

Alexander ignored the stares of the onlookers and didn't care whether Dr. Android agreed or not.

He grabbed the robot's right foot, stepped out of his seat, and walked to the open space in front of the podium.

Throughout his walk, the robot's thrusters kept emitting white smoke, trying to break free from Alexander's grip, but to no avail.

As the youngest guest professor at Enchanted Haven University, Alexander was quite well-known.

So, when he stepped forward, many mage apprentices recognized him.

"That's Alexander! The elemental guest professor Alexander!"

"I even attended his first lecture as an observer..."

The mage apprentices murmured among themselves.

"Next, let me test for everyone just how tough this robot really is," Alexander said, smiling towards the audience.

Dr. Android's smile vanished, and he stared intently at Alexander.