


I grinned at Vincent when I locked the door behind me.

"Looking at your big smile I'd say things went your way."

"We've agreed on something, and she accepted the challenge."

"Wow, and you are not even scared she might lose?."

I frowned in confusion. "Should I be?."

"Oh God," he gasped. "Did you ask her if she can fight?."

I narrowed my eyes, "why won't she be able to?."

"Have you seen her fight or are you just assuming she can fight?You do remember that in all the times we've clashed she only ever used her powers."

I sighed. "Well this just makes it more complicated, we'll just have to find out tomorrow."

"Aren't you scared she'll lose?."

"I'm surprisingly not, besides when I told her, she didn't seem scared or terrified."

Vincent shrugged, "Well I found out that the new Alpha of the moonstone pack has a mate who has powers, and they have a dragon among them."

"They'll be good as allies then, Brad was right." I answered.