
Building Overlord with Beyonder Blueprints

Gods, all-mighty beings with great power, some of them are born with great power and others cultivate it and become reborn as immortal beings on par, or superior to gods themselves, but where do these all mighty powerful beings live when they want to relax, and restore their power. Housing, great shrines, fortresses these are the places gods and cultivators need to rest but the lack of proper builders is a concerning matter to the world of Afreya. "Madam demon lord your castle is too worn out let me remodel it," I said "oooh so old man sword master you wish to build a tomb to be found by a potential successor to inherit your cultivation techniques then leave it to me I shall build it" "A shrine you say to be able to let a god rest in, then say no more I will build it" BOBB BUILDER SYSTEM *activated* -what do you want to build. Join Tema a reincarnated architect and civil engineer genius with a builder system, to create infrastructure and become the greatest god builder of the universe. He can build anything, never seen before structures and solve problems in unconventional ways. https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/MartinDauthor Your support will help in my writing, thank you.

Archaic_Scribesage · Fantaisie
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43 Chs

Chapter 18: A glimpse of my past 2

*Ocean blue shell Turtle shield mortal treasure tier [F]*

Errors/Flaws: 0%

Possibility to be Upgraded: 5

"The name changed!" I mumbled with wide eyes then an image of a Turtle appeared in my mind as it was majestically shrouded in holy blue profound flowing light like the ocean seas, and it was only a 2-dimensional image.

Looking at the notification, Beast Blood is needed...I unconsciously took a glance at Cerebral and then an Idea popped up.

"I need to make a blueprint to see how it will look like scribed out, but first things first. Is to forge the shield to Increase my Stats like crazy then kill a certain overgrown lizard." I thought, sneering jovially inwardly.

Taking out my bone hammer, I laid out the purified material Carin element, then took the venom gourd dipped the Carin element into it using my bare hands since now I had 'Poison resistance[F] skill' and 'Heat resistance[F]' and had to avoid using 'ice Ki since it would mess up the temperature while I began hammering out the Ocean blue turtle shield.

'White Draconic eyes'

Threads of energy and molecular patterns appeared in the melting heap of Carin metal showing me the weak spots.

Wu! Ping! Wu ping!

*Health -6 points*

"Fuck! This is painful," I said as my blood oozed out from the gaping wounds on my hands caused by the venom since I did not shroud myself with 'ice Ki'

*Poison resistance[F] -5 Stamina*

*Heat resistance[F] -5 Stamina*

The pain became bearable and the venom even though reduced my health it was not life-threatening like the beginning.

*Elemental Origin energy manipulation[F] -3 stamina*

Stretching out my hands and using Intricate hand movements that appeared in my mind I recited some runic chants that aided in making the Origin energy in my meridians start to flow and escape outside to start moving the heap of Carin metal around me that, had melted now was floating in the air by my influence.

The Ocean blue shell Turtle shield was as calm as the ocean and surprisingly did not resist my will when I created it unlike the Changeable eagle-hawk from the system which made me a little relieved.

After a few hours later, lost in my work,


*First attempt of Ocean blue shell Turtle shield [F] complete, Forge points gained: + 10.*

*Total forge points 63*

*Wisdom reduce the cost of all skills used by +1 each*

When I got overwhelmed with joy, I unexpectedly felt the urge to release something in my body, then I tilted my head to the side and let it all out.

"Heck! Uuaaagh! Uuuughaa!"

Cough! Cough! Cough!

I vomited out a large chunk of yellow dark ooze that filled the dungeon with the smell of a dead rat.

"Fuck! Uuuuughaa," I vomited this substance for a fool 30 minutes and was left with only a few unintentional refluxes at the end, like back in my previous life when I had too much alcohol and spent the whole morning with my head in the toilet basin.

The stench filled the dungeon causing the Cerebral to wake up from its rest as it always lazied around and frowned as it flicked its tail.

Tling! Tling!

It looked up at me and I looked at it standing firm this time like a statue unmoving tightly holding the chains causing immense tension,

*Strength + 15, Origin energy + 10, Health + 15, Spirit energy +15, Stamina +8*

Then Cerebral slowly got up with a smile, glowing green with its body increasing to the Size of an elephant, and flung its meaty tail again, causing a devastating gust of wind.

Tling! Tling!

This time again I remained unmoving my muscles bulging out, and Cerebral's smile disappeared as it became solemn.


The beast realized something different about me, and I had finally reached my goal as I held the chains with my new improved strength.

"Hehehe time for revenge," I said with a grin.

*Frightful presence*

*-5 points spirit energy*

Cerebral sensing a dominating presence from me began to cower to the corner as its huge body shrunk under my pressure rendering it vulnerable. Then I heaved up the chain over my shoulder and pulled the chain with an overbearing force of strength.

Chrrrrrr! Booom!

The chains rubbed on the bone cage bars as Cerebral bashed its head severely on the bone bars, "Whoa! What type of bones is this cage made of!?" I said with surprise, watching the snake slither back in a frenzy and far away from me, then stood up like a cobra and sprayed poison at me, "Well that's a dumb ass move for a beast known for its intelligence," I said standing still and allowed the poison to wash every corner of my body.


I heard the Cerebral make joyous noises.

"Aaah! What a nice bath, I needed some warm water to bathe you know," I Said as I rubbed the burning venom on my skin, washing out some vomit, and watched the Snake beast start to visibly tremble.

"Oho! Did we just realize that the prey has become the predator, hahaha," I said as I jerked my arm up that held the chain strapped to my neck with full force.

Chrrrrrr! Booooom!

"Ssssss!" Bashing its head again on the bars, Cerebral started to cry tears of blood, and made sounds of despair and agony.

"Hahahaha, time for you to feed Daddy," I said with a cruel smile, of having to finally get revenge on this overgrown lizard.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Cerebral tried to resist by activating its green ki that spread around the dungeon as green smoke, a final act of defense as I presumed it sensed it's close to the after-life.

*Poison resistance (F)*

"Ssssss, Ssssss, Sss…"

The hissing died out after a while and Cerebral's green ki resided back into its body, and after twitching for a while it became lifeless.

A short moment passed till the dungeon shook uncontrollably and the chains rattled Stones shook, and a loud voice resounded around me, "D12 you bastard what have you done to my Cerebral?" said Slith, then moments later.

Crack! Bang!

The stone dungeon door crumbled and, a pale white-nosed youth came in fuming out steam as his eyes shone yellow, his face twisted ruthlessly gnashing his teeth, he took a glance at the unmoving snake beast then his lower eyelid twitch. He then turned his sharp vicious eyes towards me.

"Y-Y-You!?" said Slith, as he gazed at my shield for a moment, as if he discovered something "If you can survive this strike, I will let you live," said Slith as yellow profound light covered his body like flames and the skin on his body began to harden into rock, "Die," he bellowed, throwing a ruthless three dimensional after image releasing a tyrannical Earth Aura.

I then took the tortoise shield I had just finished making and raised it in front of my body, cold sweat streamed down my back from the amount of pressure he exerted on my body and the sharp tingling feeling that made me feel like he wanted to actually kill me.


The power behind that attack was immense and packed a devastating earth-shattering walloping that sent me and my shield crashing on the bone bars.


*Health -20 points, Stamina points depleted -34*

I felt as if my back broke on impact, as I slid down the bars, and felt a wave of warm salty liquid course up my throat, my breathing became labored then my vision went dark.



Watching the shriveled-up old man with no facial hair on his head, inserted with IV tubes, and a pulse reading monitor with an unchangeable horizontal line, had me feeling helpless and vulnerable.

Of all the years I had known my father he was never as lifeless as I was seeing him now, the heavy smell of medication had filled the room that had caused a sense of loss in my heart.

Holding my hands with a firm grip was my beloved mother, an angel who had always looked after me and taught me not to take other people's insults to heart of being born with dwarfism and make my success shut them up, and that is exactly what I had done when I became a civil engineer and architect known across the world.

This time her smile and enthusiasm were nowhere to be seen, as she wept looking at the doctors unplugging the machinery that had supported my father's life.

We had fought and battled his cancer but failed to win, and with that, he could only leave us.

Months after his funeral, I went back to work hard to make my father proud in the after-life believing that he was still watching, and helped to build for the impoverished rural areas on my vacations.

At a construction site in a rural area called Serna, a deserted village that was plagued with famine. I had decided to build water-generating windmills to help with the temporary drought, and unfortunately got harassed by an unwanted guest who by that time happened to be one of the most powerful men in the construction business in the world.

"We need your services, Tema you are talented, it will be a waste to just do all these great things for free, come work for my company I will pay you well," Said a dark-skinned man with a large belly, wide nose, and a smile revealing two gold teeth.

I shook my head with a sigh, "No thanks Boss Frank but like I said I don't do this for the money, I just want to make a certain someone happy," I said, walking away back to work.

Till one day my mother out of nowhere had a car accident and was hospitalized.

I had no choice but to accept contracts from a company that had long wanted to monopolize my talents and began slaving away for them, telling myself I needed to get more money to take care of my mother's hospital bills.

But the worst possible scenario happened, she died when I was still working on a project. I hated myself for not being there by her bedside in her final moments.

"I can't do this anymore Boss Frank I'm through with this job," I said holding my mobile phone,

I was trying to leave the company,

"Hahaha, Leave! don't kid yourself Tema you will be done when we say you are done, or else I'll make your shady deals with us public," Said Frank with a disgusting tone.

"Do whatever you want, I don't care about the public eye," I said with a heavy heart filled with sorrow.

"Then what about your little fiancee? Kekeke," he said

"You dare?"

"Try me Tema, do you think your mother was just an accident?" After hearing what he said I went from grief, realization to pure unadulterated rage, and thought of going to the police but he was too powerful and had moles everywhere,

"Damn it!" I said slamming the phone to the ground so hard it split to pieces on the floor.

I could still hear Frank's laughter as the phone died.

I fell into alcoholism to numb my guilt of all the terrible things I had done to make money to pay hospital bills for my mother to survive, and now I was doing the same thing in the name of protecting the woman I love but one day I came back home to find divorce papers.

I couldn't believe it. She said I didn't give her enough attention because I was at work all day, but then it turns out she had been in an affair.

I drank more till I buried myself in work and finally decided to end it all. "Screw it, I'm going to bring all of you down with me. I can't take this anymore," I said, walking to grab the flash drive.


Then I woke up to see, the eyes of Slith shining wide open and, a smile appeared on his noble lips "Oh! The shield you just forged appears to still be intact. What the heck did you do to it!? hehehe, such talent," he said, clapping his hands together.

His aura calmed down and he looked at me with a smile, "Good! Good! You will have to make more of that for me," he said as he pointed his fingers at the shield.

Black-hooded shadows appeared from the ground, " Bring more material," Said Sloth in a noble commanding tone, his previous angry demeanor completely disappeared into thin air.

The black-robed servants brought more broken treasures into my cage, "So you're not going to kill me over your pet?" I said, still resting laid back on the bone bars.

He looked at Cerebral with a poker face, "Nothing more but a trash pet, I can get more of them once I return to Afreya," he said

I felt a little sorry for the poor ghost snake Cerebral now in heaven, or hell hehehe, and my plan just worked out, now I can level up in peace by just staying in here till I'm powerful enough to beat the crap out of this fool and escape.

"After seeing that painful memory maybe I should also look for my parents in this world but I'll think about how, after I successfully escape from Terra" I thought


*24HR builder mission objective failed*


Was tough finding money to fix my laptop, but I did it, will try to push more content and get back to my usual updating of Sunday and Wednesday.

Archaic_Scribesagecreators' thoughts