
But you Promised

This is a story about Mai who is about to graduate college and start her own path in life. Unfortunately other powers have a different say in the matter entirely and she now finds her self in a new world with 0 memories and very few useful skills. This will be a steamy romance novel that involves an unruly king, national secrets, and of course Mai's heart. In addition, some chapters will include recipes so you can eat it as well!

Taahlaa · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

What do you want to know?


This was a first for me. How often does one catch the plot on their very life at the beginning? At least, I think it is a plot against my life. Only the King could pull off something like this, which is highly concerning. He sent that serpent of a lady into this paviollion under strange circumstances first, and now another? Is he trying to get me killed by the other nobles for building me a harem that I can't get rid of? Well, the man is a complete lunatic, so that isn't that far fetched of an idea. But shouldn't he be busy with the war on the border or any other important task?

Great, now I can't sleep with all of these thoughts swirling around in my head.

Sighing quietly to myself, I get dressed and take a small walk along my inner courtyard, allowing my feet to mindlessly wander until I get tired enough to sleep. which was my first mistake because I'm now standing outside the doorway to the girl I captured earlier. She wasn't showing the characteristics of a prisoner but those of a young, careless, noble lady. Earlier this year, he had almost been tricked into marrying a young lady from the Duraret family. not to mention the numerous attempts from as far back as he could remember.

However, he had never seen this particular lady at court before, not that she couldn't have been a trained lady to make a man's mind wander. Her pale jade skin had no blemishes.

It looked silky-smooth to the touch, almost begging for him to rub it softly. Cursing under my breath, I looked past her skin to the fallen robe, leaving a large portion of her chest showing. Her luscious, thick, raven black hair had covered her breast too much for me to see what lay beneath. Regardless of her background, she was a stunning beauty.

I should probably figure out what is actually going on before I say or do anything to her. She could be the daughter of an abbasendor or a bastard child of some other high ranking nobility. Just because the King might have picked up a new game to torment me with doesn't mean that I have to indulge him.



I felt as though I had gotten the best sleep of my life. The small streams of light from the window had woken me up, but I wouldn't complain. Surprisingly, the bed had been rather comfy after everything else that had happened. I was feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day and whatever else would come my way. I couldn't quite recall any of the dreams I had, but I think they were important.

I assumed everything that happened yesterday was just another bizarre dream, but when I opened my eyes, I was greeted with the same bleak room with only a bed in it. After recognising that everything was actually real, I started to freak out on the bed. Gasping for air in small breaths as one does when they are having an existential crisis. I started rocking back and forth on the bed with my hands around my knees. The thought of being in a different world all alone had finally caught up with me. I couldn't hold back the tears any longer as they streamed down my cheeks.

Although it is very vague, I remember that this country is called Skeyla. Though the country greatly resembles ancient China, the traditions and culture were completely different. There was even magic that one could cultivate to become stronger. However, none of this was going to help me right now as I was currently the only resident of prison room number 1—or maybe it was number 2? The servants hadn't batted an eye, so I'm sure he locks people up all the time.

Think! There has to be a way out of here! The only window was above the bed and was only large enough for her arm to fit through, whereas the only other exit looked to be the thick wooden locked door.

There was a pounding in my chest that almost hurt. Deep breaths were no longer working on keeping me semi calm. Desperately, I searched for something, anything, that could help me escape this prison. My eyes ran along the walls, hoping for a miracle. but none came into view. There were no tools or hooks to make a contraption that could knock someone unconscious when they entered the door. Since it swung inward, I can't make something that would cause the person to trip. All out of options, I sat in the middle of the floor, glancing around the room, trying to figure out a way that I had yet to think of.

Around what I thought was noon, I heard the door jingle and open. The same brute who had carried me appeared in front of me. My eyes narrowed in a small amount of hatred before I realised this might be my best escape route. Looking past the man and into the corridor beyond him didn't help, as I could only see more walls.

"So, you guys didn't forget about me. Were you trying to starve me to death?" Mai asked.

The man looked taken aback when he heard what I said, and his cheeks slightly flushed in embarrassment. The master had said she was a prisoner and should be guarded but also taken care of. The man had a lot to deal with yesterday, and after dumping her in the room, he completely forgot about her till this morning.

"You are a prisoner; there is no reason to waste resources on you." The man said it indifferently, attempting to frighten her.

Mai chuckled at the reply, even if he tried to behave indifferently, she had still seen that tinge of embarrassment from earlier.

"Did your young master not say to take care of my needs? Are you ignoring what he said? Even if I am a prisoner who has no value to go against what the young master said… You sure have guts." I replied, trying to bother him as much as possible so that he could maybe forget about how well he was supposed to be guarding the door.

While the words were coming out of my mouth, the man's face began to fall, turning into a scowl.

He quickly turned around and marched out of the room.

They made me a prisoner for no reason other than being outside of their manor. Who were these people? I was beginning to think that they were the crazy ones. Well, at least I've settled the issue of getting food for the day.

20 long minutes passed in silence. The door was once again opened, but instead of the guard that I was expecting to exchange words with again, the young master walked through the entrance instead.

I might have thrown caution to the wind and said "Well, well, look at who showed up!" with a huge smile on my face.

The man completely ignored her as more servants brought in a table as well as multiple food dishes. He sat down, and the servants started to set up his meal. which, I have to admit, is pretty typical of everything I know of this man he ignores every word I say.

I stared at the man, who was as beautiful as an angel but could possibly rival a devil. Eating food in front of someone who was hungry was one of the evilest things you could do. My mouth watered as I watched him bring countless pieces of juicy looking meat to his mouth. I was practically drooling from the smell, not to mention the satisfied look he got whenever he finished a piece of meat. This lasted for 5 minutes before the man said, "Tell me about yourself; if I like what I hear, you can have some food."

Was this man joking with her? Tell him what? She had been living in a completely different world until yesterday, when she was accidentally transported here. Her stomach growled angrily, demanding the feast that was in front of her. She wondered if he would even believe her story. I began to think quickly about something that might sound plausible, and after a few seconds, I thought I had something slightly believable and was going to tell him.

"I will know if you are lying, so you should just tell me the truth. Who sent you here? The man's face had lost all of its joy as he uttered the last part of the sentence.

Fine, he wants the truth? He can have the truth! I thought.

"Well, what is there to tell you? My name is Mai. I am originally from Earth and have been transmogrified to this location. Before waking up yesterday in this body, I have no idea about her past where she is from or who she might have worked for." I replied as if these types of things happened all the time, hiding my frustration.

I could feel the man's gaze on my face. I guess he was trying to detect if I was lying. Even in a place with a smidgeon of magic, my story seemed a little far-fetched. Making it more believeable, I told him about random facts about Earth, like how I used to study trees and that my favourite was an old oak tree that grew in my parents' yard. A smile started to appear on my face as I got lost in a memory of running around the old oak tree when I was a child. After babbling on for a little bit, I noticed that the atmosphere started to feel almost soft compared to the aggression that the young master was giving off earlier.

I stared at the man to see what his reaction to the truth would be.