
Burning-Hood Deviant

This world is too normal.... Day in Day out, Everyone is just living for their survival. Where's the fun in that?, Wasn't living supposed to be fun?. I need a change...No this world needs a change. And miraculously, The change i needed occurred in an unusual way. *BOOM* At that sound the world changed. 30% of the countries population awakened powers of different attributes. What do I do now that I've got the change I needed?.... There was no need to think...No matter the change....Humans are still humans. There will always be those who can't see the full picture and commit silly crimes. And also those who see the bigger picture and have bigger agenda's. But who will stop them?, Everyone is becoming the antagonist of the story without knowing... We all know a story wouldn't be balanced without someone to go against the antagonists. My eyes as the author came across a young teenage boy like all the others was one of the chosen few... Awakening fire abilities, he chose to use it for fun without knowing he is the one keeping the balance of the story. He and friend Sasuke with child like mentalities became Vigilantes. Join Them as they continue to keep the story in balance while facing increasingly stronger enemies as the story progress. Author's Note: √ Hey Author here, I rewrote the synopsis and I will be apologizing to my readers for the unpredictable release of chapter's one through forty, I had school, family issues and also I'm the only child so you should get but... I'M BACK!!, and I promise to release appropriately from now on. The release rate will be 7 chapters every two weeks please bear with me. I would really love to take down the first forty chapters as I wasn't on balance and just wrote whatever came to my on the spot cause it stakes on my mind as an author but as a person I'm leaving it on so I can use it remind my self of my growth as this is the first novel I've written. Good news...The story I've always wanted to write or had planned to write starts from chapter 41 but that doesn't mean you shouldn't read the first forty chapters, it's good being sincere, you can just call it the beginning chapter's as it just laid the ground work for the actions and main story plot of the story. Also this might sound selfish but please leave a review and umm...power stones, for my growth cause I've got two stories that I know will shake webnovel as a whole so for it to be perfect I'm going over it slowly and thoroughly, you should expect either late 2023 or early 2024. I will give you all an update when it's out cause I should be done with Burning-hood deviant before they start. Anyways thanks for being kind enough to listen to this poor authors note and complaints I really appreciate it and will do my best from now on as I keep on writing you can also you can leave a comment on ideas you have that I can implement into the stories growth. Your's Faithfully, Top_Tier. (•‿•)

TopTier7 · Action
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45 Chs


I began to concentrate as I remembered the feeling I had when creating it and it slowly and steadily became bigger and at the moment he jumped up through the hole he fell from, I marked the moment right and threw the the ball of flame at him.i should come up with a good name for it maybe Hell-Ball should work.


He got trapped in and I began to add fires from my hands to stop him and also increase the heat. It was becoming harder to control but I pulled through then unexpectedly a pain rushed through my whole body and i Iost concentration and slowly the ball began to lose its worth but I stood up and by the time I did the ball had already faded out and he was facing the opposite direction. But I could tell it was working as his entire body was red hot, he could barely stand but it wasn't enough.


I exclaimed as soon as he turned at my direction.


I wasted no time, no matter how hard it was to move my body I pulled through it all and I jumped to the ceiling and faced upside down as I was directly on top him.

"EAT THIS!!!... CARNAGE!!!!"

I shouted before I could fall off my position and launched the largest amount of flame I've ever released an it began to work as the ground below his feet began to melt and he broke through while I was falling with him, my body and the flame I was sending was immense that even though we Fell at high speed it was burning them floor by floor. And the feeling I have right now I guess it should be what they call over heating and my body was still combusted trying to heal me as I add more, talk about adding salt to your injury. His steel body couldn't handle the heat any more so his steel retracted leaving only his real skin as he fell down even beyond ground level. I got lucky as I fell on the second floor, before I lost consciousness I saw a figure approaching me even though everything was all blurry.

| In an helicopter near by|

[Reporting, it's exactly as you suspected sir..He actually beat the guy] One of the agents of the D.C.S reports to the head

[Very well then..go get both of them and if law enforcement asks where you're taking the fire deviant just say his health is bad so you're gonna go treat him up] The head of the D.C.S replies through a telecom.

[Copy that sir]

The helicopter lands the in front of the building where I took down 'Steeling-Steel'.

[Umm sir..you won't believe this]

[What is it now]

[Well..the Steel Deviant seemed to have been burned to a degree that passed the melting point of an iron or steel. The floors couldn't handle his hot temperature, Which is why he just kept melting down almost hitting the Earth's crust. So it's gonna take some time and extra set of hands to get him out of there]

[OK..and what about the other one?]

[ It appears He's in the floor above, so I sent some of my men to go get him—


Onr of the men he sent to come get me reported back after being attacked.

[WHAT!!..how many are we dealing with?]

[it's just one, but it's another Deviant]


[Sir we've encountered an unexpected intrusion so..it seems someone got their hands on him before we could. It might either be an ally or someone with ulterior motives we don't know about]

[Alright...leave him for now]


"Well come back buddy how was the trip"

"Sasuke!!, Why the hell did you splash water on me?"

"Well if I hadn't you would have skipped practice"


"Yeah cause its Weekend Kaput.. so go get ready we are gonna go train you on some new moves"

Wait isn't this my house and its so early I

the sun isn't even out yet and he's still with his pajamas and there's a mat on the floor. Oh no that must mean he slept over...by the way where is senpai I haven't seen her yet. I went upstairs to her room to check up on her so I knocked but no one answered so I forced my way in.



"Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!, I'm so sorry for barging in senpai..Wait Sasuke?"

It was Sasuke who was screaming like a little girl and why did he tie up his hair and dragged the towel which he tied up to his chest area.


"Well it's your damned fault cause I was knocking the entire time but you didn't answer"

"Look let me tell you something..When someone doesn't answer, THAT MEANS THERE'S NO ONE IN GET IT!!"



It would be pointless to keep arguing like this him so I should just calm down.

"Yes and which is why I had to cross check if it was right that no was in cause, I thought senpai was still sound asleep"



"keep your voice down...she might hear you, and Where is she any way?"

"She's busy making breakfast down stairs"


I ran away towards the kitchen getting there in a very excited manner but she wasn't there I walked back slowly.


I bumped into her, it seems she wasn't watching where she was going.

"Morning Kasu"

"Morning...you ok"

"I'm fine just alot going through my mind".

Now that I think about it I don't know much about her except she's 16years old and her name but why is her last name similar with our schools № 1 bitch. Well I should talk to her more later, so I went to take a bath and as usual she slept on my bed. And Sasuke slept over at my house, We left for the 'Tarn' very early it was barely morning yet and I was so tired from my fight from that guy. We got to tarn and Sasuke couldn't hold his excitement it seems he's already forgotten what happened yesterday, Well it is good for him.

"So what are we going to be doing today?"

"Let me think...since you're already practically good at generation how about concentration".

"OK...so what now"

"Well concentration should be most about increasing the heat of fire already at a particular spot and there was this move I saw let's try it out"

Sasuke was very excited he rushed to his bag to bring out his note book. it seems he already wrote the technique in it.

"Alright we should call it 'FIRE GUN'..just like how you gather all the hit on your feet now try gathering it on your index finger then aim it like a gun".

Leave it to Sasuke to come up with crazy moves, my body was still seriously aching from my fight with 'Steeling-Steel' that I had to cross both of my legs to sit down while I tried it. my generation is very good right now, but I need to work on my concentration. After concentration when ever I try to release it it explodes at that point of release. That continued for three straight hours but it worked before but it was very slim and still couldn't cover long distance, so I had to increase the heat more. I closed my eyes for more concentration since my mentor is too busy inside the lake with the fingerlings. I took aim towards the floor since that's the whole point of the gun thing and slowly I could feel the top of my index finger getting hot and I opened my eyes a little and what do you know it was a tiny little fire ball on my index fingers tip. So I decided to take my time since my coach is not here, I decided to first of all learn to generate this ball at ease without too much effort and time slowly went by and now I could practically say I'm 70% ok at generating the ball at ease on my finger tip.. now to releasing it. That's the problem, When ever I release it..it always explodes at that spot. This took alot of time and it was already past noon so I had to take a break from all this hard work and settle down. I wonder what senpai is doing right now, it must be lonely being all alone at home. But now that I think about it..wasn't she wearing clothes like she was also leaving for some where.

Hmmm, is that Sasuke