. Alicia groans internally but smiles on the outside as she knows, there is more than one way to irk a viking.

They both ready themselves in their respective stances as the bell is being counted down before it is rung.

Zoey goes into her wrestling stance, and Alicia goes into a stance where she is bouncing from foot to foot in a sweeping leg motion similar to tango dancers but her body is bent at the waist and her arms are helping her keep balance. Thought thanks to her gymnastics top and her short but tight spats for flexibility, her cleavage is on display and her body is attracting a lot of stares.

Zoey glares at Alicias display of flaunting and boasting about her looks but glances to Ryan who is only staring and appreciating Zoey's body and looks as his eyes shamelessly roam her sparring sports bra, her abs, her strong and toned arms, and her powerful legs as they flex with her adjusting her stance from foot to foot. Ryan blushes in embarrassment as he is caught staring by his girlfriend while Zara is teasing him with a raising and lowering eyebrow as she knowingly finds Ryan staring at Zoey.

Zoey refocuses as the bell is rung and she sees Alicia rush her using a cartwheel that turns into a jack kniife flip.

Zoey barely leans back in time as she avoids the tense and hardened toes of her opponent as they scrape past her chin and leave a scuff mark on her. Zoey lunges forward only to see Alicia back flip away and leave her with a upper chin kick from the back flip momentum. Zoey stumbles back from the hit and manages to get her feet under her.

Only to feel them be swept away from her as Alicia flipped back at her and slid to her ankles and scissor kicked her right in the joints of her ankles.

Zoey yelps in pain at the blow as she falls to her knees. Alicia then takes this moment to knee Zoey in her now lower body position and slams her knee right into Zoey's solar plexus.

A large whoosh of air escapes Zoey as she bends forward while coughing harshly from the blow to her core. Alicia smirks wickedly at this before pulling back her leg. Only to find her leg trapped in Zoey's mid section. She pulls harder on her leg but then realizes she finds a pair of powerful arms wrapped around her leg trapping her in a wrestling lock from Lucha Libre. Zoey looks up with a downright evil grin. Alicia gasps in fear before she feels herself twisted to the side.

Zoey kicks out with her feet slamming both heels into Alicias face making her head snap back from the force as she leg locks the gymnast and puts a lot of pressure onto her knee and ankle joints.

Alicia cries out in pain as she wriggles to get free, feeling her knee bones grinding against each other painfully. Soon they are stuck with Zoey trying to dislocate the knee and take out Alicia, while said gymnast is trying to figure out a way out of her predicament.

Alicia growls out before she yells out, "Forget this! This is an underground match! Take this bitch!"

She reaches into her cleavage to grab something, then once it is grabbed she whips out a set of brass knuckles. Zoey gasps as she suddenly cries out in agony as Alicia slams the knuckles into Zoeys ankle that is right near the gymnasts head.

Zoey rolls away while cradling her ankle, while Alicia cradles her now very sore and wobbly knee joint as she manages to stand up on a wobbly leg stance.

She glares daggers at Zoey as she yells out while brandishing her brass knuckles, "You better realize now you muscle headed woman! I will never be the one beneath you now! I will show you here and now that I was always the better option to your muscles and your skill! I would have had our audience admiring me for my beauty! SO you can just stay on the bench like me and the others as reserves! After all you were sometimes called up as a replacement! None of us got that luxury! SO you can just have your face disfigured by my knuckles! And my kicks! So here comes the pain!"

She rushes at Zoey despite her knee still being injured and Zoey barely rolls into a crouched kneeling stance to stay low and give her throbbing ankle time to recover. Alicia doesn't make it easy however as she comes in with a low roundhouse kick ready to knock Zoey's head off her shoulders. Zoey barely raises her shoulder to block the kick in time.

However she gasps as she feels it being only a love tap which quickly lands next to her body and has Alicia standing over her with her fist raised back to punch her again. Zoey brings her arms up only to suddenly have to block a long barrage of brass encrusted punches into her arms and body from the angry, vain woman.

Evan is stunned with the rest of their friends while the gangsters are hooting and cheering seeing two women trying to break each other. And the bruises begin to form on Zoey's arms while some cuts from the edge of the knuckles begin to bleed and show as well.

Zoey begins to cry a bit from pain as the cuts begin to form welts on her body that begin to bleed harder as Alicia finally relents from a barrage of 50 punches with her brass tools now on both hands. She pulled out a second set during the beating to equip herself for the flurry of punches.

She pants hard from that and then kicks Zoey harshly away to avoid counters from the wrestler and to make sure she can now bask in the calls and whistles of the gangsters for her ferocity and her physical beauty.

She basks while Zoey is now laying on the ground motionless while her friends have all gathered at the edge of the fence trying to cheer her on and check on her condition.

Evan manages to slip a hand under the gap between the fence and the floor to grab her hand. Zoey has tears flowing down her cheeks as she sees Evan trying to support her still.

She cries more as her tear filled voice breaks through her cries and gasps of pain, "I'm- I'm sorry... I'm not able to beat her... I'll try. Try for a tie... at least... but I'm not sure if I can manage it for much longer... She got me... pretty good there... You guys should... be ready to take out the rest of their members... for me... Okay?"

Zara looks angry at Alicia now realizing she made a good choice for making sure she never saw the inside of a ring. But then looks down to Zoey with her face and voice full of worry. "Zoey... you can't give up. We have this. You have this. And you are strong. Remember? Think about it. To match you she needed weapons. You were beating her before that. You can do this girl!"

Hyo nods at her while keeping an eye on the gang members to make sure none of them saw the hand holding between Evan and Zoey.

Thomas was still hurt but was doing his best to give her a reassuring smile.

Evan was crying a bit making Zoey coo slightly at him, "Hey big guy, you're my champion right? Don't cry, I'll just be in the hospital for a few weeks at most from these injuries. I'll be back in the ring with no problems. So get the rest of these guys okay?"

She goes to get up but is held in her pose by Evanas he grips her hand tighter. She looks up to see his face full of concern, care, affection, and even determination. HE speaks up with all those emotions on his face, "No. You have this. Zara is right. You can beat her. She needs tools and attention to be powerful. You were powerful before meeting us, you are more powerful now after having spent time with us! You can do this my beautiful Valkyrie! Show them what a true viking woman is like! And know that you are never weak in our eyes! You are a true fighter who we care for."

As he says this the light is coming back to Zoey's eyes while her body seems to lightly glow some from Evan subtly giving her a Ki healing charge through their hands allowing her to heal some during his speech to her.

Her new light glows in her eyes as she slowly gets up while the passive regeneration ki flows through her body. Her eyes snap open once she is fully up and she roars out in challenge to Alicia. Making the vain woman snap back to her. She rolls her eyes as she sees the blood trails still over Zoey's arms and body, her ankle still red, and the bruises still there. She walks up and gains momentum as she readies her arms to hit Zoey again, "You just don't give up! Let me teach what happens when you mess with a true QUE-URGHGHBLRUGHEL!!!"

The end of her line was due to the fact that Zoey caught both of Alicia's fists in her own hands. She growls out while Alicia is trying to free her hands by kicking the lower legs of Zoey that seemed to have grown thicker than before and seemed to have tensed up. Zoey glares the promise of death right into Alicia's eyes as her eyes burn with a fiery passion promising immense pain unto the vain and corrupt woman.

Evan hears a notification that blares at him letting him know,

*Congratulations! Your ally Zoey has realized a deep truth she was despairing against! Her own image in the eyes of others! You helped her see past it and she has been freed to become the warrior she was meant to be!

He has evolved into Super Human ranked physique! Evolution successful!

+20 to Str

+20 to Agi

+20 to End*

The Valkyrie hears the grinding of bones as she tightens her grip on the womans hands, then her voice comes in, "Let me go you brute! I should have you sued for this treatment of such a pretty and beautiful woman like me! You ugly ones should bow to our greatness! You should lay down and let us walk all over you-OOUUUAGGHHH!!!"

With a great flexing of her muscles Zoey has forced the Brass knuckles to dent and bend inward right into the fingers of Alicia. She removes her hands to reveal Alicia's hands are now slightly mangled messes as her finger tips and second knuckles are dislocated, her brass knuckles look like flattened soda cans pressing into her now VERY bruised finger bones and her wrists are currently quivering from pain and over taxation from the harsh wrenching they endured during the mangling.

Alicia screams in pain before she glares bloody murder at the one who ruined her 'perfect' fingers and rushed at Zoey with a fast hook kick with all her body weight behind it.

She lands it squarely onto Zoey and grins maliciously at it. Before the Viking womans hands snaps up and grips her shin very tightly to the point where Alicia flinches and physically trembles from the pain. She looks to where she landed her kick and finds she only landed her kick on Zoey's shoulder guard she used to block it. She gasps as the same arm she hit is the same side hand that now has her in an iron grip.

Soon Zoey grins evilly and asks her, "You mentioned my muscles being unattractive?"

Alicia, now very afraid and simply wanting to survive this, nods slowly.

Zoey pulls her closer practically kissing the vain woman making Alicia's eyes go wide form the proximity. She hisses out, "My boyfriend Evan? He loves my muscles... he was the first to find them sexy, beautiful, and most of all the first to find me attractive in the ways I needed to know I was beautiful. You may have the curves. But I have the skills and the power to back up my personal beauty! SO here we go! Get ready to feel the full force of my muscles!"

She flings Alicia over her shoulder by using her full body into an over the shoulder throw. Alicia cries out before being silenced by her front and face impacting the hard stone floor of the warehouse. She whimpers out in pain as her nose is broken and her cheek has a deep red angry bruise on her face now. She barely makes another noise of pain before she is flung up and over the shoulders of Zoey as she pulls her into an over the shoulder back breaker. Alicia's cries out again as Zoey brings the pain. Everyone is stunned silent at the ferocity and brutality Zoey is showing.

However Zara and Evan both watch calmly noticing that while she could go too far, she isn't. She hasn't followed through with actually breaking bones, or continuing the slamming or ground and pound options she had when Alicia was recovering from the throw.

They smirk as Zoey then throws Alicia off her and beings to fling her around in a wide circle by holding her ankles making her opponent sick as she is spun around faster and faster before being flung away and crashing into, then through the fence perimeter.

Alicia is now on the ground unconscious as she mutters weakly how scary muscle women are.

Zoey humphs and heads over to the others. The gangster watching the gate to the ring back away as she literally rips the lock off and heads to Evan. He goes forward to greet her and hug her, but she beats him by pulling him into a rough hug and a deep kiss.

Hyo and Thomas both whistle at that while Zara smirks and says, "Guess we know what Zoey wants after we finish our fights here and rescuing Derrick!"

Derrick from off to the side, "Thanks for remembering me!"

Evan is separated from Zoey as he laughs at her and promises a good relaxing date between them all before refocusing on the fence being fixed and the next fighter, the punk Russian girl entering the ring while she glares daggers at Zara, challenging the part time officer for putting her and her friends away.

Zara grins and looks to everyone, "Wish me luck! I've been wanting to take this punk out since I first arrested her for her attitude to Ryan and myself."

Everyone wishes her luck as she enters and squares of against the punk girl.