
Building a magical academy in fantasy starts with Sakura

Cedric was reborn as a bankrupt duke whose only remaining property was an academy of magic, but already in a state of bankruptcy and his few students were poor and talentless, but with the help of the system Cedric has the chance to create the greatest academy of magic in the world. world and conquer all for your Silvermoon family

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8 Chs

3-Sakura Haruno

At the sound of the system, Cedric almost danced with joy.

In his past life he liked to read and clearly knew the usefulness of a system, regardless of what kind of system it is all are strong.

Can he deduce the obvious and see what his system, a powerful academy of magic is for? so be it

Cedric asked Silas and the others to leave, so he was left alone in the rectory.


'System, explain how it works' Cedric

*This system has the function of assisting in the construction of the most powerful academy in the universe*

*The system will carry out an annual evaluation and define your academy's grade, the higher the grade, the greater the reward*

*As your current academy is weak the system will give you a gift package*

*opens silver level gift pack*

*congratulations you received; 1 A-tier Professor Summoning Totem, 100 B-tier Mage Meditation Manuals, 100 B-tier Knight Breathing Manuals, 100 B-tier Spell Books, 100 B-tier Warrior Skill Books, Unique Skill "Eye of Talent", 1 drop of Phoenix blood and a level B enhancement elixir*

*Phoenix blood drop being fused to the Host's body*

Cedric started to feel his body burn, the pain was enormous and somehow he could feel every damn part of his body burning and he couldn't even scream.

Luckily it was just a few seconds.

Her short white hair now had a strange single-strand red streak.

*opening Status*

[Name]: Cedric Silvermoon

[Strength]: Level 4 (Starting Bronze Mage)

[Skills]: Water Element 10% Affinity, Fire Element 100% Affinity, Eye of Talent(Can observe hidden stats of all but 10 levels higher)

[Talents]: Phoenix Bloodline 1% = perfect affinity with fire, can resurrect 1 time

[Body Data]: Physical Talent 1 star, Magic Talent 7 stars (Before Phoenix Blood it was 3 stars)

Cedric observed level 4 in the status and did not understand much, the world he is in is simple, iron>bronze>silver>gold>diamond, without level

*As a universal system in the future will have many power systems integrated in the academy, only aura and mana is not enough so to classify the combat level the level system is defined*

Cedric soon understood, so he asked the system to integrate the enhancement elixir, his physical talent went to 2 stars and he felt his body stronger

Cedric then observed the totem in the system's storage and without thinking too much asked to use it.

*Using A-level teacher totem*

*Congratulations, you summoned Sakura Haruno in her prime*

*Congratulations on summoning a character from the Naruto universe, enabling the "chakra" power system, congratulations now your new teacher can teach the use of chakra to qualified students*

*phoenix academy level up from 1 star to 2 stars, congrats on winning the 2 star gift pack*

*2-star pack = +2 level, Tier A "One with fire" magic meditation manual, shop function unlocked, +1000 shop points*

Cedric felt his magic core increasing and reached level 6, the pinnacle of bronze level.

But before he could think, a small purple portal appeared above him.

a beautiful woman with pink hair fell out of it, the girl fell on top of Cedric

Cedric felt the girl's soft ass on top of him and soon realized that Sakura had fallen on top of him.

Sakura's appearance was the adult form that appears in Boruto, not only strength at its peak but beauty as well

"Damn....what a damn hole do you fall into" Sakura was angry

When she finally looked up at the man holding her her face turned red.

Cedric didn't understand anything, knowing the character, shouldn't she punch him now?

*The system summons characters from all worlds, to facilitate the process, female characters will have affection for the host and male characters will have respect*

'so she doesn't like sasuke anymore but me? well I don't have a wife anyway' Cedric thought

Cedric used his hand and grabbed Sakura's perfect waist

"Hello Miss Sakura, welcome to Phoenix Academy" Cedric, he said as he hugged her

Sakura was red but didn't do anything

"Thank you...my lord" Sakura

Cedric felt that beautiful soft girl in his arms and was more and more satisfied with his system.

[Name]: Sakura Haruno

[Level]: Level 12 (Advanced Kage/Golden Knight)

[Skills]: Tier S Medic, Tier S Physical Strength, and S Tier Chakra Control

[Body data]: Physical talent 10 stars, Magic talent 2 stars, Chakra talent 8 stars

*note, all characters can evolve, Sakura has great physical talent if she studies the knight's art and merges with chakra she has the potential to go much further*