
Burden of Love

Synopsis It’s a typical story of girl who was damsel in distress due to bulling for her looks and intelligence. He was rich good looking handsome and intelligent playboy student. He was 4 years old than her. He was her knight shining in amour who saved her from getting bullied that was what she believed. Earned her trust and became friends, but he had a motive for it. His scheme was revealed in front of her just before the study vacation. She loved him so it hurt her so much. But she doesn’t confront his motive. She leaves him for good. What was his real motive? Will he get know the real reason for her disappearance? Where did she go? How will she able to start her new life? Will they ever meet again? After 10 long years. But everything is changed. She is not damsel in distress anymore owns an investment company and chain of restaurants. Happily engaged to her good best friend. He was not happy sunny play boy anymore. His fiancé cheated on him with his friend and left with his money. He is heartbroken and his company is in big trouble. Badly need an investor to save the company which is a legacy of three generations. Through a long last friend he gets to know about the company who is looking for investments in his town. What will happen now? What will be her reaction after seeing him? Does she still has feelings for him, will it affect her engagement? Does he still remember and recognize her? What will his reaction after seeing her? This is story of Arthi and Atharv. Story about friendship, trust, love, misunderstanding, betrayal and self-respect. Let`s see what their future hold for them.

Nayana_Vishu · Sports, voyage et activités
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47 Chs



Flash back continues…

Initially Shiva didn't want to believe anything, but after hearing everything what Arthi said, he felt very upset with Atharv and didn't know what to do. When he heard the real reasons Arthi say Pradeep for her sudden disappearance...

What you want to tell Rai grandpa and Vijay uncle Pradeep, that their grandson and son whom they are very proud was one of the many reasons I left without telling anyone.

You want to me to tell them how he was included with your brother and sister's plan to rape and spoil me with their friends.

You want me to tell them how Atharv messaged me to come to a place where your brother and his friends were waiting for me in order to rape me.

What was my age Pradeep that time I was hardly 15 years old. You want me to tell them how I escaped from that place with great difficulty or how I still alive by facing all those things.

Should I tell them how I encountered Shruthi aunt while escaping from who didn't even wanted to help me. How she also blamed me only for being shameless and said I was doing cheap tricks in order to seduce guys for money.

At that age 15 tell me how would I know anything about seducing. That to seducing those bullies of school who used to hangout with your brother and her son. Should I tell them how she also said I was home breaker just like my mom and prostitute like my grand mom who are only good in breaking relations.

Even though at that time I didn't believe Atharv could to do this to me and in order to confront him. I went to their house that day only to hear those hateful words towards me, which he was telling to your sister.

How he was planning to get all shares and wealth which was in my father's name, by the help of your sister and father's help. After that how they were planning to make me mentally unstable or kill Incase if I get handful.

Tell me Pradeep or should tell him that my father`s death was not an accident. But was caused by the greed which your father had for the wealth which was in name. In order to confirm that he will not return Dixit house they planned the whole fucking accident.

How there are the chances that grandma`s so called prolonged illness was due to the drugs, that were mixed with her medications. In order to silence her about telling the real facts to grandpa, which she discovered about your father. The reasons which made my dad leave Dixit house was the blames and accusations for your aunt`s suicide.

Or should I tell them that it was not suicide but in fact a cold blooded murder by your own father. He wanted to kill her in order to achieve the properties of Dixit, when his plan failed to get your aunt and my father close or get them married.

Should I tell them that some of your father goons threatened mom that they will rape and kill us if try to get close to grandpa.

Who will listen to a 15 year old girl? Pradeep, they would ignored me and even may claim I`m mentally disturbed and unstable due to my dad's dismissal.

They would have locked in some mental asylum for life time and killed my mom is some accident just like dad's. They would have achieved everything they wanted very easily.

Do you think that our grandpa would believe me or my mom if we complain about these things.

After saying all these Arthi started to sob loudly, hearing this Shiva was rooted at the door like statute. He couldn't even digest just what he had heard.

Shiva was filled with guilt and remorse for what Arthi had to go through due to his grandson. He didn't know how to face Arthi or what to say to her.

Shiva was just about to turn and leave, he met Siddharth at the door who was bringing food for Arthi and Pradeep. When Sid greeted Shiva and asked him to come in…

Hello sir, you must be Rai grandpa right? I couldn't meet you yesterday I`m Arthi`s friend. Why are you standing here at the door? Let`s go inside I bought lunch for them you can also join them.

Arthi and Pradeep went numb by thinking about that Rai grandpa could have heard what they talked just now and didn't know what to do? Here Shiva slowly went inside the ward silently with heavy load of guilt about the things which he heard just now.

Arthi wiped her tears composed herself and smiled at Rai grandpa and greeted him casually like she didn't say so those things…

Grandpa you came, when did you come? Come on sit let`s have lunch together.

Shiva just nodded his head and sat silently on the chair. Sid placed the food on the table and turned his attention to Arthi whose eyes were red and swollen due to crying and he also heard her voice was broken, when she spoke to Rai grandpa.

Sid wanted to ask her about but didn't say anything due to Rai grandpa`s presence. He just told her to wash her hands to eat lunch indirectly telling her to wash her face, while he was taking out the dishes. Arthi just nodded her head in response and went towards bathroom.

All of them were eating food in silence, due to which everyone was feeling suffocated. Arthi wanted to ask Rai grandpa weather he heard what she and Pradeep just spoke. She was about to voice out her thoughts which were interrupted by Sid`s stern voice she just nodded her head and continued to eat silently...

First eat lunch. I know you have lot to talk, which you can do it after eating food.

Once everyone finished the food. Arthi wanted to help Sid to clear everything. But one glace from Sid was enough for her, she just sat there and fiddled with her fingers which she always does, whenever she feels nervous.

Once Sid cleared everything, he noticed that no one was ready to speak. So he cleared his throat and turned his head towards Rai grandpa and said…

Since no one wants to talk, I`ll only start. It`s clear to me that sir you must have come at the time, when these two were talking about something which had made you feel guilty and has caused you to become silent.

Hearing this Rai grandpa just let out a sigh and nods his head in response.

After hearing all those things you must be having lot of questions to ask Arthi right? Which you are not able to voice out and wanted to turn and leave if I didn't meet you near the door.

Shiva was unable to talk just said "yes" in response which barely audible to everyone present in that room.