


It was a game of strength, as we stared at each other to death. The rabbits glared at me and I glared back.

"Help me!"

They laughed at me, I was naked and chained to the bed, and there was no way of escaping.

They mocked me.

"Please, help me." I grumbled.

I frowned when it seemed like the rabbits wavered. "Come help me."

"Why should we help you?"

"Because I'm pleading."

"Oh, Danica never says please, but her mate has put her there so why should we bother." Jerry said.

"Yeah, she's so stupid you know, she could have just shifted"

"Shoo." They snapped at Berry but I already heard.

I shifted into a hawk, the cuffs slid off my wrist as they shrunk, the ropes fell off as my legs also shrunk, then I shifted back to human.

My first thought was to go after Jerome.


The living room looked like a robbery gone wrong, three people I had never seen before stood in the middle and Cara was kneeling on the floor while one of the two women standing in the middle had a sword to her neck, while the pack surrounded them.

I had a minute to process everything before Jerome saw me. He didn't even look shocked that I had managed to escape his cuffs.

I had an overwhelming feeling to go to him and tie him up as he did me, but I stopped myself, we were Infront of his pack, I didn't want him to lose face.

"Enough of this posturing." A man who I hadn't seen before suddenly came into the circle, and in a rush, Vincent moved to stop him.

The man in the middle standing with the two womey suddenly snarled at Vincent when he moved to stop the man.

"Mate!" I gasped in shock, Vincent's eyes widened and he sniffed.

"Mate!" He said back, Jerome's face paled, while the rest also gasped in shock.

We all moved back on instinct as the man in the middle suddenly lunged forward and stopped in front of Vincent.

He tipped his head to the left barring his neck in submission, Jerome moved to him without any hesitation and sank his fangs into his neck, claiming him as his own.

No one spoke, we just watched Vincent move his blood dripping mouth from the man's neck and barred his throat in return.

"Wow." I gasped, I had no idea the mate scent drove people that mad. But why didn't I have the urge to mate with Jerome like they did, why did Jerome not just claim me like Vincent did his mate. They showed no control, their eyes were hazed with lust as their scent combined.

Was Jerome's control absolute because he was the Alpha, or was I the one stopping him from mating with me. Why didn't I feel like making him mine?

"I'm guessing we need to shift this awkward meeting to tomorrow morning because I don't think my beta is in the right state of mind to talk." With that said, Jerome turned to me and grabbed my hand. We both walked away.

"Did you see that?" I didn't answer, because I knew it was a rhetorical question. "That's what the mating scent does to you, you won't be able to control yourself, you would want nothing but your scent on your mate, because the thought of people seeing them and not knowing you've staked a claim drives you nuts, you get crazily possessive, but I have no idea how my own mate could resist it and even be able to state that she wants nothing to do with me."

I had planned on fighting with him for what he did when we were alone, but now I wanted nothing more than to steer clear of him but he didn't let go of my hand.

"My mate runs from me, me, the Alpha of a pack with more than three hundred pack members, but my mate believes I can't take care of her, I can't keep her safe."