In an alternative world where magic is part of everyday life, a young student named Haruki Shika desperately tries to find his passion and control his emotion-based powers. One faithful day, Haruki has enough and his friend Akira Sosu, a die-hard maths fan, introduces him into a revolutionary group trying to bring down the distopian government of the Commander. On the way, they are joined by Raiden Kinniku, an arrogant bodybuilder, Mai Tsuri, a girl who aspires to obtain the legendary sword Tsurugi, Kuko Komugiko, a young baker who practices kendo, and Ebi Shingetsu, a cursed girl who wants to experience the outside world. They will meet friends and foes along the way in a breathtaking adventure full of twists, turns, and surprising discoveries. Prepare to join them on a journey that will take them from classrooms to battles for the fate of their world!
What is it? A force? A feeling? An instinct?
All three. Or perhaps none. Perhaps it is something that cannot be explained in a few words. Or perhaps it is impossible to describe it in any other words than this: passion.
Whatever it is, passion is what most distinguishes us humans: it is our raison d'être, the reason why we perform every action, the voice inside us that, together with our unconscious desire to survive, orders us on. But it is possible that even this uncontrollable desire is nothing more than an innate passion we have for life.
Passion gives us strength. The strength to do what we want, what we prefer. The strength to live, to look to the future with hopeful, happy eyes.
Our passions are the activities we enjoy doing, the phenomena we love to observe, the words we love to hear. Our passions are everything that gives us power, the power to do what we want. And in what do we invest that power? In our passions.
This virtuous circle is the basis of every man's magic centre: our passions give us energy that through magic we use to shape reality, to change it to our liking. The more we are involved in what our Centre is based on, the more energy we receive and the more we want to use it for our passion, for example, if our Centre is an atmospheric phenomenon we will be inclined to use our magic to make it more frequent or more intense or to recreate it, while if it is a certain activity we will use magic to hone our skills in that activity.
Those who have hunting as their Centre will make their sight or aim better, while Eaters will be able to perform their favourite dish to the limits of perfection. Every person has a Centre and every Centre is unique. Of course, not everyone is equally adept at magic: some people have a very high reserve and storage capacity, while others have high power (ability to release a large amount of energy at the same time) or better efficiency (it is easier for them to receive energy).
Everyone is born with some awareness of what their Centre is, although knowing exactly what it is can take some time. Sometimes our Centre may seem senseless to us and it may not seem to reflect us, but in the end, in the deepest depths of the heart, we all feel something, a kind of fire, a primordial flame that pushes inside us, makes our veins throb, strengthens with every breath, making our eyes shine.
And sometimes it flares up so strongly that it makes us catch fire, burn with passion and makes us become one with the Red Phoenix, with the original spark, with the ancestral flame that lives in all of us. This is the story of a boy, who braved the world in search of the heat of this flame, in search of the Red Phoenix, in search of his purpose in life.
In search of his Passion.