The Soldiers of Darkness are here.Curses have infiltrated many worlds.Can anybody stop the unstoppable forces ? What are the curses and who is their king ? Learn about the clashes and a mysterious world . Read the novel to get answers .
Sandhuke : You two should have known.I am not a normal guy.I had lost my human senses a long time ago.I respect my master but he was holding me from exploring the vast Universe for so long.How can I forgive him? Nothing can stop me from finding the answers i need and nothing can stop me from doing experiments .You two can be really good subjects from my future experiments.
You two are chosen by the fruit which is really rare and this makes it more interesting .
Mith and Jis fell on the ground.
Sandhuke : There is something different in them.I don't know but i can tell .
Sandhuke tries to pick them up .
Suddenly he recieved a punch from Mith who woke up and put out a green coloured stone and placed it on Jis's chest. Jis jumped off suddenly.
Jis started shouting : What happened , What haaappene..?
Sandhuke is surprised by seeing the stone.
Sandhuke : It's the rare arctic stone. In theory it is said that it can control aura but very few persons are actually use that . I can see you can use it.
It's getting interesting now .Your friend told me how you were selected with the rare fruit test and on top of that one of you can also use the stone.This is really a dream come true.I will capture you and experiment with your powers.
Sandhuke tries to do some attack but he felt his hand is blocked.
Mith flashbacks
Jis : Mith Master Zoh asked me to give you this as you were busy training.MasterAkhand told me that you were already informed about this.What is this stone about? Can you tell me please ?
Mith : I will not tell you but show you when it's the right time .
Jis : Come on now mith.I will not tell anyone not even Deb.
Mith : It's a surprise.
Mith smiles
Jis with a disappointed face went away .
Mith remembers a secret meeting between him and Master Zoh .
Master Zoh : Listen carefully Mith , i can see your aura and it's the most unstable aming you three but also have a very high potential as our chance for fight against evil .Once it gets out of control it will be very hard to control. So , I will send you a stone with Jis.Keep it with you.It will help you control your aura and also it has many powers which will help you with future difficult situations.But remember the stone will only activate when it will get proper and concentrated signals from the user. Not everyone can use it. But i believe you can do it .You will understand its powers and it's use when it connects with your soul .
Mith: Master shall i come to recieve the stone in place of Jis ?
Master Zoh : Neither you nor Tuk only Jis.Iam experimenring something.Keep the stone always with you and try to expect anything fromthe stone.
The stone is a Universe's choice entity.It will activate when the time comes. Try meditating properly with the stone. Try connecting with it .
Mith : Can I really do it Master Zoh ?
Master Zoh: Don't worry many experiments are failed. If it fails it will just be another failed attempt.
Master Zoh thinks: I wish it activates.I don't want to cause the mistakes i caused earlier anymore.Mith i believe you.
In the present time :
Master Akhand sends message to Master Zoh :
Master the stone has been used.
Master Zoh smiles .
Master Zoh : Only if he ....
Mith startes at Sandhuke while Jis is confused.
Mith : Looks like Master Zoh your experiment is working.Iam suddenly feeling connwcted with the stone.Iam feeling much more powerful.It feels like i can control my aura much better.
In the jungle All of Kozkila's soldiers run with Marine and Bret towards one dramon.The dramon looked surprised.It got ready to attack.
Marine : Those leaves , I felt something there.The dramons must be absorbing power from the tree
They must have come from another battle.They are not fully recovered from some other battle that's why they are using this one v one tactic.Thanks to Kozkilas who can stop Dramons
we can try to do this.
The soldiers charge at one dramins but the other dramons were still standing still and were not coming to help that dramon.
The dramon suddenly released a powerful red fireball from its mouth.
Brazon who was charging the soldiers and was standing just beside Marine put out his sword and blocked it.But the sword broke in this process.
Brazon : Damn these are too powerful.
Marine shouts : Now surround the dramon in circle .
The soldiers surround the dramon
The dramon was looking at the soldiers besides him .
Marine : Now cut down the tree.
All the soldiers attacked at the tree and destroyed it.
The dramon was suddenly in a rage .
All the soldiers gathered in a single position near the dramon
It released a dark fire ball of powerful energy.
Brazon put a protective shield on the soldiers , Marine and Bret .
The shield broke and the energy entered inside .They all jumped and dodged the rays.
The energy rays fell on the ground and there was a sudden explosion from which Brazon saved all of them once again with his shield.
Brazon thinking : What kind of energy is this ?
The strings of this energy were vibrating in a unorderly and powerful manner.It feels like it was made for chaos. We must contact Sandhuke and research on these forest's trees and other things these Dramons live on.
Suddenly Marine noticed near the tree that there was a shinny fluid .
Marine : Brazon , "Can you please take the Dramon away from the tree ?"
Brazon : I can try.
All the members of Kozkilas group startrd fighting the demon.
One member attacked it's leg with his sword.
Another runnung fast near the dramon manges an attack on the head.
The dramon was having minimal damages.
Brazon : This seem to be more powerful than the ones Kozkilas is fighting .
But nonetheless the dramon was destructed
The soldiers started running in opposite direction of the tree.The dramons started following them.
With their quick speed and number advantages they were confusing the dramon about who to attack.
Marine went near that tree.
Marine : There is the fluid. The dramons are taking this fluid.
Suddnely Marine drinks that fluid.
He suddenly felt unconscious.It felt he was in a different Universe.But when he came back to sense he felt a strange power in him.
In his mind he saw the soul of the tree telling Marine," We were waiting for you. We managed to attract you here atlast. "
Marine didn't understand what was happening bjt with this strong presence he meditated hard and released a white fireball towards the dramon.The dramon who managed to catch and was trying to kill him with its claw got blasted.
Brazon is surprised.
Brazon : We must get that fluid too .
Bret tries to drink the fluid too but the fluid turns into gas and went inside Bret .Bret was stunned.
Kozkilas on the other hand was fighting with two dramons really hard.
Suddenly he got punched .
Kokilas : I found your way dramons.Goodbye for now.
Kozkilas meditates hard.His aura turned fiery .
The dramons saw Kozkilas aura turned into a volcano.
Kozkilas : Game over.Time to become the beast
slayer again.
The two dramons ran towards kozkilas and disappeared and suddenly two cursed balls came towards Kozkilas but it had no effect.
Kozkilas was still meditating The dramons tried to attack with their claws but they failed.
Suddenly Kozkilas opened his eyes and suddenly it were the two.dramons who were surrounded.
A fire circling around the dramons could be seen.The dramon's eyes turned red and then they opened their mouths and released a pink beam towards the fire.
The fire suddenly turned arrow shaped and was coming straight at those dramons.
The pink beam mixed with the fire and huge explosion occured at the site but Kozkilas already put on a very hard protective shield so that the effect remains only in that area .
Kozkilas fell in the ground.
Kozkilas : It was too much for the dramons.I should have used a weak attack.
The dramons disappeared but they will now never be back.
The other dramon's eyes suddenly turned red.
-to be continued
Vol 1 completed.