
Burn The World Down

Avatar Reincarnated Gamer fic reposted this is also on fanfic.net originally written by infoniticus i don’t know why you guys can’t read i’ve literally said this is reposted

Hadrian_Noir · TV
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13 Chs

Chapter 3: The Kyoshi Warriors Dignity

"This has to be cheating." I sighed as my large hands draped a warm blanket over the sleeping Suki's shoulders- the Kyoshi girl having fallen asleep on my desk after being quizzed all night on history.

Meanwhile, the last Gamer System notification still floating in the corner of my vision.

For showing a more intellectual side, and for also being incredibly attractive to her ...

{Suki} Reputation : -10 - 30

{Suki} Obedience : -65 - -25

The combination of the two perks, [Pretty Privilege] and [Siren's Voice], was just plain unfair. When I told her to 'get comfortable' last night, I meant like taking a seat or helping herself to the jasmine tea I laid out. But instead, Suki stripped naked and just stood there instead. It was insane! Yes, her Obedience stat was still in the negatives... But! I certainly didn't miss how she had reacted when she stood naked in front of me: Panting breath, bedroom eyes almost shaped like hearts, squeezing her toned thighs together and that glistening drop of arousal that dripped down her inner thigh as she literally asked me to ravish her.

I had a feeling that If I had pushed Suki down on the carpet right then and there, she would have actually enjoyed that. However... As much as the primal part of me shouted to push her down and breed her, I was still a man with a job to do, goals to strive towards and principles to uphold. Because ultimately, the true measure of a man is his sheer force of will.

Women can come later, I had a job to do.

New Quest:


Main Objective: Impress {Wan Shi Tong} with (133/100) books for his library.

Reward: Removal of the [Dull Mind] perk

Optional Objective: Impress {Wan Shi Tong} with (2.4/20) books you authored yourself

Reward: [Able Mind]

+ R +

I was dead serious when I told Suki that this was more important.

The value of Intelligence stat could not be overstated. I needed those Perk Points to buy those incredibly useful perks to multiply my combat prowess. After all, I still had a lot of enemies, and I held no illusions that this girl was not one of them. If I could 1v6 the Kyoshi Warriors with ease now, I can only imagine... how I'd fare against real enemies.

Because holy shit, did the {Kyoshi Warriors} suck ass in combat.

They'd still eat opponents like {Earthbender Recruits} alive, that's true. But one would naturally expect a supposedly elite fighting force to be... well, elites in combat. The only reason they were a threat to me was because of their gear. Because somehow, for an elite group of warriors who were based in a poor fishing village that regularly faces starvation, the Kyoshi Warriors had some pretty good-quality gear. And now, I was going to 'Identify' these items and maybe turn up with something of rare or epic quality.

Oh, the simple joys of rummaging through loot after a battle!

I glanced back at Suki who was peacefully snoozing on my desk before I moved to the other room and popped [Suki's Kyoshi Katana] out of my Inventory. Running my fingers along the flat of the blade, I had to admire how elegant it was. And now that I have some deeper insight into Kyoshi Island's history, there is a chance that I might unlock a better understanding of it and find something that I can incorporate into my [Smithing]. A skill which I've been trying to train every chance I got.

(Relic) [Suki's Kyoshi Katana]

A melee weapon consisting of a curved, single-edged blade. This variant of a regular katana is ostensibly made especially for a woman's hands- trading heft and defence for a remarkable lightness that permits swifter and more precise attacks- the razor sharp blade sails through the air like a deadly whisper. However, its light weight does come at a cost: it is markedly more difficult to put chopping power behind the blade, and effectively parrying with this weapon requires more skill and finesse than normal. Thus, practitioners of this weapon are often rewarded with victory for being precise, decisive and most importantly, aggressive.

Weapon Proficiency: Lvl 3 - Novice

At high proficiency levels, foes would do well to respect the ruinously deadly alpha strike that this specialised katana is capable of- leagues more than a standard katana. Your slashes would be so fast that they'd have cut the enemy before they even have a chance to raise their shields or blades to block. The lightning fast draws coupled with hair-splitting precision often means that the battle is over before it truly begins as this blade edge easily glides between armour plating to find vulnerable veins and arteries.

Smithing: Lvl 7 - Apprentice

The make of this weapon should not be physically possible. The blade is remarkably thin and yet it is strong enough to withstand immense impacts. It is possible supernatural factors should be considered in play here, or you may be missing something in the smithing process.

Attunement: (30/25 Suki Reputation Required)

This particular Kyoshi Katana has been passed down from mother to daughter since before the Hundred Year War.

+ R +

... what? Reputation with people actually unlocks things?

Skill levels like Weapon Proficiency and Smithing were to be expected, but Reputation with Suki? That was certainly new information, not something I could use but still interesting as it hinted that there was more to this weapon. But still... A [Relic] quality weapon? This had just become the most valuable weapon in my possession!

Still, it's a shame that the Kyoshi Warriors didn't have the proper skill and technique to wield their weapons to their fullest potential. Likely because there was no one alive left to teach them the correct way to wield their very specialised weapons, just one more scrap of knowledge lost into the whirling aether of history. At least, it would have been if I didn't have [Weapon Familiarity]. I likely knew how to wield this weapon better than some of the Kyoshi Warriors.

"Game... do you have anything to increase the effectiveness of Weapon Familiarity?" I asked, "I really don't have time to train in every weapon."

= Certainly, my Lord. =

New Quest:


Main Objective: Reach Weapon Proficiency Lvl 20 - Grandmaster with 10 different weapons


[Greater Weapon Familiarity] You have handled many shafts in your day. Your unmatchable expertise in so many different weapons have coalesced into a unique instinct with weapons that lets you wield new ones as if you've been training with them for many months. All weapons start at Weapon Proficiency Lvl 10 - Expert.

+ R +

Alright... this one is a challenge. I haven't even reached Grandmaster level in a single weapon yet! But there was no time limit, so this was definitely a long term quest. Certainly something to keep in mind, but not fixate on. Moving onto the other items in the loot pile, I also inspected their [Kyoshi War Fans], their [Deployable Shields] and their busted black lacquered lamellar armour and...

"Oh, what is this right here?" I murmured to myself as the Gamer System fed me new information, "This certainly changes a few things. With this we could take Omashu much easier... How very interesting..."

Once again, I was reminded that the world of Avatar was so rich and vibrant and real compared to the show now, and in my hands was the greatest piece of evidence for it.

"Yes, very interesting indeed."

[Ba Sing Se]

The mid-morning sun shone gently above the packed streets of Ba Sing Se. Bright and warm on the cheering faces of the massive crowds who were out this special day.

It was definitely a day of celebrations for the city- for the whole Earth Kingdom really- and it showed! Green and gold streamers were strung on every lamppost and building. Great parade floats of Avatar Kyoshi in all shapes and sizes trundled down the roads with marching bands trailing behind them to the delight of children and adults. Everywhere one turned their head, it was peace and relief and happiness. And overlooking it all from the largest balcony of the Earth King's palace, Suki stood in her full Kyoshi Warrior regalia alongside her sisters as they watched and listened to the joyous celebrations below.

"The people are happy thanks to you, Kyoshi Warriors." The Earth King Kuei said as he walked onto the balcony with them.

"Thank you, wise Earth King Kuei, for this parade. but the Kyoshi Warriors did not do it for glory." Suki honestly replied. But the ruler of the Earth Kingdom merely smiled a fatherly smile as he stood beside her- looking out into the city as well.

"Too many times do the names of heroes go unsung." He told her, "Ensuring that today will not be one of those days is the least that the Earth Kingdom can afford for their selfless saviours. Is it so wrong to give the people of the Earth Kingdom a name for them to thank for good fortunes?"

"I suppose not." Suki conceded with a small smile, and the Earth King nodded.

"Then you would also not begrudge a king for rewarding such good deeds." He smiled graciously. And Suki- know what was coming next- knelt down on one knee with her sisters.

"Suki of the Kyoshi Warriors." The Earth King solemnly began, "You and your sisters proved instrumental for the defeat of the Fire Nation and freeing our people from the yoke of oppression. By doing so, you had aided the Avatar in restoring balance to the world... just as your ancestors did once before. For your service to the people of the Earth Kingdom, I hereby bestow upon you the highest honour that-"

"Stop the ceremony!" a voice called out as heavy footfalls echoed out. Turning her head, Suki saw a familiar giant running up to them in just his casual red robes.

"Khan?!" She shrieked in surprise.

"She's no true Kyoshi Warrior!" She saw Khan's muscular abs accuse her, "She doesn't even know the history of the island she claims to serve!"

"What are you talking about? I totally do!" Suki denied as she stamped her foot.

"She lies, O' Earth King!" Another familiar voice rang out, older and more wizened than Khan's smooth voice before a short, hunchbacked man with a beard caught up to them as well.

"Elder Oyaji?!" Suki shouted disbelievingly at their village elder, "What are you doing here?!"

"What is the meaning of this?!" The Earth King demanded and Elder Oyaji bowed in apology.

"My King! Khan is right: Suki always flunked her history class horribly!"

The king gasped- one that echoed across the city as the parades fell silent.

"What?! Is this true?" He asked her, and Suki felt beads of sweat run down her white-painted cheeks.

"So, what if I failed history class a few times?!" She cried out in her defence, "I'm still a good Kyoshi Warrior! And I passed history... uh... eventually."

But a frown just formed on the Earth King's mouth.

"You have deceived me, Suki."

"No, I haven't, my King!" She pleaded, "I don't have to pass history class with flying colours to know our history by heart!"

The Earth King gazed at her with a stern, disapproving eyes as if measuring her heart on an invisible scale before saying in a cold voice, "Then there is only one way we can prove it."

"Yes..." Elder Oyaji agreed with a grim nod, and Suki felt dread fill her belly as the village elder looked to the giant in attendance. "Khan, give her another history pop quiz!"

"Gladly." Khan's voice rumbled out as his large shadow darkened her face. His large hand reaching into his robes and pulling out a thick stack of test papers. And none of the questions looked like multiple choice, they were all 'fill in the blanks' questions.

Suki screamed.

"Khan, please no!"

Suki woke up thrashing. Suddenly, she felt herself encased in a familiar warmth of her five sisters embracing her, and their soft voices reassuring her.

"Suki, it's alright! You're safe now!"

"He can't hurt you here."

"You're safe with us."

"What? Where am I?" She mumbled against her sisters' hair. Her blue eyes glancing around the interior that they were in. It seemed to be an Earth Kingdom noble's travelling coach. Velvet-lined interior and the seats torn out to make room for six little cots that she was laying in.

"Oh, right... our new prison cell." She muttered in relief. Khan must have had her deposited here after she fell asleep. The same cell she earned after staying up until dawn answering Khan's relentless battery of history questions. Strange and pointless questions like 'How many siblings did your elder's parents have?' or 'How do you feel knowing that you're the only standing military in the world to still use war fans?'

"It's okay, Suki. You don't have to talk about it if you-"

"He didn't touch me." Suki said simply while quietly adding, 'But I wish he did.'

Confused blinks met that revelation, followed by a murmur of realisation from her sisters.

"So, he made you touch him instead? Like with your..." She trailed off as five pairs of eyes glanced at Suki's bust- the biggest in their island's age group. As one, five pairs of hands reached up to cup their respective chests; and pained expressions and resentful mutterings followed soon after.

"Of course, Suki is the one he went for... of course."

"Men... they're all the same, aren't they?"

"Only one thing interests them. Yes, it's true."

"When am I going to have real breasts..."

"Honorable Spirits, I've seen what you've done for Suki and I want that for me..."

Suki sighed in exasperation before adopting a flat expression and levelling a flat rebuke at them, "No... the closest we got to something like that was him touching my chin."

"So, your books about that forbidden romance between a Fire Nation commander and a captured Earth Kingdom spy lied about that?"

"I told you all to never speak about that ever again!" Suki whined. "Those books don't exist! And if they ever did, we burned them!"

"Sure, we did, Suki. Definitely burned those books..."

"But if you didn't do that... what did you do all night?"

"Yeah, you were passed out when Khan carried you here."

"Khan wanted to know our history of Kyoshi Island." Suki revealed- her head bowed in shame at how quickly she folded to him, "He was writing a book about Kyoshi island. He asked me a lot of questions about everything, and he said he'll definitely be interviewing you all as well. Khan assured me that you all would be treated better if I did talk. I'm sorry! I was just thinking about you all! So, I... I told him everything I knew!"

Her sisters shared a look before aiming smug smirks at Suki.

"...So, you told him nothing?"

"Suki sucks at history."

"No, I don't!" She protested- feeling obligated to defend her grades, "In a lot of his questions, I gave a lot of answers too!"

"None of which are correct. Good thinking, Suki."

"Good thinking didn't have anything to do with it. I think it was the opposite actually."

"Suki's such a dedicated Kyoshi Warrior that even her failing grades protect Kyoshi Island too, I see."

"We can't protect Kyoshi Island as much as the Village Dumbass does? How shameful."

"All the development that should have gone to her mind went to her breasts."

Suki just fumed as her dark past was once again brought up to light, and her sisters teased her for it. It was always like this whenever her childhood was brought up! So what if she flunked history three times and maths five times?! Her grades really got better by the end of it, but everyone keeps focusing on the years before! She was also the most physically-capable one in her entire village! That definitely counted for something!

... But whatever embarrassment she had evaporated as rolling coach-cell slowed to stop- almost making them topple over one another.

"What's happening? Does this thing have a window?"

Suki promptly found said window- wooden panel that shifted to the side to reveal heavy iron bars preventing any escape but still permitted a view of the world outside their cell. And the view was one that filled all of them with horror. There! Just a short walk to the top of a hill was a familiar village- the same one that Suki and her sisters had stayed in just before that fateful duel with Khan. The green and white buildings were scorched black, and tall pillars of smoke rising up from various locations as distant figures garbed in the red and black uniforms of the Fire Nation swarmed all over the place.

"Oh no..." Suki muttered in horror as she saw a new depressing sight: On the road beside their parked cell-coach, there was a long line of manacled prisoners with crestfallen expressions as they trudged defeatedly down the road. Earthbenders by the look of it. The chains rattling between their wrists and ankles- a constant reminder that they wouldn't be able to fight back. Not anymore.

The line of prisoners even included a familiar wizened, old man with a liver spotted face.

"Uncle innkeeper..." Suki dejectedly called out to the old man in chains. Hearing her voice, the grey-haired old man raised his bowed head up and squinted at them with his bleary eyes.

"Khan got you too, eh? Well, I did warn you ladies." He reminded her with a bitter smile as he slowly walked on by, "But I should have heeded my own warning and fled town myself when I still had the chance. Now... I have nothing."

"You have your life." Khan boomed as he walked into view beside the line of prisoners. In his full Fire Nation armour including his skull-faced helmet that glared down at the old man, "Be grateful that I'm not having you executed for that ambush you pulled, you wily old fart. Get moving."


"Smug old bastard." Khan growled as the line of prisoners moved along.

"Khan! Where are you taking them?!" Suki demanded- gripping the bars of their cell tighter.

"Resettling them to somewhere less stupid." the giant shook his head in vivid disapproval, "That was a horrible, horrible location to build a village, just like the last seven villages we burned down. Good riddance! Shows what their ancestors knew- which was absolutely nothing. No forward planning at all, just 'let's build here, it looks neat.' Amateurs."

Suki felt herself fume angrily. This was the type of thinking that threatened her village, the entire Earth Kingdom actually. The type of thinking that the Fire Nation knew better, and that the world would be better off under their rule. And she was reminded once again that despite how attractive Khan was under that helmet, he was still Fire Nation- they were still mortal enemies.

"Typical Fire Nation arrogance." She spat as her knuckles turned white from gripping the bars of her cell, "You really think you know better than all the wisdom gathered by the generations that came before?! That you can just come here and dictate how we can better our lives?!"

"Yes, I do know better. You have no idea." His voice hummed as if a flood of memories was washing over him.

"I have... experienced enough city and settlement-builders." Khan began in that same haunted tone, "Age of Empires, Kenshi, Rimworld, Dwarf Fortress, Frostpunk, Black & White 2... and maybe Simcity and Cities Skyline if they're even applicable in this tech level. Oh, and a useless piece of paper that says I'm a fully licensed clown of the civil engineering circus. Rest assured, I know how to establish and build up a village from nothing- more than anyone else in this entire world in fact. I know what it takes to make a settlement endure such unimaginable horrors and cruel tribulations that this world has been fortunate enough to not experience yet. Once I'm done with here, not even the spiteful gods of RNG can make my settlement fall."

She watched Khan shake his head one last time before walking away, and though Suki didn't understand a lot of those words- likely references to things that were taught in Fire Nation schools- her blood just boiled all the same as it sounded like just more pointless Fire Nation imperialism to her.

"You really think you're the hero in all this, Khan?!" She aimed the angry shout at his back.

The armoured Fire Nation giant stopped, and his skull-faced helmet turned to look over his shoulder at her.

"I'm the farthest thing from a hero." He said simply, "But it won't matter what I am, once I finish my quest for books and finally unshackle my mind from its mere mortal limits. A hundred years from now, the world won't remember me for what I was- only for what I was able to achieve. Who knows? Perhaps one day, they might even thank me for what I did."

And without another word, he walked off- likely to organise the loot that all filthy Fire Nation raiders did when they sacked an Earth Nation village.

Angrily shutting the window shut, Suki sat down with a huff and frustratedly running her fingers through her auburn red hair. She couldn't believe she almost slept with him willingly. And as their coach-cell began moving again, her sisters seemed to have arrived at the thousand gold piece question on their own.

"Wait... what will happen to us when Khan finishes his book?"

All trains of thought ground to a stop in their coach-cell as everyone realised to their growing horror that they did not even have one possible answer to that question that ended well for them. The apprehensive silence stretched on as they considered each grim possibility.

"We need to escape before that happens." one of her sisters-in-arms finally said, but Suki had to disagree.

"No... What we need- what we must do is to kill Khan." She proposed instead. "His reign of terror won't end until he's dead."

Pure disbelief coloured her sisters' expression.

"But how can we do that?"

"Yeah, the six of us couldn't win against him while we were all armed and well-rested!"

"Dignity. We'll use Dignity." was Suki's only rebuttal, and all discussion died down. Her sisters immediately adopting a heavy expression of trepidation as they considered the weight of what she was proposing.

Dignity was the name of the poison that every Kyoshi Warrior hid in their ornamental brass headdresses. A white liquid in a wooden vial that could induce death in seconds. It was one of those long-standing traditions that the Kyoshi Warriors don't really talk about. At all. Because women soldiers getting captured in wartime... It was often an ugly and ignoble fate, and dying with Dignity... well, there was no name more apt for that poison. Suki and her sisters have been extremely fortunate that Khan was one of the exceptions to the rule in regards to captors. And it was a testament to the giant's skill in combat that none of them had the opportunity to use the poison.

"Khan personally disarmed us... our headdresses must be in his quarters as trophies."

"But it's not like he'll let anyone wander around his quarters."

Suki already had a plan going forward.

"Let's work off of the old plan..." She told her sisters, "I'll seduce him- gain his trust to have more freedom to move around his quarters and find our headdresses. If he's... preoccupied with me, he won't be able to finish his book at a reasonable rate, and it'll buy us even more time to look for an opening. And when we do find it, I'll slip a quarter of a vial into his tea. The poison should kill him over a day, and if we time it right, we might even be able to escape and continue with our mission to Ba Sing Se."

Her sisters just looked at each other with deep worry, and Suki knew them all well enough to know what they were worried about: her.


"It's alright..." She said softly as she slid the window open and glanced at the sacked village once last time- what she was fighting to prevent from happening again, "I think being able to stop the 41st Division's campaign of terror and destruction is worth trading my virginity for."

Her resolve strengthened at the sight, and she turned to face her sisters-in-arms to flash a confident smile at them.

"And besides, I'm a Kyoshi Warrior, first and foremost. I won't lose to a man."

(Later that night) [Khan's Abode]

Suki clenched her fist and the rest of her naked body while she lay on her front on Khan's bed.

"You're about to give in, I can feel it." She heard Khan's smooth, frustratingly sexy voice purr close to her ear- almost pushing her over the edge from just that alone.

Instead she just shook her head against the pillow as she denied it, "N-no, I'm not going to give in, I'm no–Ooooohhh~!"

A smooth motion of his finger was all it took to turn her denial into a drawn-out moan as Suki bit the pillow and came yet again, her pussy leaking her girl honey onto the bed sheets- adding to the growing stain left from her previous climax. She just knew he was cheating. He had to be! This was some kind of previously unknown type of Firebending. Nothing should be able to feel this good. Even masturbation didn't feel as good as this, and he was just giving her a massage!

"And that's the second orgasm." He chuckled, "One more and you lose our little gamble."

A candlelit bedroom, the gentle scent of incense in the air, a bottle of massaging oil from the Su Oku River Resort, and a small sexual wager between a Fire Nation Warlord and his Kyoshi Warrior captive... it was just her mission, nothing else.

It wasn't romantic or arousing or anything- being trapped in a room with an incredibly sexy bad boy who had a body sculpted straight out of her wettest dreams and hottest sexual fantasies. Not at all. Not even when he took his shirt off and began oiling up her naked body. Not when he was oiling her arms and she leaned her head up to trace his abs with her tongue. And definitely when he was doing her calves, and her thighs just swung open wide for him to show off just how dripping wet and flushed pink her virgin pussy was for him.

Those were all accidents... No, wait, those were deliberately for the mission. Spirits, she couldn't even keep her story straight in her own head.

"Mmmf~!" Suki just whined as he started running his large hands along her thighs again- so close, yet so far from where she wanted him to touch her.

"But aren't you the persistent one, Suki?" Khan chuckled as he continued the tantric massage, "Even after I told you no last night, you still chose to try again and stripped for our interview. But remember, if you cum one more time, we're going right back to the interview and you're going to be disappointed for the next three nights as well."

"Just a bit longer..." Suki panted as she glanced to the bedside table where a smoldering stick of incense was three-fourths from burning out- the time limit to their little game, "... Just a little bit longer, and you're going to take responsibility and actually ravish me tonight."

Yes, she needed him to fuck her so bad. Desperately, frantically, all night long... For the mission.

"We shall see." He growled and Suki shivered. Spirits, she loved it when he growled at her. Now all he needed to do was grab her by the hair while he pounded her into a coma, and it'd be perfect.

"Do my front too?" Her voice huskily invited him. "Men like girls with bigger breasts, right?"

"Forward." He answered as his large, warm hands kneaded up along her back, then across her shoulders before flipping her onto her back. And Suki found herself face to face with him, but shyly turned her head away instead while pushing her chest out for his hands.

"Mmm~ Do... Do you like them?" Suki whispered- blushing hotly as she stared at him with her blue eyes. All the while his large hands squeezed, kneaded and fondled her breasts. Her eyes glanced to the side and found that his trousers were pitching a markedly large tent for her.

"Looks like someone is interested as well." Suki smirked slyly, "You know that you can just fuck me right now, right? I'm all yours."

"Trust me, I had every intention of doing so after I finished the book." he sighed. "But since this morning, I've since changed my mind... I'll be trying a different tactic- dicking you down until you cooperate."

However, Suki barely heard it- unable to draw her eyes away.

"Mmmm... Spirits, that thing would destroy me..." She breathed, "I'm definitely going to win this."

He sighed; then with a flick of his hand, a bolt of fire incinerated the stick of incense completely. That was enough to snap Suki out of it who just blinked.

"You cheated." She pointed out the obvious, and Khan merely shrugged.

"Like I said, I changed my mind this morning."

"Wait... So, you've just been teasing me all this time!" Suki realised before glancing over to the burnt incense and putting on a lustful smirk as she looked at him with her best 'Fuck me now' eyes, "This still means that this is my win, Khan; and you know what you have to do next, right? Me."

Suki felt her heart jump when the powerful Fire Nation Warlord- who she had been begging to ravish her all night- actually heeded her wishes. His towering frame climbed on top of her, tore off his underwear and rested his bare and very large member on her equally bare but small virgin womanhood. And it was only then she realised that he might actually wreck her pussy with that thing...

...And Suki had never been more dripping wet her entire life.

"This is what you've been wanting, isn't it?" I asked this busty and incredibly horny redhead as I pinned down against the bed- dragging the underside of my cock along the delicate pink of her pristine virgin pussy.

"No~" Suki replied breathlessly- looking at me with those blue eyes, "Because you haven't put it in me yet."

She was small compared to me, and that fact seemed to only turn her on even more as I pinned this tasty Kyoshi Warrior to the bed with my torso and poised the fat tip of my sizeable cock right at her quivering entrance- certainly looking like it won't fit. And as expected, that only drove her wild.

"Please just put it in me." She mewled with unbearable lust, "I'll do anything!"

"Scream for me." I whispered to her; And with one thrust of my hips, I took this proud female warrior's virginity- spearing my thick cock into her tight, hot virginal depths in a single powerful stroke.

"YESSSSS~!" Suki screamed- certainly looking like she appreciated that as she threw her head back against the pillow. Her long, toned legs- still oiled up from the massage- immediately wrapped around my waist and dug her heels on my back. "Don't stop, please! O-Oh, I'm cumming alreadyyyyyy~!"

Of course, I wouldn't want to disappoint the girl who was loudly screaming for me to fuck her. And she was so incredibly tight! The silky wet folds of her virgin pussy clung tightly around my shaft- sparking pleasurable wet friction with every movement I made. Pulling my cock back- still glistening from her juices and a bit of her virginal blood... right before slamming it all the back between her pretty pink pussy lips in a loud wet slap. The wet splatter of her girl juices ringing out in the bedroom as she came over and over again. It was a lewd symphony, one where Suki happily supplied the vocals with her beautiful voice.

"That's it! Ravish me!" She screamed out with relish as if all her dreams were coming true, "Pound me into the mattress! Ruin me for any other man! Fuck my pussy until it's shaped perfectly for your amazing cock!"

"How demanding for someone who's my prisoner." I growled at her- hammering right at the submission kink that she so readily displayed as I took her hands and pinned it just above her head on the mattress. That seemed to be just the thing to push her over the edge as well. Her pussy's inside suddenly going crazy as a massive orgasm washed over her- practically gushing around my cock. Her long legs squeezed tight around my waist as she bucked her hips- trying to get every inch of large shaft stuffed into her little pussy as her inner folds milked me my shaft for all its worth.


'Game, do you have a built-in contraception function?'

= Yes, my Lord. =

'Good, that's one less headache. Activate it.'

Fathering hundreds of children can come later in my campaign, right now, it was just pillaging. But I still wondered how far I could rouse her kink, so I leaned harder into it.

"Maybe that's not enough for you." I growled into her ear and ground out hips together, "Maybe I should just permanently keep you here in my bedroom as my little sex pet. Would you like that, Suki?"

"P-please I'm cumming again~!"

"You'll just be my warm, dedicated cocksleeve that I'll use night after night." I continued- hammering at her fetish nonstop, "And I'll use every part of you for my pleasure. From your perfect cocksucking lips to your breasts to both of your lower holes. My little bedroom pet who'll be dripping my cum from her holes day in and day out."

"N-no..." Suki whimpered helplessly, and I raised an eyebrow at her unexpected response.


"No, I'll go crazy if you do that!" She screamed as she came again from that thought.

"Good." I grinned viciously, "Because I'm going cum inside you- paint your fertile womb's walls white with my cum and fill you up until you're dripping white with semen all day long tomorrow. And do you know what that'll mean?"

She shook her head- unable to truly think. So, I filled in the blanks for her as I leaned down until my mouth was right by her ear.

"You're going to be all mine."

Her blue eyes snapped wide open with a desperate, feral gleam.

"Yes! YES YES YESSS! I WANT THAT!" She begged- frantically bucking her hips up to meet every thrust and trying her best to get my cock as deep as it can go into her. "I'll do anything! I'll suck your amazing cock while you read, I'll pleasure you with my breasts while you ask me whatever questions you want, I'll gladly be your willing concubine whose womanhood you can use anytime you feel like! Just- Please! CUM IN ME!"

"Look forward to it, Suki, because here. It. cums!"

Her long legs tightened around my waist and her heels dug into my back- preventing me from pulling out.

"In me, please! Cum in me! Make me yours!" She screamed as her soaking pussy squeezed and tightened and milked my shaft. "C-CUMMMINGGG!"

As I had promised, I pumped her full of my seed. My own climax lasted longer than expected too- likely the Endurance stat at work as I seemed to have a never ending supply to shoot into the moaning Kyoshi Warrior beneath me. Dousing her thirsting womb with rope after thick hot rope of cum into this freshly deflowered redhead. Filling up her fertile insides until it was overflowing and semen mixed with her own nectar came leaking out from where we were connected. Lightly tanned skin flushed pink, mouth open and panting, a blank look in her blue eyes, and her entire body shaking from the aftershocks of her intense orgasm.

"W-wow..." was all Suki could say as she panted breathlessly.

"We're not done yet." I growled at her. "Your new job as my sex pet has just begun."

"I understand, master..." Suki slurred, utterly fuckdrunk as she looked at me with lustful blue eyes, "Please feel free to empty all of your balls' content in your sex pet's pussy."

With my Endurance stat, that wasn't going to happen anytime soon, but when her thighs swung wide again- presenting her freshly deflowered vagina to me, I knew that I had to at least try.

"Yess!" Suki squealed in delight as I sank back inside her.

(A week later)

For Suki, that night started it all, and now she felt like she was living in a fever dream. A very sexy one where her entire life revolved around sex with Khan.

As the 41st Division marched across the Earth Kingdom, Suki acted as Khan's dedicated concubine- on who eagerly sucked and fuck at command, both verbal and silent. Her duties included warming his bed at night, servicing him with her mouth and breasts in the morning, greeting him with her dripping wet pussy whenever he came back, and over and over. Days flew by as she did nothing but have mind-blowing sex with him, and Khan- being the utterly insatiable giant that he was- took full advantage of her nubile body. She had lost count of the number of times he had left her floating euphoria of post-orgasmic bliss and dripping with his seed from all her holes. And after a few days of his constant attention, Suki knew for certain that she was utterly ruined for any other men- that there was no other man under heaven who would be able to leave her in a haze of sexual satisfaction as Khan did.

So, it was with a heavy heart that they arrived where they were now.

Clad in her casual Fire Nation shirt and trousers, Suki walked openly in the 41st Division's encampment- the soldiers here treating her with all the respect afforded to her rank as the favoured concubine of the commanding officer. A wary nod of acknowledgement followed by an awkward silence. But that was of little consequence now, she supposed. Her knuckles rapped on the cell-coach of her Kyoshi Warriors, and the wooden window slid open to reveal her sisters-in-arms.

"Suki?" They greeted her.

"I have it. I have Dignity." Suki said- cutting to the chase. "I slipped a quarter of a vial into Khan's tea this morning like we planned, get ready for anything."

"Alright... But are you okay? You're shaking."

Suki looked down to her hand. Huh, she guessed she really was shaking.

"Just the nerves." she waved off. After all, she couldn't be having feelings for Khan. Besides, it was done, the poison had no antidote that she knew of. He'll be dead within the day, and she'll still be a Kyoshi Warrior, first and foremost.

It was at that moment that Khan also arrived to talk to her.

"Suki!" Khan's now familiar voice greeted her as he approached- clad as he was in his usual Fire Nation soldier armour.

Suki did her best to act naturally.

"Khan!" She deliberately sighed fondly with a smile of simpering love-struck sycophant, and Khan's large armoured hands gently held her shoulders.

"Suki, listen..." He began, "I think we're at the level of a relationship where I can and should afford you more trust. So, in an effort to demonstrate just that, you're going to accompany us as we raid what we suspect to be the latest, desperate attempt by the town of Gaoling to supply Omashu with rice and other goods. The city must be starving right now after we burned down so many of the surrounding towns and hamlets, and this first Quest that I'll have managed to complete, I'd like you to be there. I've already left your gear on the table."

Suki blinked in disbelief. He chose to do this on the day she killed him with poison? That... that was so deeply ironic that her smile almost faltered.

Khan glanced at her sisters before smiling at Suki, "Your sisters can come along too if they promise to behave."

... that was surprising.

"Thank you for gracing us with the oppor- Mmmm~" Whatever Suki was about to say or think next was cut off by a deep kiss from Khan- thoroughly pillaging her mouth like it was an Earth Kingdom trading caravan. Right in front of her sisters too. Her arms reflexively wrapped around his neck and a leg hooked around his thigh.

"We leave shortly." He reminded her as he left her breathless, "You know where the key to the coach-cell is. I have to go... check on our rice."

But as he turned to walk away, she noticed that he kept flexing his left hand.

"Are you okay?" Suki asked, worried in more ways than one. Was the poison working already? And why did she feel so ambivalent about it?

"Just a bit of numbness in my wrist, I'm fine." Khan nonchalantly dismissed her concerns. "You all best get ready- we leave shortly."

With that, he walked off to prepare as well- leaving Suki with her sisters.

"That... that was Khan?!"

"Suki! You never told us what he looked like under the helmet!"

"Why do all the cute ones have to be taken... or evil?"

"It won't matter, he'll be dead within the day." Suki murmured as she led them to Khan's abode, "And we'll be able to move on with our lives."


It was... refreshing for them to be able to once again garb themselves in their ceremonial Kyoshi Warrior uniforms. Black armour over green kimono, immaculately painted faces, and even their War Fans. It had only been a week since they'd been captured, but it had felt like months instead. And although they were still technically captives... Suki knew that they wouldn't be for much longer.

She and her sisters rode with the raiding party alongside Khan, and as the day progressed so did Khan's numbness- apparently having slowly been creeping up his arm by the time they encountered the massive caravan train that the town of Gaoling sent. Amazingly, the numbness did not seem to hinder Khan's fighting prowess much- using his deadly meteor hammer to smash aside the caravan's escorts as if he wasn't poisoned at all.

Suki and her sisters didn't need to fight, but it took everything in them not to intervene as the escorts were slaughtered. The ferocious brutality of the 41st still gave Suki pause. The normal Fire Nation soldiers ducking and dodging around Earthbender stones, and their ostrich-horses taking large bites out of the living and feasting on the dead and dying. It only reminded Suki that they couldn't blow their cover now. Not when the poison still hadn't taken full effect. So, they stood by as Khan and the 41st did what they did best and slaughtered the resistance to the man.

Once the dust settled, Suki and her sisters soon found themselves standing alongside Khan as he interrogated the captured caravan masters who were bound and kneeling right beside their caravan. Meanwhile in the background, the 41st Division soldiers were offloading nothing but sacks of rice from the caravans' holds.

"I see..." The indomitable giant said. "So, Bumi and Beifong are indeed getting very desperate now that the noose is tightening around Omashu. The food situation is even worse than we thought... Excellent! The siege will go even smoother now that we know they're starving."

Almost a hundred thousand people in Omashu consigned to starvation... Suki reached her limit.

"Khan, the people of Omashu shouldn't suffer needlessly! Please let them go!" Suki bravely pleaded to him. He paused to look at her, the whole Fire Nation raiding party did so actually. Suki knew it wasn't in her place to do so, and she may have just killed her and her sisters like this... but no, after that slaughter, she believed that she had to take a stand. She must still have some good will with Khan. She had to!

"Why did I have a feeling that you'd ask something like that? Very well..." Khan sighed before looking over to his troops, "Load up the rice onto the caravan! We're only taking luxury goods."


"You heard me!" He growled loudly, and the Fire Nation soldiers of the 41st Division hurriedly obeyed- loading sacks of rice onto the caravan. Shaking his head, Khan looked over to the caravan masters, "You lot. This is your lucky day. Thanks to the Kyoshi Warriors, we're only taking half of your cargo."

Immediately, the caravan masters prostrated themselves in front of Suki and her sisters.

"Thank you, Kyoshi Warriors!" they chorused, "Thank you! We will tell Omashu of your deeds today."

"Just get out of my sight." Khan growled, and they certainly didn't need to be told twice- scrambling for the reigns of their ostrich-horses before their caravans lumbered on.

Under the orange sky of late afternoon, Suki just stayed silent as Khan tracked the caravan train's movement until it disappeared over the northern horizon.

"41st Division, move out!" He declared before taking a step, swaying, then collapsing face first onto the ground in a loud thud.

"Khan, sir!?" "SIR?!" "HEALER! The Captain is down!"

"I'm.. I'm sorry." Suki whispered her sincere apologies to the giant who had bested her and... made her into a woman in a whirlwind affair. He may have been a horrible person, but at least he was a good lover. Suki looked to her sisters as they began searching for an escape route...

"Stop. Stop!" Khan, who was apparently very much alive, shouted in frustration, "You're all such shit actors!"

"Sorry, sir; but they didn't teach us Theatre in boot camp."

"Ugh..." Khan grumbled as he stood up to his full height- dusting his uniform off as he looked over to where Suki was. "Alright, now that part has failed. Let's talk about that poison that you tried to give to me."

"W-what?" Suki took a step back. "Y-you knew?!"

"Give us some privacy!" The giant roared to his troops who immediately obeyed as they double-timed it away.

"Of course, I knew." He shrugged as if it was the most natural thing in the world, "I would have been perfectly fine with our arrangement if you hadn't tried anything. I could have been easily convinced to spare your island and let you go back to it after the war. But since you were going to play underhandedly, I decided to do that too."

He looked Suki straight in the eye.

"I discovered and replaced the poison with white, starchy rice-water days ago. Just after your first interview in fact. So, the only poison you administered to me was that horrible cup of tea that you mixed it in. The growing numbness in my arm? Just me practising my acting skills. Very convincing, wouldn't you say? As for where the actual poison went however... well, I was curious so I reverse engineered it. But clumsy me, the first batch might have fallen into something when I tossed them out. Maybe something like... some sacks of Gaoling rice?"

Suki recalled all the Fire Nation soldiers who had loaded and unloaded the rice back on the caravan, and she realised just where the poison went.

+ T +

A wall sentry at Omashu clutched his painfully grumbling stomach as he surveyed the endless rocky horizon.

"A Gaoling caravan is arriving!" He urgently cried out, "And they're holding up a sack of rice! THEY HAVE FOOD!"

"FOOD!? Quick, send a runner to inform King Bumi!"

+ T +

"No... no, no, no! NO!" Suki screamed in panic, "We have to stop them from eating that rice!"

"You're not going to make it in time anyway." Khan scoffed at her, "By the time you arrive, the rice will be on some Earth Kingdom noble's plate. And right before they take that first bite, the Kyoshi Warrior's name will be on their lips..."

His green eyes stared at her through the eye slits of his skull-helmet.

"...you know what that means, don't you?"

+ T +

The caravan master gave a dramatic retelling of the events that occurred to an audience of Earth Kingdom nobles and the ruler of Omashu, King Bumi himself.

"... The Kyoshi warriors beseeched the Giant for the sake of Omashu, and so moved was he by her earnest plea that he granted her request and let us go free with the food!"

"Truly the power and influence of woman cannot be underestimated, wouldn't you say, King Bumi?"

"Hooh boy, is that man whipped bad! Glad that I don't have that problem! Oheeheeheehee! *snort*"

"Too right, my king- Aauggh?! P-poison!?"

+ T +

"The Kyoshi Warriors are now traitors to the Earth Kingdom." Khan shrugged nonchalantly. "They'd kill you on sight."

"No, that wasn't us! That was you!" Suki shouted, "We can still clear our name!"

Khan let out a cruel bark of laughter.

"That would be a great plan if I didn't send a report to Fire Nation Command and a message to Earth Kingdom of your... collaboration with me."

+ T +

The Captain of the Omashu Earthbender garrison read the letter in his hands that were shaking with anger.

'The Kyoshi Warriors send their regards.' was all the letter wrote.

"Those traitorous women! We lost how many of our citizens and perhaps even King Bumi just because these turncoats accepted Fire Nation gold! Send a message to the Earth King of this betrayal! We must not let those Kyoshi Traitors do this again!"

+ T +

Suki watched as the Giant shook his head as he spoke, "So, as far as the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom are concerned... the Kyoshi Warriors deliberately poisoned Omashu's food supply to aid in its invasion. The legend of the Kyoshi Warriors will live in infamy alongside my deeds."

"No..." Suki murmured.

"You tried to kill me even after I afforded you special treatment, so I responded by striking at you. Not you six specifically, but the Kyoshi Warrior's name. Even if the Earth Kingdom wins this war... The world will forever remember Kyoshi Warriors as Avatar Kyoshi's greatest mistake."

"HOW DARE YOU!" Suki roared as she charged him with her war fan- intent on dying an honourable death in battle. That was the only way she could even begin to redeem the name of the Kyoshi Warriors now. But even that was denied to her as Khan immediately disarmed with contemptuous ease using the chain of his meteor hammer. All without harming her.

"Suki..." Khan said her name not with anger, but with disappointment. And that somehow only made it hurt more. "You really should know better. Just accept that you've been outplayed and formally surrender this time."

Suki just squeezed her eyes shut and gritted her teeth in frustration. They couldn't- can't stop him. They tried every trick up our sleeve, all the strength in their bodies and it still wasn't enough... and now...

"You won't even give us the dignity of dying in battle..." She despondently murmured.

"My enemies deserve no mercy, no dignity." Khan firmly replied, "But I don't want you to be my enemies, I want you for your notable combat potential, not to mention I've also grown slightly fond of you... So, I'm offering to fix all of this if you swear you turn coats to work for me instead."

That wasn't enough to move the rage burning in Suki as she furiously glared at the Giant that had torn down the Kyoshi Warrior's legacy in one stroke.

"Why would we ever think of doing that?!" She yelled out defiantly. "You did this! You're the one spreading these lies! And if we decline your 'generous offer'? If we refuse to surrender?! What then, Khan?! WHAT THEN?!"

"Then you'll die as my enemy, I'll even afford you a warrior's death." He said simply and calmly, "And not long after your deaths, this book will be published and distributed to every library, school and personal collection in the world."

Khan's large hand reached into a pouch on his waist and pulled out a familiar book with a leather cover of green and gold. Fine golden lettering spelling out the title proudly: An Interview with a Kyoshi Warrior. By Khan.

He looked her in the eye.

"It will say nothing about this night- A blank spot in history." He explained, "And the world will treat the absence of tonight's account as confirmation of what everyone already knows: That the Kyoshi Warriors were traitors, that it was their nefarious plot that precipitated the fall of Omashu... and that all it took for you to turn coats and spit on the legacy of the Avatar you worshipped was Fire Nation gold."

Khan's voice turned less harsh.

"But if you do surrender, if you do swear your unquestioning obedience and unflinching loyalty to me... I'll write my account about this night, and although your names will forever be stained by your association to me, the world will know of your noble sacrifice, and the legend of the Kyoshi's proud warriors will stay pristine... it will still be an ideal to be striven for."

Night slowly fell on the clearing as the two choices weighed heavily on Suki's mind. Just the howling the evening breeze slipping between the short distance between her and Khan. Her, in her armoured green kimono that cloaked her slim frame and her painted face. Him, in his Fire Nation armour that ensconced his massive form and his skull-faced helmet. Two enemies, two lovers.

"Well, Suki?" He spoke softly- in almost the same tone of voice he used during the afterglow of their lovemaking, "What shall the history books read?"

He was making this her decision despite his part in all this... What an infuriatingly complex man.

The breeze brushed through her auburn red hair as Suki's blue eyes looked up to the night sky.

The twinkling stars that were most likely spirits dotted the sky... as a child Suki used to believe the Avatar Kyoshi was one of those shining stars- an unreachable ideal that they nonetheless had to strive for. It was on nights like these that she made promises that she meant to keep, because she believed that it was witnessed by Kyoshi herself. And it was on a night just like this that she swore to her fellow Kyoshi Warriors that they'll always be sisters. Even now, Suki knew that they felt the same as her. Sisters Forever...

With a sigh that was lost in the evening breeze, the Kyoshi Warriors made their decision.

As one, they knelt on one knee before the Giant of the Fire Nation. As one, they rested their clenched fists on the ground. As one, they bowed their painted faces low. And as one, they spoke the sacred oath that the Kyoshi Warriors reserved only for the second coming of Kyoshi herself.


"In this life or in our thousandth life, the Kyoshi Warriors will live to serve you, our Khan."

[On a bison somewhere high in the sky]

"NO!" Aang cried out as he jolted from his nap, and immediately, Katara was there

"Aang! Are you okay?" She asked, concern for him sparkling in her blue eyes, and the setting sun behind her back.

"I don't know..." he muttered with downcast eyes- curling his skinny knees to his chest, "For a second there, I just felt... off."

Sokka immediately pounced on that with a panicked expression.

"What kind of off? Be specific, Aang!" He urgently probed, "Like a bad sandwich off? Cuz we split a few sandwiches and we might wanna fly closer to the ground just in case an... emergency potty break is needed."

Aang just shook his head as he looked out to the horizon in the south-east.

"No... it was as if someone close to me had just left me behind to be with someone else."

Katara just hugged him warmly- running a mitted hand over his bald head.

"It was just a bad dream, Aang." She reassured him, and he smiled- he had an amazing friend in her.

"Thanks, Katara..." He said, leaning closer to her touch, "I'm sure it was nothing."