
New World

I slowly opened my eyes, trying to adjust to the dimly lit room. As I blinked a few times, I felt confusion and disorientation wash over me. I couldn't remember how I had ended up here.

I raised my hands to rub my eyes, but my heart skipped a beat when I saw that they were much smaller and thinner than my own. I felt my face, which was also different, much younger and smoother than I remembered.

I sat up on the bed, trying to make sense of what was happening. The room I was in was luxurious and grand, with plush furnishings and a deep shade of purple that contrasted sharply with the pale cream-colored marble floors. The room was dimly lit, and it reminded me of the 'dark modes' in websites.

As I looked around the room, I noticed something strange happening in my mind. A screen suddenly appeared, floating in the air. It was similar to the ones I had seen in the video games I used to play in my previous life. The screen displayed some information that I couldn't make sense of:

Race: (?)

Skill: Seduction

MP: 1/4500

HP: 1/400

Magic potency: 5/10

I furrowed my brow, trying to make sense of the strange information. I wondered what 'race' I was, and what 'seduction' meant. I felt a little unnerved by the fact that the screen seemed to be in my head, as if it was a part of me.

Feeling disoriented, I stumbled towards the mirror in the corner of the room. As I gazed at my reflection, I felt a jolt of shock run through me.

The face of a child with black eyes, deathly pale skin, and raven black silky hair that cascaded down to my shoulders looked back at me. Despite the shock, I couldn't help but admire how cute I looked.

'Huh,' I thought to myself, 'I guess I have all the necessary qualifications to seduce just about anyone.'

With a loud creak, the door slowly swung open, revealing a young woman balancing a tray full of food in her hand.

I couldn't help but stare in wonder as she gracefully made her way towards me, her eyes still closed. Despite the dim lighting of the room, her black hair seemed to shimmer like polished obsidian, cascading down her back in a silky wave. Her features were delicate and otherworldly, and a faint smile graced her full lips.

As she drew closer, I couldn't help but notice the way her maid uniform hugged her curves in all the right places. It was black and white, with ruffles along the edges, and looked perfectly tailored to her body.

She seemed to glide across the room with effortless grace, and I found myself transfixed by her beauty.

She bowed down and greeted me with a gentle voice, "Good morning, My Lord."

As my gaze fell upon the tray filled with exotic-looking dishes, a sudden urge filled me with hunger. "What's in the tray?" I asked abruptly, realizing my own rudeness. I couldn't fathom why the words that came out of my mouth sounded so demanding.

"It's Polet Kas Rieut Vond-" she began to explain, but I cut her off. "Put it on the table, I'm hungry," I said, my stomach growling with anticipation.

As I indulged in the delectable feast, my taste buds were tantalized with flavors I had never experienced before. The lady remained still and silent, with her eyes closed the whole time.

After savoring the delicious meal, I turned to the lady who had served me and asked, "Who are you? Wait, actually, who am I?"

She bowed deeply before me. "Please forgive me, My Lord, for my lack of knowledge. All I know is that you are a person to be worshiped by our kind. We have been awaiting your awakening for a long time."

Her words made it sound like I was some kind of cultist leader.

"My name is Zoela, and I was selected after diligent training to be your personal maid, but with your orders, any of my sisters could switch places with me. After all, whatever you wish is our command."

"It sounded weird, these words coming from a person I had never met before," I said, my voice tinged with disbelief.

'And what's even more confusing is the fact that she doesn't seem to know much about me either. I don't suppose she even knows my name.'

"Wait, my name?" I said, my voice barely above a whisper. I tried to summon the memories, to reach back into the recesses of my mind and find some hint of my identity. But there was nothing there, just a gaping void where my name should be.

"Answer me this, what is my name?" I demanded, my voice tense and urgent.

Zoela's reaction was immediate. She slumped back, almost afraid, and bowed down deeply until her forehead touched the floor.

"I do not know, My Lord, forgive me for-" she began, but I cut her off, almost sounding angry.

"How did I end up here?" I said, my voice rising in frustration. The memory of how I came to be in this place was just as elusive as my own name, and I felt a sense of desperation building within me.

She raised her head, her expression one of concern.

"My Lord, please forgive me for not knowing anything," she said, her voice wavering as she spoke.

I took a deep breath and let out a loud sigh. My head was spinning, and I felt a sense of frustration building up inside of me. I slumped back in my chair, feeling defeated.

As I looked up at the lady, I noticed that she was still kneeling in front of me, her head bowed in deference. I could sense her fear and guilt as she awaited my next question.

"Never mind that," I said, trying to mask my confusion. "Where are we?"

The woman looked up at me, her eyes still tinged with worry. "We are in your castle, My Lord," she replied, her tone gradually regaining its usual composure.

I raised an eyebrow, surprised by her answer. "My castle?" I echoed incredulously. "What do you mean, my castle?"

"Your castle, My Lord, " she said, her voice swelling with pride.

"Would you like to take a look around?" she asked, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips.

As I gazed up at the towering walls and sprawling turrets of the castle, I couldn't help but feel dwarfed by its size. It was massive, more massive than I had ever imagined a castle could be. There was no way we could explore all of it in one day.

A familiar screen flickered to life once again. I couldn't believe my eyes as I saw that my HP had increased from a mere 1 to a much more respectable 24. It was the only stat that had changed.

I took the lead, my mind racing with questions about my surroundings. The maid, whose name had already slipped my mind, followed dutifully behind me. Each time I asked a question, she would bow deeply and answer me in a diligent manner, never once betraying any hint of impatience or annoyance.

As I walked through the halls, I couldn't help but notice the lack of any decorative elements. There were no paintings adorning the walls or ornate lanterns casting intricate shadows like I had seen in movies.

Despite this, the castle exuded a grand and regal aura that left me in awe. The halls were dimly lit, adding to the mystery and grandeur of the place.

Suddenly, the maid's words echoed in my head, "It's your castle." I stopped in my tracks and looked around, taking in the entirety of the castle's design. It was as if it had been constructed specifically for me, with every detail tailored to my tastes and preferences.

"It's perfect!" I exclaimed

"We modeled this castle after the thoughts that were released from your body," she said, with a hint of pride in her voice.

I couldn't help but wonder how that was even possible. How could someone read my thoughts without my permission? However, despite my unease, I found myself trusting her with my innermost desires and secrets.

Soon, we arrived at a massive hallway with the most enormous doors I had ever seen. The doors were so massive that they almost seemed like a structure in themselves. The maid led me to the left.

"So, what's to the right?" I asked.

"That's the entrance to the castle, My Lord," she replied.

I raised an eyebrow, surprised by the answer. "And we're headed to?"

"The Throne Room," she said with a beaming smile. She looked like a child showing off her room to her friends.

I glanced at the massive door before us, wondering how the hell it was going to open, cuz I certainly wasn't going to push it myself.