


I smiled when she came out of the room, but frowned when I saw what she wore.

She looked around the living room, clearly seeing it for the first time. My eyes trailed to her chest and swallowed. I couldn't get over the image of her boobs in my head.

"What are you wearing?." Vincent asked.

She ignored Vincent and smiled at me. "Do I get a proper look around the house?."

"Why?So you can plan your escape?."

Again she ignored Vincent. "Can I get a look around the house….Alpha?."

I inhaled,...Alpha… it sounded different when she said it.

"Oh now, you're title calling to get your way?."

"Vincent that's enough," I smiled at her. "Sure."

"Can my pets come along?" She asked and I looked around not seeing any pets but still answered.

"Sure, as long as they don't try to spoil anything."

Me and Vincent jumped when the rabbits appeared.

Vincent gasped. "Where did they come from?."

"What, are you scared of rabbits?." She asked sarcastically.