

"I hate that I love you. Why can't I stop this feeling."

"I never asked for your love nor do I want it."


"All I ever did was love you and this is how you repay me"

"Please don't leave me I need you."

"I can't do this anymore I can't stay any longer "

He was everything to me but how can I stay with him when all he wanted me to do was leave him alone. How can I still love him when all he did was point every flaw I had. He was the reason why I hated myself but why do I care so much for him ? But he is able to make me feel warm and loved ? He said he needs me but acts cold. Did he ever loved me or was it all an act? But in reality all he ever loved was making me suffer right?

This is my very first story so hope you guys enjoy ? and come back for more very time I publish

Yuuki_sanacreators' thoughts