
Building Overlord with Beyonder Blueprints

Gods, all-mighty beings with great power, some of them are born with great power and others cultivate it and become reborn as immortal beings on par, or superior to gods themselves, but where do these all mighty powerful beings live when they want to relax, and restore their power. Housing, great shrines, fortresses these are the places gods and cultivators need to rest but the lack of proper builders is a concerning matter to the world of Afreya. "Madam demon lord your castle is too worn out let me remodel it," I said "oooh so old man sword master you wish to build a tomb to be found by a potential successor to inherit your cultivation techniques then leave it to me I shall build it" "A shrine you say to be able to let a god rest in, then say no more I will build it" BOBB BUILDER SYSTEM *activated* -what do you want to build. Join Tema a reincarnated architect and civil engineer genius with a builder system, to create infrastructure and become the greatest god builder of the universe. He can build anything, never seen before structures and solve problems in unconventional ways. https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/MartinDauthor Your support will help in my writing, thank you.

Archaic_Scribesage · Fantaisie
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43 Chs

Chapter 1: Building Overlord with Beyonder Blueprints

I continued to clamp and release, my callouses filled hands, I looked at the succubus "Could you tell me your name please?" I said,

"A name is a pleasantry only those with power can have, my collar id is S10, daughter of a succubus slave and normally I wouldn't be here doing a lenient job as a water girl but, my mother she…." Said S10, her face red to the ear, looking toward the ground as her words trailed off.

It didn't need a smart person to understand what her mother is doing to get her such a lightweight job and how the guard just let her off so easily earlier.

Staring at the little succubus with messy long black hair, and dirty pinkish lips a question came to me "Wait, a moment ago you said I came from the Dwarven kingdom, so the first letters of our collars represent our race." I said,

S10 only nodded her head for me to understand.

Looking at the wooden bucket beside her, "S10 can I borrow that for a moment,"

"Umm…it's," I saw the reluctance in her eyes.

With a smile, trying to look as innocent as possible, "Don't worry I'm not going to drink some water I just want to see my reflection." I said,

Knitting her brows together, "Why do you want to see your reflection, are you that self-obsessed, but believe me for a dwarf, your looks can't compare to elves,"

Rolling my eyes at her I snatched the bucket and moved near a white glowing crystal mounted to the wall, took a quick look inside the bucket only to see a stranger's face, with a large square-shaped head, skin sunken into the skull.

My skin was covered in dirt as I lightly brushed my long spike brown hair, and my newly sprouting facial hair on my chin, "It looks like this kid is going through puberty now."

Looking at my face closely, the light reflected out like that of a cat, and I froze "Huh!" a flood of memories like a broken mirror appeared inside my mind, and began to mend tighter showing me the memories of the previous owner.

The previous owner was born inside this underground cave world called Terra kingdom and does not know his parents, so he always knew himself as an orphan.

He worked hard as a slave ever since he could remember, all day every day, he only knew himself as slave D12, and has never seen the outside world and its clear blue skies but only knew this underground kingdom.

The exhaustion and fatigue finally caught up to his body even though as a dwarf he was blessed with abnormal strength and toughness.

He died leaving his 13year old body, which led to me taking over, looks like his only wish was to see the outside world, and the guards took advantage of that longing to make him work more giving him false hope of being set free to go outside.

Watching my hand shaking I could tell, I was not in full control yet because of his will and hopes that have tempered his body for the sole purpose to work till he sees the skies, "Outsidee, I wishhh to see outside,"

Those are the last words he uttered as he fell to his death, while I watched the glass mend together. "I don't know if this can help you to rest in peace and escape this place, but I have seen the outside of my other world in my previous life, I hope you don't mind looking at these memories of mine" I said.

A dark flame came out of one of the broken mirrors and floated before me.

Smiling softly at the flame I felt the remnants of the previous D12 that was attached to this world due to regret and, I looked into the flames as it floated toward me and penetrated between my brows, focusing my mind I displayed all my cherished memories to the little black flame

Displaying them as a large screen like a cinema, I showed off the blue skies back on earth, the beaches, deserts, the amazing historic feats of buildings achieved by man, the Eiffel tower, skyscrapers of big cities like NewYork and, Dubai.

The commercial jumbo jets, Bullet trains, and the unique technologies of Japan, America, China, and German cars, then I showed him the wildlife of Africa and the landmarks such as the Okavango delta, and Mount Kilimanjaro, and finally my most treasured memory, the time I travelled to space,

Seeing the beautiful stars, moon, round earth, space rockets, and satellites.

I felt the residual soul of the previous D12 become overjoyed, and all his regrets got cleansed as dark smoke escaped between my souls' eyes, and a boy identical to me formed an ethereal body bowed and, faded away into nothing.

Just as the memories finished mending, I attained the memories of the previous D12 but they were nothing much but, just a whole routine of endless working and slaving away for most of his years, all alone with no friends.

A white flame burst inside my mind, "Is this the dark flame reverted back to its original state," I thought and, I felt a connection form with it as the flames radiated from my ethereal body inside my subconscious and spread to all my memories and I suddenly got clear-headed and my headache resided as I finally opened my eyes.

"Hey, are you okay?" said S10 grabbing the bucket from my hand.

I nodded my head, then suddenly


A robotic voice of a woman spoke in my head

*Building Overlord with Beyonder Blueprints*

*Welcome to Bobb builder system*

*Active user*

Name: None

Cultivation Level: None

Titles: Slave, Cursed clan, Naïve fool

Race: Demi-dwarf, White dragon bloodline

Stats: Intelligence 11

Strength: 5

Agility: 0

Energy: 3

Health: 4

Affiliation: Slave of Terra kingdom

Skills: White Eyes


Otherworldly Will


Completely stunned from the shock of the holographic screen before my eyes, "What the heck is this, some kind of video game? Then wait is this world some kind of video game and everyone around me is an NPC," I thought.

After thinking about it I pinched S10.



"Why did you pinch me you punk?" she said after furiously slapping me across my face.

"Okay guess this is a real-world and there is no NPC's here, too bad I didn't play video games that much, I only played them one time when I was dating a gamer, so whatever will figure out how to use this later," I thought,

Then glanced at S10"Oh! I'm sorry for pinching you, I thought perhaps you weren't real," I said forcing a smile and, scratching the back of my head the texture of my spikey long hair felt rough and, was partially blocking my eyesight.

She smiled and shook her head as she saw my regretful face, "I think I understand you still have some head problems from the near, death experience so reality must have been distorted for you, making you a dumbass," she said with a light smile,

"Wow she doesn't hold back on her insults too," I thought

As She raised her neck to look around, I saw her collar with a symbol written in different runes I could not recognize, then

*Passive skill activating*
