
Burn Me (Bakugo x Reader)

In a world where quirks grant extraordinary abilities, freedom becomes a precious commodity, and the pursuit of heroism takes a daunting turn. "Burn Me” unravels a gripping tale of liberation and resilience as you break the shackles of oppression to discover the true meaning of heroism. Forced to seize your freedom, you face a defining moment when you defy a malevolent machine sapping your quirk's power. Stepping forth to protect the iconic hero ‘All Might’ from a merciless villain, who once subjected you to torment and manipulation, you mark the turning point in your own destiny. Having vanquished the villain, you secure not only your own freedom but also liberate two fellow prisoners, survivors of the villain's malevolence. However, amidst the haunting echoes of your past, a glimmer of hope arises as you are offered a remarkable opportunity—a full scholarship to the prestigious U.A. High School, renowned for nurturing aspiring heroes in Class 1-A of the Hero Course. Yet, with your soul tarnished and hands stained by your dark history, the question looms large: Can you embrace the mantle of a true hero, walking the path of light and virtue? In this enthralling narrative, you grapple with your inner demons, your past choices, and the potential for redemption. As you traverse the halls of U.A. High School, you must confront your doubts and fears, striving to heal your battered soul and prove that heroism knows no boundaries. “Burn Me” weaves a spellbinding tale of self-discovery, courage, and the unyielding human spirit. Join this transformative odyssey, where the journey towards becoming a hero demands not just extraordinary powers, but an indomitable will to rise above the shadows and into the radiance of true heroism. Will you find the strength to claim the light within and fulfill your destiny as a beacon of hope in a world yearning for heroes? Word Count: 165,377

SMVI · Anime et Bandes dessinées
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91 Chs

Chapter Nineteen

Bakugo squatted, waiting impatiently. You stepped down and instantly your leg gave out. Bakugo snapped around, his muscular arms wrapping around your waist keeping you from crumbling in the dirt.

"Are you alright!?" Bakugo quickly inspected you.

"Yeah." You breathed through the fire scorching your leg. "The bleeding stopped once I got off my leg."

"Maybe you should get home first-"

"I'm good!" You nodded, faking a smile that Bakugo saw right through.

"Don't lie to me." He was vexed staring down at you, he hated being lied too. You took a breath,

"Even if I am home...it'll still hurt..." You shrugged, "...and I am hungry..."

"Fine." Bakugo turned, opening the door. You stared at him for second, "Let's go." He nodded sounding irritated. A large smile blossomed across your face as you quickly scurried inside the ramen shop.

After placing both orders, you and Bakugo took a seat by the window watching as it began to pour.

"I didn't know it was going to rain." Bakugo muttered watching the raindrops fall, you stared at his face, noticing his strong jaw line. He turned from the window, quickly you looked anywhere but him.

"I like the rain." You quickly replied.

"Why?" Bakugo hated the cold, wet rain. He preferred bright sunny days.

"It was the only peaceful sound-" You knitted your brows thinking back, "-I could hear from inside-" You cut yourself off readjusting yourself in your chair, Bakugo glanced back outside.

"I guess it's not so bad." He muttered, turning back to your gloomy face. He took a breath, thinking back to your large smile before you two entered the store...he wanted to see that on your face not—he looked around; the fuck was he thinking!?

The server dropped the food off, you didn't hesitate before digging in. Bakugo smirked, watching you from across the table. Looking up from inhaling half your bowl you saw how calm and relaxed Bakugo appeared dipping his bread in the broth.

You picked up your chunk of bread, offering it to him.

"You don't want it?"

You replied by shaking your head no. Bakugo tilted his head,

"I noticed you don't eat the pieces of bread you get at school, why?"

"Why do you watch me at school?" You smirked at your reply watching his face go from relaxed to agitated in 0.1 seconds.

"I do not watch you at school!" He bit, "I am just observant and awesome now answer the damn question!"

"Nah." You said.


"Nah." You nodded.

"What does 'Nah' mean!?" It was easy to get him worked up, you didn't even feel the smile on your face.

Neither Bakugo nor you noticed how time seemed to vanish. You enjoyed the natural conversation with him and getting him worked up was entertaining. The ramen shop closed without the two of you realizing it, the rain still poured from the sky.

"I'll be back-" Bakugo excused himself to the restroom, where he slid to the counter to pay for both meals. "-this place closed like a half hour ago." Bakugo said walking up to the table.

"Really?" You replied, "Why didn't they tell us?"

"Don't know." Bakugo shrugged, "Let's go."

"I have to pay-"

"I already took care of it." Bakugo shrugged.

"Wait what!?" You followed him out of the building with a slight limp. "I was the one who wanted to come here, I should have been the one to pay-"

"Can you walk?" Bakugo turned.

"Ye-Yeah..." You nodded refusing to look Bakugo in the eye.

"Get on." Bakugo sighed.

"I-I can walk-"

"Shut up already." Bakugo rolled his eyes as he squatted in front of you. You glanced out to the rain, neither of you had an umbrella.

"It's still raining." You muttered,

"I thought you liked the rain." Bakugo smirked as he lifted you up.

"I said I liked the sound." You corrected, "Getting soaked is a different story."

"Don't be a princess." Bakugo said before taking off in a jog.

"Stop calling me that!" You shouted over the pouring rain, soaking you to the bone.

"Call you what?" Bakugo yelled back.


"Call you princess-?" Bakugo asked, "-ok!" He snickered feeling you smack his shoulder.

You laughed, hiding your face in Bakugo's back from the rain. Due to his quick speed, it didn't take long for Bakugo to find your house and run up to the porch where you could take shelter from the shivering rain.

Your body shivered as you found the key to unlock the front door. You turned to Bakugo,

"Do you...wanna come in until the rain stops?" You asked, looking out as thunder boomed and lightning cracked.

"I guess." Bakugo said not wanting to walk back out in that mess.

"I'm sure I can find clothes from All Might you could wear-" You muttered more to yourself than him. Bakugo closed the front door, turning to watch you limp inside.

"Your leg, ok?" He asked.

"Yeah." You said taking the first step with ease, the second step not so much.

"Come on princess." Bakugo sighed, using the name he knew you hated.

"What-" You turned, before you knew it, he lifted you in his arms. Carrying you against his chest you stared forward, finding yourself unable to look directly at him.

"Where is your room?" Bakugo asked, you pointed out the cream-colored door where he sat you down.

"Where are your bandages?" Bakugo wondered.

"Uh...bathroom?" You said pointing to the door two doors down. Was Bakugo hurt from training?

Turning into your room, you closed the door changing into clean dry clothes. After tossing the wet clothes in your hamper a knock sounded on your door.

"Are you dead?" You smirked hearing Bakugo.

"Not yet." You called; the door slowly opened. Almost as if he was waiting for you to tell him to go away.

"You look like hell." Bakugo commented on your soaked tangled hair.

"Aw thanks-" You flashed a grin, "-you look fantastic too."

You traveled to All Might's room searching for clothing that could fit Bakugo while he waited in your room. After finding sweatpants and a shirt you tossed them at him, plopping on your bed you felt exhausted.

"Can't pass out on me yet." Bakugo said. "There weren't any bandages in the bathroom."

"They might be downstairs." You muttered, painfully making your way down the stairs while Bakugo changed in the upstairs bathroom.

Finally finding freaking bandages you fell onto the couch fighting back a yawn. Hearing footsteps behind the couch you turned, seeing Bakugo wearing baggy black sweatpants, the white shirt you found hugged his muscles perfectly.

"You look like hell." You commented watching him watch over.

"Thanks-" He smirked; "-you look fantastic." Bakugo sat beside you, reaching out for the bandages sitting on the coffee table.

"I didn't know how much you needed so-"

"Mm." He hummed, opening a few gauzes before turning to you. "Give me your leg."

"What?" You blinked. "N-No, no, no." You laughed shaking your head, "I am fine-"

"Shut up." He said, pushing your shoulder so you fell against the couch. Grabbing your ankle, he lifted your leg laying it on his lap.


"Here." He said shoving the remote at you to turn something on to distract you.

"I can do it-"

"You can barely walk." Bakugo commented.

Bakugo's hands were so warm and gentle as they touched your sensitive skin, he cleaned and dressed your wound on your legs, arms and back as if he did this every day.

"How do you know how to do all this?" You wondered, sitting up leaning forward so he could change the gauze on your lower back.

Bakugo stared at the mark that hugged your spine, two large dots rested on either side of your spine.

"What are these from?" Bakugo wondered, brushing his fingers around the tender skin. He noticed similar marks on both your arms and legs. You pulled your lips into a thin line, not sure if you wanted to speak.

"The machine." You muttered, holding your hairbrush as you struggled to get the knots out.

"Machine-?" Bakugo said, "-the one you were..."


Bakugo didn't say anything else, he just dressed your wound before pulling your shirt back down and stealing the remote.

"I like comedies, horror...?"

"I don't mind." You shrugged,

"How are you not sure what you like to watch?"

"I haven't found a genre I liked yet." You shrugged. "Don't judge me."

"We are way past that." He smirked, playing a random popular tv show before snatching the brush from your hands.

"Rude!" You said flustered as he chuckled at your expression.


All Might breathed once he closed the front door, drops of water dripped down his hair as he kicked off his wet shoes.

"Storm is insane tonight." He muttered, setting his bag down strolling into the living room as he flipped through the mail. All Might froze, blinking a few times as emotions trickled into his chest and for the first time in his life, he wasn't sure how to feel about them.

Sitting on the couch were you and Bakugo, your head rested on his shoulder with his head on top of yours the two of you fast asleep.

All Might glanced to his watch; it was passed midnight. Why was Bakugo still here? Or better yet why was he here to begin with!?

"Bakugo?" All Might reached out, touching his free shoulder. Bakugo's eyes flickered open, annoyed red orbs glowed, angry he had been woken up.

"All Might?" Bakugo blinked, his eyes burned with sleep. He moved to sit up but froze turning to see you asleep. In an instant Bakugo's face was bright red.

"What are you doing here?" All Might questioned, Bakugo glanced at down at you.


Bakugo explained how he had come across you by mistake as you wondered around lost, then the two of you went to dinner and then came back here where he was waiting out the storm but must have fallen asleep. Bakugo left out a few details, like your bleeding leg and inability to walk. He didn't want to give All Might even more reason to keep you from the sports festival.

"It is pretty late-" All Might sighed, feeling even more angry with himself. "-I am sure your parents are panicking-" Bakugo glanced at his phone and flinched, seeing the missed calls and texts from his mother.

It wasn't going to be a villain that kills him, it was his mother.

"-how about I give you a ride home-" All Might smiled reading his face. "-we will just tell her we had a study session here that ran into a movie night and we all fell asleep my mistake."

"Thanks All Might." Bakugo muttered, as he turned, he carefully cupped the side of your head, bringing you gently down on the couch. All Might watched from the corner of his eye; he had never seen Bakugo so gentle before, he was almost sure the young hero was incapable of any form of calm.

All Might grabbed his keys and went to place his wet shoes back on, Bakugo grabbed his damp clothes taking once last glance at you still asleep on the couch before following All Might outside into the storm.