
How Danica met Olivia 3

I watched her sleep, her hair over her face. It looked so innocent, so pure. Yet so confusing. I really hoped what I was about to do would work. Or I was going to regret it. I moved towards her and placed my hand on her fore head. I was going to see everything as she saw it, experience her pain and agony like it was mine.

My mind quickly connected with hers, I searched her memories, looking for anything that could help me. Anything that could show me something.


"He's not waking up, tell him to stand up".!!!. I screamed

"He's dead girl, fend for yourself". The weird woman said.

I stood up with such a force and aura That the weird woman had to take a step back.

"You, you killed him". I said.

"I did, and what are you going to do about it".

"I'm going to kill you, and everyone who tries to stop me from doing so". The anger, the pain blinded me. I felt the rush of energy come from my feet, into my body and onto my hands. I felt them like electric jolts. I felt my hands move up. And then I saw the light that turned into flames of fire and then I threw it at The weird woman who gasped in surprise as the fire connected with her chest.

She fell back straight coughing.

I walked forward. "You killed him, and I'm going to kill you". The weird woman stood up again and brought out her wand.

"I'd like to see you try".

I felt my teeth transform. But I wasn't changing neither was I thinking, my body acted on its own.I picked up a piece of wood from the exploded door.

"Are you going to fight with that". The weird woman asked.

"No". I replied. "I'm going to fight with this".

The weird woman watched how the piece of wood transformed into a sword. ★The sword of the warlock★

" Grandmother". The weird woman gasped. "My grandmother is inside you".

" Took you long enough to know I was in her, I thought I taught you more than that". I said. But the voice sounded foreign.

"The sword, that sword belongs to Armani". The weird woman gasped again.

"That would be ★sir Armani the first to you, you evil brat★". I imitated Another person's voice.

"How's this possible". The weird woman stumbled back. "I killed you, I killed the both of you". She fell on her foot but continued crawling back as I extended towards her.

"★ the body dies and wither, but the soul and spirit never does ★". I imitated two voices together.

★ "You will fall by my hand , you will die by the sword"★

★your body shall rot, your spirit and soul shall perish into the sea of internal suffering★.

★ you shall be remembered as the dark witch who died by the hands of a teenage wolf who's name shall be OLIVIA FLEMMING THE WAR WITCH LUNA.★

★She would be your downfall, she would be the hero, the one who rids you of the world and your evil doings★



The weird woman didn't expect it as the sword slashed through her chest revealing her inner body. I slashed again, this time through her head.

"Oh my God". I heard someone gasp.

★ And your death shall be the beginning of change★. I finished. Then I tell to the floor. Fainting.


I gasped and wrench my hand from her forehead. Olivia Flemming, that was her name. And she had gone through a lot.

I wondered who the weird woman was.

And who the boy she had killed the woman for was.

Was he Casper?, was he her mate?. But the memory I experienced seemed so far back.

I needed more information. I breathed in and placed my hand back on her forehead.


I trembled.

And very nearly kicked him on the head. It was a fortunate thing that he had my legs wrapped around him.

Still, he clutched both legs tightly, urging them further forward.

"What are you doing". I heard myself say.

"Just relax and enjoy it".

Ever so gently I felt his tongue lick me. I shuddered suddenly anticipating his next move.

His hand left my legs, sliding down to my sex, his fingers parted my folds.

"Casper wait". I gasped. "I've never"......

He suddenly growled. "I'll tie you to the bed if you don't stop interrupting".

I didn't like the authority in his voice but it spooked me.

He swirled his tongue over my swollen bud and I nearly lost it again.

"Oh come on". He suddenly stood up. I watched him take something from the hanger. Then he lunged at me. I suddenly found my hands tied to the headboard. Then next he went for my legs. He dragged my right leg to the edge of the bed and tied it there. He did the same thing for my left.

I felt exposed. "What are you doing?". Again, he ignored me.

He was with me again. Staring at my sex like he couldn't wait to ravish it. And he did.

No more joking, he concentrated on giving me pleasure.

I moaned, groaned, sighed. Shrieked.

The pleasure felt so acute, it threatened to melt my bones.

He lashed at me. Flickering his tongue over my clit and he deprived me of it.

I moaned as I felt his finger. And then two.

I found herself wanting to beg. To tell him to stop the torture.

"Stop the teasing.". I snapped.

"Beg me". He replied.

I refused. I wasn't going to beg.

As if to make me submit. He increased the pressure on my clit.

Pushing me to an orgasm and also keeping me there.

I was so close. so close it felt like the sweetest painful pleasure.

And I wasn't going to beg.


I gasped and removed my hand from her forehead, I felt guilty, that was supposed to be only her memory.

I felt hurt, but more guilty. It suddenly felt like I had stolen a memory of her and her mate. I didn't think I was going to be able to look at her without remembering what I had saw.