
BurgerNoTomatoes FanFic Idea List

Ideas for Fics I would have wanted to write but don't have the time, in hopes that SOMEONE will take inspiration/take the idea and write the Fanfic since I most likely won't. I believe these are pretty good Ideas for a fic (No hate). If you do decide to write the fics tell me! I'd love to read it! PLEASE I WANT TO READ! (You'll notice I have a preference for inserting 1-3 Characters and or Abilities from one Anime verse to another. I find it can spice and twist things up in an interesting and mostly not overbearing way) As always, I own NOTHING from what is written here. Not the characters, plots, settings, etc... Some of the ideas I come up with are also not mine! I have no clue whether someone's written them or not. If someone did... Tag me with a comment or something! I'd love to read the fic! As well as remove the Idea chapter associated with it.

BurgerNoTomatoes · Anime et bandes dessinées
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30 Chs

Promised Victory In Remnant (Nasuverse X RWBY) (NOW PUBLISHED)

- Fanfic Idea Start-

Dude dies, spins a wheel, and gets reincarnated into RWBY.

He has no idea what a RWBY is.

He spins another wheel again.

He gets the Nasuverse version of Excalibur.

He gets no other boosts or advantages.

He just has Excalibur as his semblance.

And the story rolls from there.

-Fanfic Idea End-

I absolutely adore the Nasuverse version of Excalibur, it's fuckin amazing. I've seen many Artoria/Arthur inserts, but here we get a no-combat experience Reincarnated OC, who just lucky rolls the sword.

He has no other boosts whatsoever. No Arthur's stats or memory. But the sword is still dumb broken in RWBY.

And a sword forged by the planet as the crystallization of the wishes of mankind seems like the perfect glove to fit on the hand of a messed-up world like RWBY.

Honestly, It's the best world that's messed up enough with an interesting world-building that could fit an Excalibur insert as I've managed to think of.

I'd wanted AOT, but that'd be stupid. Maybe? I doubt I could make that work.

Can't think of other well-developed and rough worlds that lack hope or so to insert an Excalibur-wielding reincarnated pleb, That'd make interesting premises.

But hopefully, this gave you some ideas!

With a Character such as this, who wields the literal hope of a broken world you can do some high-stakes pressure stuff, the fate of the world on a random pleb's shoulders, and being the world's literal savior/hope is hard etc...

It's not that big of a problem if the OC is overpowered due to Excalibur if you come up with those internal and perhaps external struggles he has to face! Remember he's a random reincarnated pleb. Not your classic Insta-Messiah Kirito-kun.

Hell, who says he'd be a good guy?


Authors! Get to writing! Please?