
The burdened gift of blood

The story starts out with famous racer called Rider who has been on the up and up in the racing world

He is specially known for winning races with his famous one car he never changes which he even uses on the roads and it starts with one night where he's taking a ride on a dark main road speeding down the desolate road until he sees a girl run across and behind her another man chasing her

Rider tried his best to hit the brakes but he was going to fast and hit the man

He got out the car to check if the man was ok and surprisingly he looked ok until rider turned him over and the man grabbed him by the neck with red eyes and Rider felt a painful headache as he blacks out

Suddenly waking up in his car not knowing anything but seeing hearts on his car monitor

He decides to drive home and when he gets out of his car and when he walks in the house he feels a sudden headache and slowly this go dark he hits the floor and blacksout and wakes up...

In his car and when he looks one of the hearts on the dashboard screen disappears and in his confusion he hears noise that sounds like someone trying to get out his boot so he opens it from the inside and suddenly the girl pops out

In shock he asks her what she is doing there

She explains that she jumped in while the man was on the ground and she saw that the man cursed him and if those hearts all dissapear or the car is recked he will die

The man starts freaking out but quickly calms himself

And he asks y the man was chasing her

She explained that man is a vampire and they are after her for the blood that runs through her veins because they believe that drinking her blood as she drives gives the immense amount of power and all different factions if vampires have been chasing her since she turned 20 a couple months ago

(Rider is 22)

He although in disbelief realised that what happened before was not something he imagined

He asks her if she knows how to rid him of this curse...

She says she does not know but since shes got him into this she will try her best to help

Rider makes her and offer saying she can stay in his house and stay hidden while they try find a way to rid him of this

He although in disbelief realised he has no other option and if it comes to the worse he can ask the man for a cure in place for the girl to get his life back

Before she got out the car he asked what her name was and she told him it was Cameron

As time goes on they start getting to know each other and she tells him of her life before all this and how she was not that well lived and was always treated poorly in her towned village

Both of then started getting closer as time went on and 2 weeks later Rider got a call from race way to do a hometown league race and he knew he had to do it cause he needed to still be able to pay for things so he had Cameron arrange things for the race as his part time manager...

This happened 2 more times but because of he could not exit his car he had to do interviews in the car by the window and on the third race he took first place and from his previous races paparazzi knew they could get pics of him at the interview but one was able to get a picture of Cameron in the back seat and its exploded on race news that this may be his hidden lover

(Changes to scene of the vampire called Damian )

Damian was in a motel when he saw on the news the girl he was looking for with the guy who hit him with a car

(Scene cut back to Rider and Cameron)

That night Rider decided they should celebrate and get some snacks and beer to celebrate in the car and sent Cameron into the shop but as she came out some guys started hitting on her and did not seem to plan on letting her leave even when she tried to leave

One grabbed her arm and Rider knew what he had to do

Rider got out of the car and ran to punch the guy to let her free and told her to get to the car...

Suddenly he blacked out again and found himself in the car and he drove off

Cameron was confused and asked why he would sacrifice a heart to help her

He said because he wouldnt survive without her

She started blushing and looked away and Rider realised what he had said and blushed too

They drove home and she ran inside to get food ready but as she went inside Rider heard the passenger door open and Damian got inside sitting in the passenger seat.

Rider quickly pulled the car out the driveway and rode out with damian in the car

Damian said that wasnt a good idea to leave her alone but Rider said it's better than letting him anywhere near her

Damian said that he misunderstands his intentions and he only wants to protect her from the vampire clans

Rider said he wouldnt believe that nonsense since he cursed him

Damian apologized for it as he had been angered without sense and thought that he was part of one the enemy clans and he did hit him full speed with car...

Damian explained that he had been keeping her safe up until now keeping her out of view of the other clans up until another clan found out about her existence

Damian explains that he was part of clan that doesnt see sense in killing humans to survive so they only take blood from hospitals but his clan in fear has also decided to get her before any other clan does and that's why he was trying to save her but she kept running from him even after killing a vampire before it took her so she got scared and ran away when they ran through that road

Rider started to see sense in his words and decided to trust him but he exclaimed that he better not lay a finger on her and damian swore that he does not mean to hurt her and he can even only talk to her when all of us are in the car

So Rider accepts and they go back to the house but as the came up the drive way

Cameron saw them and was in shock so she started running and ran down a alleyway where the car could not follow ...

They quickly went looking for her and could not find her

It starts getting dark and damian explains that the vampires will be more active now and they will be stronger

As he explains Rider sees her down a wide alleyway being surrounded by people with red glowing eyes

Both Damian and Rider run out the car to start fighting and they open up a path for her to get to the car

As she runs past she sees Rider get drowsy again and as that happens a knife stabs into his side

But Rider shouts for her to keep going as he blacks outs

Damian goes to the car while keeping the vampires back

And Rider wakes back up in the car but the blade remains in his side

Both Cameron and Damian get to the car and he speeds off but a vampire got onto the car and Damian lowers the window and throws the vampire into a stop sign as they pass by it

Rider and Damian explain what happened and during so Damian brings up the question to why Rider has been protecting her knowing that her blood too would cure his curse…

Rider in surprise and anger starts questioning her why she would lie to him knowing she would backstab him without realizing that he over time with her has changed his mind on giving her up so he calms down as they arrive at the motel (he had not realised that over this period with her he has risked himself even tho he was willing to give her up at the beggining but now he feels he would do anything for her )

She was in tears as Rider told Damian to take her inside but called Damian back and told Damian to tell him where the his clan territory was and who was the leader and he rode off

Then Damian walked into the room and Cameron asked where Rider had gone and Damian told her that it seems Rider plans to take on his clan on his own to stop them from going after her

In shock Cameron told him that they need to go after Rider now but Damian refused

Cameron after hearing the refusal grabbed Damians car keys and left but as she got into the car Damian took the keys and said that they both insane but atleast if he comes along he can keep her safe for Rider

(Now we go to Rider)

As he drives to the territory of Damians clan he questions what has happened to him

In the span of 3 months he has become so infatuated with a girl he had not known for long that he is planning this wild stunt

As he thinks that he drives through the clan gate and starts hooting and shouting for the clan leader

A man who does not look old but has grey hair and dim red eyes walks out asking who looks for him...

Many other vampires surround the car but the leader tells them to wait as he recognizes Rider from the news

And Rider says if he wants her he will have to go through him and if they kill him they will never find her

Then Rider unlocks the passenger side door and tells the man to get in

The man gets in and Rider spins and rides out the gate

He starts speeding alone cliff side roads tell the man that they are gonna talk and he will keep his eyes on the road so he cant curse him cause he has enough of those already and the man said even if he did they would still die

And the man asked why would he risk his life for her when her blood could save him too

Rider without hesitation said that he would live with this curse or sooner die than sacrifice her(in saying that he realised the deep love that he had for her that had grown over these months and he knew then that he would do anything for her)

The man said that he would risk his life for her even though he barely knew her...

Rider said even though at first he was willing to give her up he now resents and is horrified that he would think that way as she is just a person in the end and fear had taken him over but as time went on with her by his side he realised that to now to fear is only a weak mans way out and to sacrifice an innocent person is the most sinful thing one can do

The man sighs put his hand on his face saying that both Rider and damian is right

He as someone others look up to had given into fear and lost sight of who he is

That damian was right to keep her safe rather than seek her power for ourselves as I had now thought

Rider says he brought up damian right but he has now strayed his thoughts from fear but now he must repent and do the right thing

The man agrees and tells Rider to take him back so he may right his wrongs

Rider drove back to the clan territory and stopped the car and before unlocking the door told the man that he must right his wrongs ...

Otherwise he will rain hell down on them till his dying breath and till his car cannot move another inch he shall do all he can to damage them and their territory

The man said there would be no reason to threaten as he has realised what he should of been teaching all along

The man got out the car and told everyone to calm down and that Rider was not their enemy

That he had been leading them astray of what he taught them

He said that they shall safe gaurd the women so that no one shall reach her

With some arguments that he settled quickly people agreed and as they finish Damian rode in through the gate telling his father to not make rash decisions

But his father laughed as he said that he has arrived late and that Rider has settled everything already

Damian surprised by what he heard then looked at Rider who was shouting why would he leave Cameron alone at the Motel but his words were cut short as the passenger door opened and she stepped out ...

Everyone was tense at the beggining but the leader walked up to her and held her hand up and kissed it

Telling her she is not in danger from their clan any longer

She started tearing up as she saw Rider and ran over hugging him through the window asking him never to do something so risky again

Rider softly and nervously laughed saying hopefully he won't have to

But during their embrace some of the clansmen came running in saying that other vampire clans had come for her

And damian noticed that they had been followed

The leader told Rider to take her and leave and so she got into the passenger side door as he unbuckled to open the door and buckled her up

He started the car as vampires from enemy clans came running

He got the car started and hit some of them out the way as he made his way to the back gate

They had escaped and as they drove they heard screams of battle in the background

Cameron asked Rider if they could leave forever and just be the two of them far away from this...

Far away from all the clans in a place they could start over

Rider agreed

He said he would protect her with his life

And she asked y even though he knows her blood could cure him

He said he would sooner die than let her fall into their hands or even for her to die for his sake

As he lo...

Just then a car hit then from the side knocking them down the cliff

And Cameron was scared as she saw Rider had not re buckled up

The car flipped and spun as they rolled down the cliff landing the car back on its wheels but when cameron lifted her head Rider was not in the car

He had been thrown out

Rider opened his eyes seeing the car recked as he layed outside it with barely any strength and he saw Cameron come out the passenger door

She seemed to only sustain bruising and a head injury

But she had collapsed

Rider knew he has to make it to her so he started crawling as suddenly his vision went blurry and a headache started throbbing making his head feel like it would explode ...

But he pushed through the pain knowing he had to make it to her before his last breath was taken

So he kept crawling until he made it to her

And as he felt himself fading he told her

This time I have spent with u has been the best of my life

And I'm happy that this curse led me to u

I love you...

And as he said this his eyes could not keep themselves open any longer and he felt this cold chill envelope his body

He was happy she would survive and hoped that she would be able to get away

But as he felt himself fading away he felt a warm liquid flow down his through and the headache and drowsiness dissapeared

As he opened his eyes he saw her over him with cut wrists done with a shard of glass he wanted to stop her but couldnt move his body would not listen to him

His adrenaline that allowed him to carry on was gone

And all he heard as he started to pass out from the pain from the crash was

U didnt allow me to give my answer

I'd sooner die than let u go..

His eyes closed once again...

And when they next opened he found himself in a hospital bed in shock

His body full of bandages and strapped to devices

He quickly stood up to leave until his feet hit the floor and he realised what she had done

He was not in his car and he there was no drowsiness or headaches

He dropped to his knees as he started crying and then Damian walked through the door

In shock noticing Rider was awake her closed the door

Rider apologised as he said in the end he could not protect her

That her life was wasted on him

In tears as he sat on the floor...

But Damian smile and said

Well luckily protecting her was not a task u had to bear alone

As he said this Rider looked up seeing next to Damian

Cameron in tears standing in front of him

Now with white hair and glistening red eyes

She dropped to the floor to hug him and said that nothing in saving him was a waste and that he was horrible for not letting her finish what she was saying

Rider my life for yours I was more than willing to pay because...

I Love You



(After credits come back to the scene)

Damian said that he noticed her giving him her blood and the only way he could think to save her was to turn her to a vampire although the chances of her survival to be low

And after he got them both to hospital she recovered quickly as she had not many serious injuries and even then when she recovered she gave u more blood via transfusion leading to ur survival

Which has caused u both to become vampires

Rider then looked in the mirror to see his own eyes were red as crimson and his skin pale white as snow

But he did not think too much on it as he had her back in his arms and never wanted to let go again...